Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > From Secrets And A Scarlet Sky...

Alive And Captured

by BleedingValentine 8 reviews

The aftermath of the disaster... and we find out whether or not Mikey's alive.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-07-01 - Updated: 2012-07-01 - 1842 words - Complete

Here you go! I dropped LTTW for the moment, so I'm only working on two stories at the moment and therefore can update this quicker. Because this and LTTW had such extensive plotlines, it was hard working on both at the same time. Here's One From The Heart, which I've just started, is a lot freer and more fun, so I don't need to concentrate on storylines as much.

Anyway, here you go! You find out what happened to Mikey in this chapter. Well... sort of.

Chapter 11; Alive And Captured

“Mikey!” Gerard awoke with a shriek.

“Hey, shhh,” said Linnea, who was kneeling down beside him. Frank was curled up, still unconscious, beside him. Jasmine was nowhere to be seen... and neither was Mikey. They were sitting in the same clearing as before, just across the bridge from the village.

“Don’t tell me to shhh! Where’s Mikey?!”

“Gerard, calm down,” said Linnea, pushing him down slightly to prevent him from standing up. “I know what happened, you just need to calm down.” Gerard nodded and leaned forwards, crossing his arms.

“Okay. Explain.”

“Like I said, there were many possible futures, but now that it’s happened I know what it is. Jasmine is... Jasmine’s a twelve-year old girl, Gerard. You know what normal twelve-year old girls are like, they don’t know who they are, or what... where are you going?” asked Linnea, as Gerard got to his feet and moved to the river.

“The sky’s gone red.”

True enough, the sky had turned scarlet. The river was running, clear as ever, and the village was sitting, apparently peaceful. But there was nobody in the village; no Jenna whistling about her daily business, no Abbie singing her heart out as she fished on the river, no Anna sitting on her bench, absorbed in a book.

“A Scarlet Sky.”

“It’s like... someone bled on it,” said Gerard.

“Guys?” Frank had woken up. “What happened?”

“I was trying to tell Gerard, but he didn’t let me finish,” said Linnea. “First...”

“Oi! Gerard!” Yet another voice called over to them. Linnea pursed her lips in annoyance and turned towards where the voice was. Tay was running towards them, her black-and-blue hair tangled, followed by a disheveled looking Dana.

“Oh, thank god someone else is alive,” said Frank. Gerard scowled.

“Best people to be stuck with, don’t you think?” he muttered.

“Are you guys okay?” asked Tay, reaching them. “We were fishing far out in the ocean, when we saw this giant explosion sort of wash over the whole island. It only just missed us.” She no longer had a flirtatious glint in her eyes, but looked terrified.

“It was Jasmine. She nearly got us, but...” Frank nodded towards Linnea, who bowed her head.


“Linnea saved us.” Tay shook her head, like she couldn’t quite believe what was happening.

“I was so scared when we came back. It was so quiet... I thought we’d be alone,” she whimpered. Gerard’s heart softened and he pulled the girl into a hug. “I hate being alone. I didn’t want to...”

“Nobody else is on the island. We checked the farm, the other houses, everywhere. There’s nobody,” said Dana, her voice strained.

“Do you want to know what happened, or not?!” asked Linnea, now impatient. The four survivors nodded, and sat down to listen.

“Go ahead.”

“Jasmine is a young, almost teenage girl. I’m sure you all know how troublesome they can already be,” started Linnea. Gerard and Dana both nodded, looking directly at each other. “Well, if you hand a mere child the sort of powers that I myself hold, you end up with something like Jasmine. She doesn’t know who she is, she’s young, and I gave her all of these skills and powers that most grown humans can’t even begin to understand. It was a terrible risk.

“Her mind was already troubled. And weakened. I didn’t realize how terribly weakened it was. It allowed... something to enter her mind. To change her views, to control her. This entire island knows old magic, I have lived here for more than a hundred years. I’ve watched people come and go, I’ve watched evil people rise and fall, all the time I’ve been sitting, peacefully, watching things pass by.

“I can assume that it was an evil spirit that made it’s way into Jasmine’s mind. An old, dead wizard who was bitter and twisted. And because she was a little girl who didn’t know her own power... this is the result,” said Linnea.

“So... what happened to everyone?” asked Gerard. “Mikey... is Mikey dead, Linnea?” He screwed up his eyes and wrapped his arms around himself, hoping that the worst wasn’t true. Linnea just shrugged, sadly.

“I’m afraid I don’t know. I did what I could to stop him dying, but I can’t tell what’s actually happened,” she said.

“But he’s gone, isn’t he?” asked Dana, quietly. “Everyone’s gone. We’re the only ones left.”

Dana’s assumption wasn’t quite true. Everyone else was still on the island, in one way or another. There were dead bodies lying around, having quickly decomposed from the repetitive shockwaves that the possessed 12-year-old girl had sent out. Bodies of younger children, of older people, of those who’d been too close to Jasmine when she lost control.

