Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > As Days Fade, And Nights Grow


by jack-the-ripper 1 review

voodoo cellphones, pancakes, some ball-growing and living up to drunken late night promises.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-06-17 - Updated: 2012-06-17 - 2163 words

I'm not very proud of the chapter, nor the entire story, but here it is in any case.
I'm also going to take the time to advertise my other story that I'm currently posting on the site, 'Cause Love Isn't About Affection, It's About Leadership.

If for nothing else, atleast check it out to show respect to long ass story titles.
Love ya!

"So I named it after your brother, 's not that big of a deal" I reasoned with Mikey.

My eyes were barely open now, as we lay on the floor of.. of Grace's room, I think? I had no idea what the time was but the party seemed to have died out long ago, the only sounds now were the muffled groans -the kind of groans that came from very drunk, possibly nauseus people moving about- and every now and then awhat sounded like glasses breaking. I hoped it wasn't any of the windows shattering.

"That is so fuckin' ignorant" Mikey whined.

"How is that ignorant?" I exclaimed though I knew the response Mikey would come up with almost by heart. I believe it was the sixth or the seventh time we'd had this conversation. I lost count like half an hour ago.

"You killed it, you downright killed it. Fuckin' coldblooded fuckin' murderer with a fuckin' chainsaw-"

"I did not have a chainsaw!" I corrected but he kept talking despite the interruption.

"And a fuckin' pool of.. water.. or something.. to drown in.." He slurred "Fuckin'-"

"Okay Mikes enough with the fucking fuckin', see I drowned it first and then named it after your brother so it doesnt really count as voodoo or anything. I mean you have to pick the object first and then make the damn puppet and then do all the nasty shit for it work like that" I explained again.

After learning that the almost-nothing-but-liquore kind of punch wasn't enough to destroy my phone, we'd (we both, as I'd pointed out to Mikey before) first tried cutting the thing in half with a bread knife and afterwards settled on smashing it apart with the frying pan.

Mikey had taken great offense in me naming the phone Gerard at its supposed funeral by the carbage bin.

"You can't kill Gee" He suddenly sobbed "Isn't there a way, like, for you to, y'know, take it back?"

I let out a dramatic sigh. I prayed to dear god or whoever the fuck was in charge that Mikey would not remember any of this tomorrow. And he propably wouldn't. So, technically, that meant I could have a little fun with this and avoid any consequence.

"I'm sorry Mikey but there's no way. What's done 's done. He'll be lost forever" I turned my face to the left only to see Mikey's horrified expression.

I turned around to my left side and pushed my body up with a wary groan. Mikey seemed to have suddenly passed out within seconds with his head cocked to side in a strange way that made him look decapitated.

I threw myself on the couch despite the fact that it was propably far worse to sleep on than the hardwood floor, and fell fast asleep.

I vaguely remember making promises before that one last heavy sigh followed by a fall into unconsciousness. I was going to break up with Nicholas. I was going to apologize to Mikey. I was going to keep hating Gerard. And I really, really had to stop drinking.


I woke up feeling just as horrible as every other morning. My head spun and ached and I could almost picture these little Oompa Loompa men in there, swaying some heavy ass utilities - say, such as sledgehammers- from one side of my skull to the other. You could live through it as long as you stayed inhumanly still.
Which of course, wasn't as easy done as said.

It took me a good five minutes to sit up, only to find Mikey sleeping on the floor in a pool of vomit. I had to have a moment of silence to honor my wisdom for deciding to move the couch last night.

I rose up carefully and poked Mikey on his cheek with my big toe, realizing only afterwards that it propably smelled like death after wearing these same socks for what - two days? He jerked his head abruptly causing me to jump. Good, he was alive.

"I'm sorry Mikes" I said as soon as I was positive he could hear me and actually register what he'd heard. I remember promising myself I'd be apologizing to Mikey in the morning, though for the life of me I couldn't exactly recall what I was apologizing for.

I shuffled out of Grace's room, almost tripping over a sleeping Frank in the corridor and hurried back to our apartment. I was feeling rather good, not like I had after waking up on the illegally uncomfortable couch, not like I usually felt after a night of heavy drinking.

The headache was the only reminder of what I'd been up to -again- and that, too, was slowly starting to fade. I took a quick shower and made a point to change my socks. I was starving despite the ounce of nausea that lingered in my stomach.

As I was nintety-nine point nine percent sure there was nothing in the fridge aside from two weeks old thai take out, I grabbed some money from my room and instead of calling Frank (I had a flashback with some very disturbing images concerning my cellphone's dramatic departure and didn't even have to think about the option of calling the guy..) decided to walk back to their flat and drag him with me out to lunch.

We were seated in the farthest end of the small diner that served the best affordable pancakes known to human kind. I stared at my plate, feeling torn between my appetite and the nausea, so I took tiny bites and chugged it down with several sips of mild coffee.

"Are you excited about the college?" Frank asked while staring absentmindedly through the window at the glum pedestrians.

