Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > every rose has its thorn

Lying is the most fun..

by Zeldafan 2 reviews

Something happens to Catherine.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2012-06-30 - Updated: 2012-06-30 - 2564 words

I see my mother, she is lead on the floor, crying. She has bruises all over her arms and face and she is wearing her PJ's, they look ragged. She is sat in the corner of the room crying and holding her arms into her face, and then He comes along. "CATHERINE YOU PEICE OF SHIT GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU CATHERINE YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME FOREVER!" the look on her face with wide eyes she picks herself up hurting her leg and she limps into the wardrobe and hides. BANG the door slams open, she looks through a little hole in the wardrobe whilst sitting on all of the clothes and he is there looking for her, his eyes are filled with anger as he looks around. His face is bright red because he is probably very fuming and his teeth are grinding together horribly.

She moves a little to get into a comfterble position quietly and she puts her hand on a pin. She yelps causing her husband to look at the wardrobe in pure disgust and run over to open it. He pulls both doors open. "There you are" he gives her a evil grin. "WHY ARE THE DISHES NOT DONE?!" he looks at her still holding onto both doors while she is cowering in the wardrobe, trembling at the sound of his voice, she blocks her face with her hands and he looked as if he was about to explode with rage. I SAID, WHY HAVE YOU NOT DONE THE DISHES?!" he looks at her with hatred in his eyes. "I- I- I don't know" she says, still not looking at him, her voice, so gentle and caring.

He picks her up by her collar and she looks at him. SLAP he hits her round the face and she drops to the ground. he picks her up again and repetitively punches her until all you could see were blood stains on her face, she began to spit out blood. He chucked her onto the floor and was about to go downstairs when he turned around and says "You know, if you only done what I asked I wouldn't have to beat you." he says with a laugh at the end and he walks downstairs Thud Thud Thud

"RYAN?!" a fuzzy sound coming from my ear, becoming more visible to hear.

"RYAN, SPEAK TO ME!!" I open my eyes and sit up in the bed straight as a pencil, I was sweating and I was bright red.

"Wha- What is going on? why are you screaming at me?" I say looking around to see that I am still in the cabin and Brendon by my side.

"Y-you were kicking and screaming and crying. And when I went to try and calm you down and you slapped me" he says whilst stroking his face which has a hand print on it.

"Oh, Bren! I am so so sorry!" I go to hug him and he rests his head into the chest

I stroke his hair as he cries into my PJ's. "What were you dreaming about?" he says whilst stroking a tear of his face. "Umm well I was dreaming about my mother being abused by my dad, it wasn't a pretty sight" I say and look down at the sheets of the bed in sadness. "Ahh." he looks at me not knowing what to say. Silence fills the room along with a touch of awkwardness.

"Hey, umm I better be going back to bed, do you need anything?" Brendon says while rubbing the back of his neck.

"No, its fine" I say.

"Okay, I will go back to sleep, night." he says sounding depressed.

I think for a moment, maybe I want Brendon to sleep with me, he could help stop me from my nightmares, I like him a lot you know. I just don't know how to put it. I. Like. Brendon. Urie.
wow. I never thought I would say that about a boy, maybe I love him? Wait, Ryan.. your going to fast, even though he said he loved you, but how can that be? how does he love me, how can he prove it? I think to myself for a while until I see him begin to walk out of the room. Oh screw it, you only live once, and hey, something might happen.

"Wait!" I say holding my hand out to reach him.

"Yes?" he looks at me and wriggles his eye brows to make a cheeky look.

"Could you, umm maybe, well what I am trying to say is, can you stay with me? I mean just in case I get scared you know?" I look down at the bed and try not to make eye contact, I don't know weather he is disgusted or in love with the idea, I hope to god he is disgusted by it.

"Sure!" he says quietly but still looking depressed

He climbs into the bed and he is about to hug me but I move away thinking it is a bad idea and he looked a little hurt.

"Night" I say as I turn over so my back is facing him.

"Oh, umm night" He says confused and I fall into a deep slumber.


I see Brendon hovering across the floor, his eyes as white as snow, you could see no pupils. everything around me was pitch black, except for Brendon stood in front of me with a glow behind him. He smiles and tilts his head in a scary way and I start to run.

"Oh, you can never run away from me, stupid boy." Brendon says in a witches voice. he twitches and I stop finding out that I didn't run anywhere because Brendon was still behind me.

What do you want?!" I scream with tears down my face. He laughs and says "I want to kill you Ryan, your blood will make an excellent meal for me." he smirks and laughs and I scream "I WANT TO GET OUT, I WANT TO GO BACK TO THE CABIN!" and as soon as I say that, Brendon rushes into me whilst screaming and I block my eyes.

"RYAN?! WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU!!!" I wake up and see Brendon sat up in bed crying his eyes out, he is bright red, and his eyes are puffy.

"What IS happening to me?" I say looking at my hands as if I have claws.

"Yo-You kept screaming and saying 'I want to get out, I want to go back to the cabin" he looks at me with his big chocolate brown eyes.

"Ryan, what is going on with you?" he says in all seriousness.

"I- I don't know. I can't fall asleep again otherwise I- I might hurt you in my sleep and I would never forgive myself." I say stuttering.

"I need a glass of water, I think I screamed to much" I say struggling to talk.

"I will get you some, just stay there Ryan." Brendon says almost as if he is mad at me, I don't blame him to be honest, slapping him round the face and having nightmares around him isn't what I would call 'fun'

he comes back in with a glass of water and tells me it will cool me down so I gulp it in one go.

