Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > No Heroes Allowed [Frerard]

Chapter 2

by StormVandal 2 reviews

He tugged on Frank's sleeve. "Come on. I want to show you something really cool."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-06-29 - Updated: 2012-06-29 - 550 words

"School sucks," twelve-year-old Frank whined, pouting and dragging his feet along the sidewalk.

"Yeah, but it's Friday tomorrow." Gerard nudged him and grinned. "The week's almost over."

"But then we have to go back next week." Frank continued to pout, and Gerard placed an arm around his shoulders comfortingly.

"Hey," he soothed. "I know it sucks. But it'll be summer soon. We can hang out at my house and stuff, it'll be fun!"

Frank perked up, but only slightly. Gerard groaned.

"Frank, cheer up. Come on."

Frank just threw him a Look. He sighed, looking around. There was a field nearby he went to sometimes with Mikey, sheltered from sight by a patch of trees. He tugged on Frank's sleeve. "Come on. I want to show you something really, really cool."

He dragged Frank into the field, letting go of his arm and dropping his backpack once he was sure they were hidden from any passers-by. "Watch this," he grinned, and he started to run.

Frank watched him in confusion. Although Gerard was certainly running a little faster than usual, Frank didn't see anything particularly cool or interesting about the scene before him.

That is, until he realized Gerard's feet were no longer on the ground.

Gerard was flying.

Frank's mouth dropped open and his eyes widened comically as he watched his best friend swoop around overhead. He was a little wobbly and he wasn't exactly doing flips or dives or anything fancy like that, but he was in flight. Without the use of any kind of machine or anything. How the hell was he doing that?!

He had come to his conclusion before Gerard had even returned to the ground.


His best friend had freaking superpowers.

There was a little tugging in the back of his mind at that realization, like a long-forgotten thought begging to be remembered, but Frank brushed it off. There were much bigger things to focus on.

Gerard's landing was a bit off and he stumbled and fell when he hit the ground. Frank's body kicked itself into gear before his brain did and he ran over to him, helping him off the ground.

"You... you" he stammered.

Gerard beamed. "I found out over the weekend. I was just waiting until I could show you. I can levitate stuff, too. Remember that time you jumped out of that tree?"

Frank gasped as it clicked. "You... that's why I didn't just drop! You were buoying me up!"

"I think so!" Gerard nodded. "I didn't know I was doing it, but..."

"Does anyone else know?" Frank was suddenly worried. What if someone else had found out? What if Gerard disappeared like The Matador had?

"I'm being careful, Frankie," Gerard said as if reading his mind. "Only you and Mikey know."

Frank nodded and leaned into Gerard's shoulder, his heart fluttering strangely in his chest. Familiar arms were wrapped around him and a familiar feeling was causing a yearning ache inside of him, an ache he hadn't felt for two years. He recognized the long-forgotten feeling that maybe this was the moment he'd been waiting for his whole life.

Things are starting to get moving a little bit, I think! Please let me know what you think, whether through rates of reviews! Concrit is welcome!
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