The rest of them were safe. If you want to call it that.

Ray woke up on a cold, stone floor, covered by a thin black blanket. He groaned and rolled over, suddenly realizing that he was in fact, wearing no clothes. As if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, he sat up and saw that the small figure of Anna was curled up under a matching blanket, her eyes wide and watching him.

“Uh... hi?” he said, blushing. Anna smiled sadly and waved. “What happened?” Anna shook her head, indicating that she couldn’t explain anything to him; her writing pad and pens were nowhere in sight.

Ray sighed, drew the blanket closer around him and stared about. He was sitting in a huge, empty cave, It was cold, and hewn straight into the solid grey rock. Candles were set in brackets on the wall, lighting it up slightly.

“Ray! You’re awake!” He turned his head to see Jenna and Abbie sitting next to each other, tending to (of all people) an unconscious Jasmine. They were both wearing simple red frocks with their own thin blankets around their shoulders.

“Guys! Where... where’d you get those clothes?” asked Ray, suddenly even more aware of the fact that he was sitting completely naked in a room full of girls.

“Jasmine,” said Abbie, quietly. “She gave them to us. I think... as far as I can tell, something exploded on the island. Burnt away everything. We both just woke up wearing nothing, and Jasmine was sitting crying her eyes out in the corner.”

“She kept saying ‘it was her fault’, and that ‘the voices had left’. She... gave us these, just out of nowhere. She made some for you guys, too,” said Jenna, holding out another red dress, and a red shirt and black pants for Ray. “Then she fell unconscious.”

“So... where’s Frank? And Gerard? Or Mikey?” asked Ray, pulling on the shirt and holding the blanket around his waist like a toga.

“I can’t tell. I think Jasmine said that Gee and Frank were safe,” said Abbie, averting her eyes as Ray pulled on the pants. Anna crawled over and slid on the spare red dress.

“As that all we know?”

“I guess. I don’t know what’s happened to Mikey, either,” said Jenna.

“I do.”

The three others turned to stare at Anna. Had she just spoken?

“What?” asked Ray, putting his hand on Anna’s shoulder. She was shaking slightly as she leaned up to Ray’s ear.

“I saw Mikey,” she whispered, clinging onto him.

“Why... why didn’t you speak before now?” asked Ray. Anna just shook her head and stared at Jenna and Abbie.

“I can’t speak around other people, Ray. I don’t know, I just felt safer talking to you,” she said, still whispering into Ray’s ear.

“Hey,” he said, wrapping his arms around Anna. “It’s okay.”

“Oh boy,” said Jenna, rolling her eyes at Abbie. They both giggled and Abbie made a love heart with her hands. Ray just raised his middle finger at them both.

“I woke up and went looking. I saw Mikey, sleeping further down the tunnel. He’s alive. But I was alone and I ran back here and waited for you to wake up,” whispered Anna.

“Okay. Which way was he?” asked Ray, pulling away from Anna’s small frame. Anna pointed down the tunnel leading away from the cave.

“So they’re somewhere on the island, but underground?” asked Frank, pacing back and forth. Linnea nodded.

“That’s as far as I can tell.”

“But where would we start? They could be anywhere,” said Gerard.

“I would guess somewhere in there,” said Linnea, pointing to the volcano.

“Inside the volcano?!”

“It’s extinct. Hasn’t erupted for a thousand years. We could get inside the heart quite easily.”

“This is mental,” said Gerard. “We’ve got to look for them... but jesus, this is suicide.”

“Should be right up your street then, shouldn’t it?” said Dana. Gerard glared at her.

“I don’t want to put up with your shit, Dana. My little brother and best friend are down there somewhere, and I need to find them. And I know you care for Mikey, little as you’d want to accept that fact, so why don’t you shut your mouth and just stop being a bitch for once?” he said. Dana blushed.

“Who said I care for Mikey?”

“You know you do. You just don’t want to admit it,” said Linnea. Dana just opened her mouth, but no sound came out so she closed it again.

“Good. What was it that the prophecy said?” asked Gerard.

“‘Four will have to work together to save their friends.’ That must be you four. I don’t count myself in prophecies. ‘Love must flower over hatred’... means you two better learn how to work together,” said Linnea, pointing at Gerard and Dana, who both just rolled their eyes. “As for the four loves, one death and a sacrifice... I guess we’ll find out, won’t we?”

Ahahahaha. So yes, ladies and gents, Mikey is alive! I know the 'one death' prophecy bit is probably worrying you... well, be worried. I have plans. I'm not going to spoil it for you, but at least you know Mikey is alive! And you also know where the title came from. I was planning this from the start. Muahahahaha. Please Rate and Review!

BleedingValentine xx
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