"Sure, I mean, I don't have a lot of options here" I mused

"Just don't get too preoccupied with the schoolwork to hang out with us again" He chuckled and I could detect a hint of worry playing hide and seek in his tone.

"Warms my heart" I smiled at him.

He was such a beautiful man, inside and out. He had his faults and quirks and moments of severe assholeness but in overall he was the sweetest man I knew. He was kind and caring and extremely loyal. He was the kind of friend that, instead of coming to bail you out of a jail cell after a night of mindless drinking, would be sitting right next to you saying man, we really fucked up this time.

He was gorgeous on the outside as well, though I still got a bit uncomfortable thinking about it, last night's close call heartattack seemed to have left serious mental scars. I'm going to regret ever admitting this but I wouldn't exactly consider it strange, us ending up in bed after all the alcohol consumed would have silenced all sense of logic and reason, by which I mean that if someone told me it had happened, I wouldn't accuse the person of telling a vicious lie before thinking it over.
But. But.
Frank and I never shared a relationship of that kind, he was my closest friend alongside with Grace and the ever-so-annoying Mikey and that's how it was supposed to be. How we wanted it to be.

"But can you really picture me choosing a book over the company of someone as awesome as yourself?" I laughed a little.

He grinned at me, showing of that boyish, coy smile that had all the girl's knees turning into jelly.

"Well it's an institution, you never know if they'll eventually get to you. You'll just be another cog in the murder machine"

"I highly doubt that" I disagreed

"I've seen it happen" he shrugged and went back to staring at the people hurrying by.

"I'm going to break up with Nicholas today" I changed the subject, surprised by my own sudden announcement.

He raised his eyebrows a little and tore his eyes away from the window again.
"What for?" He simply asked. That was something I loved about having a male best friend, no extra squealing or shrieking or fuss-making.

"You know what for" I scoffed "I was very involuntarily dragged into this situation.. And I've been too big of a chicken to bail" I explained with a frown.

He smiled kindly at me "You are quite a chicken" his chuckle received a glare in return, which he subtly ignored adding "But that's ok. I'm glad you've finally decided to grow some balls"

"Yeah well maybe it's infectious, see I hang out with you all the time and you're such a dick. Now that I grew the balls I wonder if I'm gonna get the rest of package too.."
He laughed at my dumb response.

"I almost didn't realize you called me a dick cause thanks to the lascivious mental picture you put in my head" he snickered

"Please don't try to picture me naked with a male organ hanging from between my legs, Frank" I not so much pleaded as ordered with a grave face.

"Too late" He announced happily as I buried my face in my hands.

After a good ten minutes of thick yet comfortable silence we paid for our food and left. I told him I no longer carried a cellphone and asked him to call Mikey's if he needed to contact me.
He wished me luck for my first day and I replied with a contrived, indifferent thank you. He hugged me close for a few minutes warming up my insides and then we parted ways.

Truth is, I was rather petrified about tomorrow. I was convinced that I was going to get lost before my college career had even got an honorable start. If I actually made it to the class room, I doubt my skills on concentrating or taking notes had improved at all after my time in high school.

I let out a dramatic sigh to no audience and walked back to an empty home, Mikey must still be sleeping, I thought with a laugh. Poor guy.

Atleast he would be doing a lot better due to my desicion, he no longer had to hide under his bed due to his unreasonable fear of my former employer Harwick everytime the doorbell or the phone rang, and he also wouldn't have to be worrying about me drinking as much.

And he would propably be able to avoid having to attend more parties because of me and ending up like a zombie the next day. Mikey's body handled hangover even worse than mine, and he was never really keen on the idea of getting trashed but after using my convenient skill of talking people into doing things they didn't feel comfortable doing, he usually agreed.

So, yes, Mikey's life would be easier, and I guess I owed him as much.

I had been planning on keeping my promise number two but since there was no phone at hand I was glad to get to postpone it for a little while. - And at that precise moment I heard a key turn in the lock and a surprisingly upbeat Mikey appeared.

"Can I use your phone Mikes?" I asked, defeated.

"Sure" He said and tossed the thing at me. There were only a few things I sucked at more than at catching things, but by some miracle I seemed to do something right and the phone landed nicely on my expecting hands.
I took a few deep breaths, dialed in the number I hadn't ecpected to know by heart and waited.

"Hey Em" His husky voice greeted me

"Hiya.. Could you come over for a second?" I hesitated a bit.

"Brian's got my car, I don't know when he'll be back. Why?"
Damn his stupid little brother always getting in the way of everything.

"Just wanna talk to you about something.. Could we meet up at Starbucks, it's halfway from yours and halfway from mine?"

"Fair enough" He chuckled although I could notice the effect of the infamous 'we need to talk' line in his tone.
I disconnected and left the apartment again without calling out my usual bye to Mikey.

I half ran through the vacant streets, it made me feel more confident about what I was going to do. And I was going to do it, my druken promise had stuck to my brain like cheap chewing gum and I just knew this was already way over due.

I just didn't know Nick well enough to know what kind of reaction to expect.
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