Categories > Books > Alice In Wonderland > White Rabbit Is Dead Alice

One hour earlyer

by YoshikiHide182 2 reviews

she hasn't been here for 10 years... why is it so different

Category: Alice In Wonderland - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Horror - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-06-26 - Updated: 2012-06-26 - 466 words

One hour earlier
“Where am I?” I thought to myself wakening up in what appears to be some kind of rabbit hole. It wasn’t the same rabbit hole I woke up in 10 years ago when I was 9.there was a small door which only a rabbit or mouse could fit in.

Out of curiosity I put my ear near the door and to my surprise I heard some kind of ticking noise. By now my eyes have adjusted to the dim light shining out of the top of the rabbit hole. It showed a box and near the box a caterpillar, but not one I’ve seen before. It held a sign saying “STOP!!”And was holding a spear. I looked closer and saw something I didn’t want to see. Next to it was at least 3 human remains with most of their bodies still intact (If your wondering what i mean by “intact” i mead they had their insides ripped out of them). I panicked trying not to scream i fell over the bones of a rabbit. a rabbit with a waistcoat and a broken pocket watch.

I tried to be calm and not freak out (well you would find it hard if you fell over the remains of your dead friend).I know had the challenge of studying the bones of my dead friend. In the pocket i found a rusty old key and a note which clearly said “find Alice before they find her”. Wait a minute? Find me? Who wants to find me? And worse yet why?.I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and concentrated on the task ahead of me.

I put the key, note and watch (you never know what might come in handy) into the pocket of my dress, looking at it now my dress was covered in blood and mud.”Never mind about that now Alice!!”a voice chimed in my head. Then I heard a thud noise coming from behind me. Slowly i turned behind me and saw the caterpillar crouching beneath a poor little rabbit, one single poison dart stuck at the side of its throat.

Now’s my chance. I got the pocked watch and slowly but quietly tiptoed to the creature and bashed the watch on the back of its head. It took at least 2 or 3 hits before the creature laid dead and my feet. Finally i saw the rest of the rabbit hole covered in dried and wet blood when light shone upon it. I looked at the box the caterpillar was guarding.

It was black and covered in rust with silver engravements on it .there was one single keyhole which matched the rusted key in my pocket. I wonder what’s inside........
R&R For some skittles?
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