Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > Dad or Demon?

Dad or Demon? Chapter 4

by alana554 0 reviews

When Sonic finds out that Amy is Eggman's daughter, he is stunned. So is Louis. What happens next. Sonic changes forever.

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Amy Rose,Dr. Robotnik,Sonic - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2012-06-21 - Updated: 2012-06-21 - 399 words

Sonic stood there, his hands on Amy's shoulders. "That's impossible! You HAVE to be kidding!" Sonic stuttered. "I'm NOT kidding, Sonic," Amy said, trying to get him to let her go. She squirmed around as he pulled her into a hug. "Sonic! Let go of my daughter!" Eggman commanded, shoving him off of Amy. "Thanks dad," Amy said. Sonic glared, eyes turning into flames. "Sonic, calm down!" Amy tried to calm Sonic down, but it didn't work. "Be a smart hedgehog and come here, Amy," Sonic said, trying to grab her. "YOU ASKED FOR IT!" shouted Amy, her eyes now flames. She brought down her hammer on Sonic, only for him to grab it and break it in half. Sonic grabbed Amy by the arm. He sped off with her.
Sonic stopped with Amy in his arms. The sun was just setting. Sonic sat Amy on a hill as the water sparkled. "It's beautiful!" she cried. Just then, she frowned. Her eyes started to water. She burst into tears and hugged Sonic, crying into his chest. "I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!" she sobbed into his shoulder. "Amy, don't trust Eggman. He's trying to trick you." Amy suddenly stood up and glared at him. "Y-you're wrong! He won't trick me!" she stuttered. She turned around and walked away. Sonic sighed. He almost had her.
Amy hadn't realized what mistake she had made until she saw Eggman's ship in the distance. 'Why did I yell at Sonic? He probably hates me now!' she thought. It was getting late. "Better get home before the mosquitos bite," she stated to herself, then ran to the ship.
The door creeked open as Amy walked inside. "Amy!!" cried her best friend Alexia's voice! The cyan hedgehog ran in front of her. "Where were you? Where did Sonic take you?" she asked cheerfully. "Sonic took me to a sunset. I don't think hes over the fact that I can trust dad now." "Ah, Amy! Your timing is impecable! The chef bot has just finished dinner!" called their father, stepping into the room. "Yay! I'm starving!" squealed Alexia, as the girls ran into the hallway.
"Oh, how is the bot programmed to cook this good?" Amy said, after stuffing the last bit of spagetti into her mouth. "I don't know," replied Alexia, giggling. Suddenly, an alarm blared, and lights flashed. Suddenly, the door smashed open.
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