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Ask Jane Doe
(#) BulletproofNinja 2012-07-07
Okay, I'm just gonna ask a proper question...
I have this friend, right? She's absolutely amazing and I love her to pieces, but she's been annoying me a bit recently. She's trying to be me. I know it might sound a little big headed to think so, but she really is. Even one of my other friends has confronted me about it.
I know people are entitled to do whatever they want to do, but it's really getting on my nerves. Everything I do, she does. Every song I like, she likes. Like two weeks ago she was telling me how much she hated asking alexandria, and I said "Oh, I love them, they're sooooo bloody brilliant!" And what do you know, my other friend told me that she said last week that she loved them!
What mind-fuckery is this?
I know I'm being ridiculously overdramatic about such a small thing, but it's really bugging me. What should I do?
~BulletproofNinja xoAsk Jane Doe
(#) KelseyChem 2012-07-07
Hi !
This sounds like a fun idea ^-^
Can you PLEASE tell me how in the bloody fuck Appa from Avatar: The Last Airbender mananged to reproduce and have babies that appear in The Legend Of Korra...cuz as far as I know Appa was the only flying bison, and as they are mammals I don't think they can asexual reproduce o.O
Thanks doll c:Ask Jane Doe
(#) bvbrocks 2012-07-08
Kay, this sounds like a good idea first off. Second off, I got a question.
So I am in love with my best friend, okay? (and don't come at me with the 'you're too young to be in love' shit) Her girlfriend recently broke up with her, and it's sent her into depression. She refuses to think anyone could ever love her, she doesn't believe in love anymore, well she never really did. She also just told me she's sworn off dating girls entirely, even if she fell in love with someone. Seriously, it's just breaking my heart, and I wanna tell her how I feel SO BADLY, but I just don't know...what do you think?
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