Categories > Original > Romance > Zahavah and The Fey

Chapter 3

by petewentzlover69 0 reviews

"You can see me... oh God you can see me... What have I done... No They're going to kill me..." Who is They? Find out and read the third chapter of my little story here. Hope you like it. Revie...

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-06-27 - Updated: 2012-06-27 - 993 words

"You're here!" Nick stated in shock.

"You can see me?" Zahavah asked.

"I can't believe you're actually here. Gosh I've looked for you..."

"You can see me! Oh God, you can see me. No no no no this is not good, this... this is not good."

"What's not good?" Nick snapped out of his shock and was now completely thrown off by the worry in Zahavah's voice.

"What have I done!? They're going to kill me. I'm dead." She turned to Nick, frozen with fear. "And you... I don't even know what they're going to do about you. Oh god."

Zahavah sank to her knees in the cold, damp sand and stared, blankly out into the ocean. Rain poured down around her and Nick as she sobbed softly. Nick didn't know what to do. Should I save her? he thought, Should I run? Should I be afraid? Should I go find help? Why wouldn't I be able to see her? That last thought flooded his mind on a loop.

"We need to get you inside and out of this storm, you could get hurt." He finally stated, and he held his hand out to help her up. Zahavah looked up at him, pure worry tinged her eyes a deep, dark purple, and she took his hand not thinking of the possible outcomes. Nick led her inside his home, but he had the feeling she had already been inside once before. He grabbed a towel out of the hall closet and wrapped it around Zahavah's now shivering frame.

Nick stepped back, unable to hold back his questions any longer. "Why shouldn't I be able to see you?" He finally asked, scared of his possible responses. "And, why is it that you are in every single picture of me and my fans but I never actually saw you standing there?"

Zahavah sat, silently staring at the deep green carpet of the living room floor. She didn't know what she could possibly say without giving away her true nature. She glanced up at Nick, frustrated and unable to answer. Instead, she simply sighed and dropped her head heavily into her hands. She racked her brain for several minutes trying to think of good, plausible answers. I could tell him that I'm a spy, for TMZ! No that'll never work. I'm an obsessive fan that wouldn't be satisfied until I've photo-bombed every picture of him possible? No I'll just sound crazy. Maybe? Yes that's it!

"You see, Nick, I..." A massive, thundering CRACK cut Zahavah off before she could even start to lie. She peered around Nick out the window, only to find what she was dreading all along. A bright silver light beamed through the ominous clouds outside. Nick turned to the window to watch in shock, horror, confusion, and every other emotion that filled his mind, as three figures appeared out of the light.

"No..." Zahavah whispered to herself. "No, no, NO! FUCK!" She stood and began pacing the room.

"Who are they?" Nick asked. He rubbed his eyes repeatedly trying to see if maybe he was imagining things. But every time he re-opened his eyes, they were a few steps closer to his house. "WHO ARE THEY!?"

"The Elders!" Zahavah spat out, angrily, then immediately covered her mouth.

"The Elders? Who are The Elders? And you, I don't even know your name." Nick sat down on the sofa and rubbed his now throbbing head.

Before she could open her mouth to answer any more of Nick's pushing questions, the Elders were standing directly in front of her, between her and Nick. Immediately, Zahavah began to apologize to the three women before her.

"Adamina, Leandra, Orla, I promise you. No I swear to you that it was an accident. I was frustrated, I screamed out, and the next thing I knew he was standing at my side. I thought I had myself under control, but apparently I didn't. I'm sorry."

"Zahavah, your words mean nothing to us," Adamina started, "as we have told you before. You must learn to keep your emotions to yourself. This is how you lose control, and your abilities to hide are, well..." She waved her hands in the air, motioning to Zahavah's form, and shrugged. Adamina was always the nice one, the calm before the storm. Orla was the Golden Queen, the one who ruled with an iron fist. It was she, that Zahavah was afraid of.

"You have broken the first and only rule of the kingdom, not once but TWICE! Do you know the damage you have caused?" Leandra, the lioness as the teen faeries called her, was definitely more harsh than Adamina. Adamina hardly had a rude, angry bone in her body. At this point, Zahavah would rather be dealing with the Daughter of the Earth than the Lioness.

"Zahavah." Only the first of the words spoken from Orla's mouth, and it already sounded as if the earth was shattering into a million tiny pieces. "You have done more damage to this world than you could possibly imagine. You have broken the treaty we have made with the Immortals. They are preparing to take this world and everyone in it. You know our stance in the situation. And in case you forgot, we will remain peaceful and let them have the Earth if the one who brought this mess upon us cannot fix it." That was it, the one phrase that Zahavah did NOT want to hear. "You must fix this. You are alone with this one. Elders, we must be going. She is the only one that can save the status of the free world."

Without another word, the Elders vanished, and Zahavah was left looking directly into the terrified eyes of Mr. Nick Carter. If he's going to have any change at understanding anything that was said, Zahavah was going to have to begin with the beginning and tell Nick EVERYTHING. Well... here goes nothing...
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