Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > you know what to expect becuse you made it be expected


by TeddyGotKnife 0 reviews

The 2nd chapter of this story Frankie is still thinking while gerard is feeling guilty

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-07-04 - Updated: 2012-07-05 - 242 words

As Frankie Drove in the heavy rain Thoughts just kept pouring in. Some where even bad thoughts like "What if he hates me?" "Would he leave me to raise it on my own?.... No if he did I'll just the child to a happy family I don't want my child to go through what I had too go throgh.... Why am I thinking like this?! Gerard would never do that!?! but I don't know gerard that well the only bad situation we had was when he was drunk" frankie was only 21 and still in school. Frankie then heard a car horn snapping into reality she slammed on the car break stoping just in time watching through the window as the car zoomed by. The light then turned green Frankie drove Still lost in thought, she didn't even know if she is ready to be a mom
Gerard Sighed lighting a cigartte as he was outside leaving work but he stood In the rain on the porch of the place he worked. Gerard took a drag then stared at the weeping sky "did she really mean what she said two nights ago?" gerard thought. The rain finally stopped gerard threw his cigarette on the floor stubbing it out with his combat boots tugging his leather jacket tighter around his torso making down the stairs and into the direction on his way home
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