Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Let's Kill Tonight

Stall Me

by Kaleidoscope_Eyes 2 reviews

REWRITTEN “There are no ‘buts,’ Trick.”

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2012-06-29 - Updated: 2013-12-17 - 1389 words - Complete

Patrick helped me across the rocky terrain. My boots weren’t very useful on gravel. We were at an abandoned auto mechanic’s shop. It wasn’t very far from out little hideout but it was far enough for me to be tired.

Patrick pulled out a key and unlocked the door. I stared at him a little confused. “Do you have keys to everything Trick?”

He chuckled and ushered me inside. I was very unsure of this; Patrick had told me to leave my weapons. I felt unprotected. I also didn’t like the idea of leaving Jo and Mikey at the warehouse with just Pete and Spencer as protection. Pete could handle almost anything but Spencer wasn’t that great of a fighter. Pete having to watch over Spencer, Mikey, and Jo just was not safe at all.

I walked into the dark room unprepared for what I saw. A boy sat on a couch against the far wall of the room. He didn’t look much older than me from what I could tell of him. He hard dark hair and bright honey eyes. He was also pretty skinny, but none of that really mattered. He smiled at me and looked at Trick. “You finally brought someone to meet me?” I watched his lips moving as he spoke, his canines catching slightly on his lip.

I tensed understanding what Patrick had meant on the roof.

He looked at me smiling. “Jack this is Ryan. My friend,” Patrick introduced.

The vampire stood up and walked over to us, extending his hand for me to shake. I took a step back and sneered at the offending hand, glaring at Patrick. “What the fuck?”

“So this is the girl you told me about,” the vampire stated.

My eyes widened in shock. I was appalled. “You’ve discussed me with this—this thing?!” I shouted.

“Ouch. ‘This thing’ has ears,” the vampire stated.

I glared at him but ignored his comment. “Patrick what the hell is this,” I asked never taking my eyes from the bloodsucker.

“Jack he’s a good guy!”

“Really?” I said incredulously. “So he’s not a parasite?” The sarcasm was obvious in my voice.

“No I mean he drinks blood, yeah, but that doesn’t make him a bad person! Jack just—” Patrick spoke quickly, tripping over his words before I cut him off.

“Don’t you dare tell me to just listen. I’m leaving. That thing is lucky you made me leave my weapons.” I started for the door but Patrick quickly blocked my way.

“You can’t leave yet! Jack I think I can cure him.”

Cure him?” I laughed. “Patrick that is not a disease that is a monster. You can’t cure that.”


“There are no ‘buts,’ Trick.” My voice was firm and commanding, I only hoped Patrick would listen.

“Can I jump in for a second?” The vampire spoke. I only glared at him, willing him to back down. It didn’t work. “Look, give me the death glare all you want, it’s not as deadly as you think.” I rolled my eyes and clenched my jaw as he continued. “I believe Patrick. I really think he can cure this, and you should too.”

I snarled at him and waited for him to say something else. It would be the last thing he ever said.

Before the vampire could continue Parick ran out the door and closed it behind him. I ran to the door and tried to throw it open but it wouldn’t move. The only lock I could find was a deadbolt. “Patrick! God dammit! Open this door right now!” I shouted.

“I’ll be back tomorrow. Please don’t kill him!” I banged on the door as I heard his feet running away.

“Asshole!” I shouted, even though I knew he couldn’t hear me. I whirled around and grabbed the vampire by the shirt. “Where the fuck is the key?”

“Pat took the only one.” I threw him down and walked around the little room, looking for anything I could use.

“Tell me there’s another door.”

He shook his head. “That’s the only one that works. Pat helped me seal up the rest so it would be safe.”

I sighed and sat down on the couch that was against one wall. I looked around the room, noticing that it was really small. There was the little sofa that I was seated on, a lone dining table, a dresser, and a fridge. I noticed a short hallway across from me. There was only one door in it, of which I’m guessing was a bathroom.

“Look I know you don’t want to be here but—”

“Oh, I am beyond not wanting to be here.” I wanted to be anywhere but there. I didn’t have my weapons and I was locked in a room with a fucking vamp. Of course I didn’t want to fucking be there! I wanted to strangle the shit out of Patrick for doing this.

The vampire hesitated before sitting down on the sofa next to me. I sneered at him, hoping he would get up. “You’re in my house, honey,” he pointed out. I glared at him and got up. I didn’t want to be near that fucking parasite. I would rip him limb from limb if he said the wrong thing.

“How do you think we’re made?” He asked me.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before answering. “You’re bitten.”

“Well yeah, but do you think we’re willing?”

“Doesn’t matter. Once you’re a vamp, you’re a vamp. A parasite. A monster. Something. That. Needs. To. Die.”

He clenched his jaw and relaxed it before speaking again. “I wasn’t willing.”

“Yippee for you.” I knew I was pissing him off but it’s not like I really cared.

He launched into his story angrily. “I was walking home one night right after the main hysteria of the disease. I knew it was stupid to be out alone but I was. I passed a dark alley and two vampires jumped me. When I woke up the next night I was a vampire. I ran home, packed my shit, and found Patrick and he hid me here. He runs tests on me a lot. He really wants to figure this thing out and I want to help him.” He paused. “I don’t want to be a vampire.”

If he thought that was going to make me pity him he could think again. I didn’t believe a goddamn word he said.

“Why do you hate us so much?” He asked.

I clenched my jaw and looked away from him, crossing my arms over my chest. “I watched my parents get murdered by you fucking bloodsuckers.” I said angrily.

“You watched it happen?” He asked. I only nodded my head in response. “Why didn’t they kill you?”

“I’m pretty good at hiding.”

“Patrick talks about you guys a lot. Says you’re the badass.”

“Flattery won’t get you anywhere.” I said. “And yes, I’m the badass.”

“He never mentioned you were full of yourself.” If Patrick hadn’t made me leave my weapons I would fucking stab this asshole.

“You’re on your way to getting killed, vampire.” I snarled.

“I have a name. It’s Ryan, fucking use it.”

“I apologize, Ryan.” My lip curled over my teeth as I said his name. I was tired of the parasite. I just wanted to be out of this little hell-hole.

“Look if we’re going to be here all night we might as well try to make conversation.” He sounded exasperated but it’s not like I really cared. “Tell me about yourself.”

“Listen parasite, all you need to know about me is that I will not hesitate to kill you. My group is like my family and I will do anything to protect them. I am not someone to cross because I swear to God that I will rip you limb from limb if I have to. Got it?”

He held up his hands in surrender and didn’t say anything else. At least that was one problem solved.
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