Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > New kid on the block

New territory

by coffeekid 4 reviews

Gerard's finally reached his new village... but does he like what he sees?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-06-11 - Updated: 2012-06-11 - 720 words

..."Okay, we're here!" Gerard's mum exclaims after a four hour car ride in silence.
'I feel like a prisoner' He thinks to himself while doubtfully observing the humid environment from the confines of the car. 'No wait, I am a prisoner'.
His mind flickers back to all the memories spent with his abandoned friends, how he finally felt at least slightly comforted by their company after so many years of being isolated... how although they did not know about his dark past, they still accepted him for who he was.
And now?... Now he's back to feeling so alone and vulnerable again, to the point that leaves one questioning their own existence.
The car rolls to a steady stop outside what seems to be in the middle of nowhere.
This is a completely different environment to what Gerard is familiar with; the normal varying weather conditions now replaced by hot humid air and well, nobody...
"You sure this is it?" he asks whilst slamming the car door in disgust.
"Yes, our apartment is a ten minute walk from here and the nearest town is only a ten mile drive away."

The two of them continue the rest of their journey on foot in silence, passing dried out looking trees which seem to be the only inhabitants of the town.
Their new house is situated in a small-ish looking village which consists of a few rows of houses and yet more trees.
'Oh man, what a dump...'
Over the street Gerard notices a peculiar looking boy staring at them as they venture towards their home. Very similar to Gerard himself in fact.
The boy is dressed from head to toe in black, with long black hair covering the right side of his face. He continues standing there unflinching, just staring at the approaching couple.
Gerard stops for a moment, taking in the boys image... wary of his vacant, glaring expression.
"Are you coming or not?!" Carol screeches, snapping Gerard out of his observing state and making both the boy and Gerard unlock stares.
"yeah" he says... and slowly shuffles in her direction realising that he must have been static for quite a while as she is now impatiently standing, arms folded, at what must be their new home.
As the front door is being unlocked, Gerard stares back through the humid air to where the boy was standing but to his surprise he's no longer there.
'heh, must have gone home' he thinks to himself' sweeping the area with a final glance before entering the long, dark hallway. '...weird'

His eyes take a minute to adjust to the lack of light being reflected from the tiny room in front of him.
‘Come on then, who was that kid staring at you? Do you know him?’ Carol immediately demands before Gerard even has time to process his surroundings.
‘Damn, why’s it so dark in here’ he thinks, not realising his mothers question or even her existence at the moment.
Dark papered walls, an old rugged carpet... directly in front of him he notices a single solitary window just above the tiny oak table.
As he stands there just glaring at the small little room opposite him, he notices a door to his left down the narrow hallway. The door isn’t following the apparent dark theme of the house. Instead it’s been left Oak coloured with a little brass handle which appears to have never been touched. No fading, no scratches, just perfectly shiny... as if the previous owner had took time to carefully polish it; and well, that doesn’t even sound ethical to Gerard.
He carefully walks over, creaking over the old mahogany floorboards to satisfy his initial thoughts of the house and well, the door definitely doesn’t fit in. As he reaches to test the lock he feels a sharp searing pain jolt down his spine, corrupting all his senses and leaving him crashing to the floor scraping the old floor as it moves underneath him....

(okay, in case any of you were wondering what i've updated, you've probably figured there's like a whole new paragraph there ^.^
But yeah, as you can probably tell the fic is nowhere near finished.. hence it being so small and well, reviews will be very much appreciated!)
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