Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

So long and goodnight.

by KilljoyKid 2 reviews

If you read any of my stuff, you probably would want to read this :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-07-06 - Updated: 2012-07-06 - 125 words

Ohai. You're probably gonna read this and be like 'whhyyyyyyyyyyy D:'

Then again, maybe not :L

But I just wanted to leave a little note.... saying...

Well, things right now......

Actually no. I don't even have much of an excuse. But basically, I'm going on indefinite leave from FIcwad... sowwee :(

But I am...

So for anyone who actually reads my stuff or whatever, sorry for the let down, I'll be back, I just don't know when :/

Here writes the fourteen year old as if she means something to someone...

But my twin, Jacks_Demons, will still be on ficwad, so go show her some love! :)

I love everyone who reviewed or rated on my stuff, thank you!

So long, and goodnight,
Megan, AKA KilljoyKid.
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