"Thank you Brendon, I am so sorry for everything" I begin to cry.

Brendon rushes over to hug me and I grip onto him tightly almost as if I am falling and he is the only thing holding me up, I look up at him and I gulp, this is it, should I? no. No Ryan don't do it you will regret it Ryan, don't even try it, don't do it.. I done it. I placed my chapped lips onto his tender ones, and this time I was the one that kissed him first. He kisses back, I know that he likes me otherwise he would have been freaked out. I lay in his arms kissing him tenderly as he curls his finger through my hair. I saw fireworks behind him, could this really be love? I do get butterflies when I see him and I have been dying to kiss him since he kissed me back, yep this is love. our lips part and I look at him and smile.

"Brendon" I say.
he hums a yes. "Are we, you know? going out now I guess?" I say not knowing the whole relationship thing.

"Only if you want to?" he says with hope filled in his eyes.

I kiss him again, persuading him that by kissing him its a yes. I have never thought this way about anyone before, maybe its because I have been single my whole life? but I know that Brendon could be the one, I mean he is smart, funny, sexy and he knows everything about me. and he is so beautiful its unreal.

I let go of his lips and I lay down on the bed and he snuggles behind my so I turn around and wrap my arms around him. "Brendon, I think I have fallen for you" I'm saying exactly what I am saying in my mind. "I fell for you when I first saw you" he smiles. I kiss him goodnight and I go to sleep with his arms wrapped around me.

I wake up, good I haven't had a nightmare again. Brendon must have caused me not to. Knowing I am safe in his arms will scare the nightmares away. I look around and see he is not there and then I hear him.

"Good morning Beauuuutiful." he says carrying cups of coffee's in with him, I see he is in his boxers and I can't help but notice.

"Hey, stop looking at my junk" he says and winks and I laugh. we sit there for about 10 minutes staring into each others eyes and sipping at our hot coffee's and then I remember I should go and see Catherine. "Oh, okay well I know she is now-" he stops and closes his eyes trying to see where he is because he has that ability, lucky. "ah, she is at he house, George has gone out so she is all alone, bless her" as soon as he says that I rush out the door, I got changed whilst he was talking, I say goodbye and run! I run to the my house. I stop running and I am in the street and out of breath. I see a woman walking past with a baby in her buggy, Oh my god. That's John's mum my bully at school, she should really teach her child a lesson.

I run, down ally ways, through different streets until I see a house. Yep, that's my crappy house. I knock on the door as hard as I can. the door opens.

"H-hello" says Catherine cowering behind the door.

"Hey Catherine, its me Ryan." I say with a smile.

"Oh- umm hi Ryan." she comes out of hiding.

"Please can I come in?" I say hoping she will say yes.

"U-umm okay, but you can't stay long" and she drags me inside.

I look around, the place looks the same as it is now, its a dump.

"I look at Catherine, her fragile figure is horrifying she is as skinny as anything! I look at her in shock.

"are you okay?" she says worriedly

"I am fine, can we talk please?" I say sounding very serious and I fear she knows what this is about.

"Sure, sit down on the sofa" she says and I sit down, the sofa looks disgusting.

"Is your husband abusing you?" I say straight away and she looks up at me, almost with disgust.

"N-no, of course not, he is lovely." I look at her like I am about to say something bad.

"Catherine, I shouldn't have even asked you the question, look you need to do something otherwise he is going to keep hurting you and something will happen, not only to you, but to the baby to. I say trying to persuade her again.

"Please listen to my words Catherine, protect the baby. Divorce him. I know I only met you a few days ago but I have a feeling it was kind of like fate and you need to do something, please you can't hurt like this, look you even have bruises all over your face, scars on your arms and you are skinny as hell" I say.

she is about to speak when she hears the door slam open. "C-CATHERINE"

we both look at each other in shock "Shit" I whisper.

"C- come this way, you must hide" she says quietly. she pushes me into a small cupboard, you can see through the hole perfectly, but this wasn't a good time to say that. I grab hold of her arm.

"Come in here to Please!" I say.

she rips her hand out of my grip and closes the door, I don't want to see what is in store for her next.

she stands in the middle of the room as the thuds grew louder and louder until the door opened.

"C-C-Catherine, w-here is my beers dear" he is defiantly drunk, he is tripping over everywhere.

"In the fridge hunny." she says and she sits down, he makes his way into the kitchen and she makes a hand gesture saying 'come out now.'

I was about to open the cupboard door when I heard a scream which made up both jump.


"N- no, they are in there I swear" she begins to cry.

"DON'T FUCKING CRY, TELL ME WHERE MY BEERS ARE YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!" and he slaps her, god it made my blood boil like fuck. I wanted to run out there and hit him in the face, but I couldn't. I was about to, then I heard Brendon.

"Ryan?, Ryan. don't do it, please. stay there until he goes, it will all be fine I promise" he says and I try to believe him.

SLAP he slaps her round the face and punches her repetitively in the back and I have to watch in horror, its horrible.

he stops and walks out of the room leaving her breathless on the floor. Blood everywhere. I hear the front door slam shut and I decide to aid her.

"Oh shit Catherine!" I say holding her hand.

"You do not deserve him, you need better, a man who can treat you right, do you want your baby to live in a world like this?!" I scream.

she closes her eyes and I begin to panic.


Brendon?! BRENDON WHAT DO I DO?!" I scream at the ceiling hoping for an answer and I get one.

"Take her to the hospital, I will meet you there. calm okay? I will see you in a minute" he sounds so calm and reassuring.

I look at her lifeless body and start to cry I need to get her to the hospital, and fast.
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