Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You'll Never See Him Again

Chapter 22

by Ravan-VanSlaughter 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Ray Toro - Published: 2012-06-24 - Updated: 2012-06-24 - 301 words - Complete

Scarlett smiled and kissed Ray one last time as her bus arrived.

“So, where will you go?” He asked looking into her bright eyes.

“I dunno, travel the world. See what’s out there. We only get one life you know?”

“Oh.” He said sounding disappointed. “I was rather hoping you could stay with me for a while. Just until your certain of where you want to go.”

“I see.” She mumbled.

“Your bus is here now, I suppose you better go. I just hope you get whatever it is your looking for.” Ray said trying to smile.

“You too.” Scarlett smiled pulling him in for a hug.

“I'm going to miss you Scarlett.” He mumbled.

“I'll miss you too.” She said. “Look after Draven, clearly that kid needs you, now more than ever.”

Ray nodded and started to walk back to his car just as Scarlett was about to climb onto the bus.

Ray sighed trying not to look back, he was about to climb into his car until a pair of arms wrapped around him and pulled him back, he turned to see Scarlett looking out of breath.

“Scarlett what-”

“Okay, so truth is, I don't where I want to go, or what I want to do. But what I do know is that I love you and want to spend every second I have left with you.”

“That's all you had to say.” Ray smiled leaning forward, brushing his lips against hers. “Your know, Draven does need a new mother.”

“Don't push it.” Scarlett growled making him laugh. “I don't know what it is about you Ray, you seem to have this sort of masculine charm that makes women fall weak at the knees for you.”

“Yeah, that happens a lot.” He laughed kissing her again.

[The End]
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