Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Title in the Making


by CafeConLeche 0 reviews

The ever changing story by two authors; Cafe and Leche. After each section there will be a C or L indicating who wrote the part

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2012-06-16 - Updated: 2012-06-20 - 185 words

Red. Everything was red. The town was in flames and blood filled the streets. Screams echoed through the burning air and all I could do was stumble forward. Turning the corner I come face to face with my father. His head impaled on the spear just staring, staring into my soul mouthing soundless words.

"Why?... Why?... Why?"

I awoke with a start, my body drenched in sweat. The nightmares never failed to appear whenever I closed my eyes. They have haunted me since that gruesome day. The day I lost everything dear to me, the day I became alone in the world.

Sitting up, I look out the inn window and am greeted by a gentle ray of light. The sun was just rising and the sounds of people getting to work could be heard throughout the inn. Looking over at the bed next to mine I see my companion sleeping soundly.

"At least one of us is getting a good nights sleep," I mutter to myself. I walk over to her and shake her gently, "Maira, get up, it's time to go."

- L
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