Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Taylex

Blooded love.

by AllTimeRomance 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-07-11 - Updated: 2012-07-11 - 988 words

Chapter 6;
"Okay everyone. Back off, give this guy some air" ordered the police man, pulling out his radio to get an ambulance. "Any witnesses please report to P.C Dunn over there."
P.C Dunn. That was the policeman that dealt with Alex before. Alex saw something, or someone moving towards the back curtain. He slipped out from the crowd of people, without anybody seeing him, then slowly walked over to the back of the stage. It had begun to get dark, so Alex had to watch his step, in case there were any loose wires around. Someone nudged his shoulder, which made him jump. He jerked his head around to see who it was.
"It's you. You're that boy that helped me aren't you?" asked Alex.
The mystery person slowly removed their hood. "Oh my god. You're not a boy? I'm sorry, It's just that I don't see many girls wearing hoodies and carrying penknives." Alex joked, feeling pretty embarrassed. The girl just stood there, lost in Alex's eyes.
"Well? D'ya talk?"
"Mhmm..." Replied the girl.
"Well, what's your name?"
"K.. Kathy"
"What a lovely name" Alex could feel himself blushing, and he didn't know why. Stop it. You've got a girlfriend. "Is there anything I can do to return the favour?" Alex shook off the voice in his head.
"I'm good. I know a lot about you and how you feel Alex, don't be creeped out, I'm here to help you." Kathy spoke, confidence growing in her voice.
"I'm very confused at the minute, but I can feel something inside of me telling me to trust you"
"You can, and I know you've got butterflies, I know you Alex, It's like I've been here, in your life all along, through every memory, and even I don't understand it."
Alex and Kathy Just stood there, silent. Alex couldn't help himself. He leaned in, Kathy following his movements. Just as their lips were about to touch, Alex could hear Tay shouting his name.
"Look, I've got to go, meet me here at like, 2am when everyone's asleep, promise?"
"Promise. Oh Alex, here have this!" Kathy placed a scrap of paper in his hands, and then turned away. Alex pulled her back, and hugged her tight, then raced off onto the stage.
"Alex! You've got to stop running off like this!" wept Tay, tears streaming down her face. "Are you going to give a statement? I did, I don't want you getting accused."
"Tay! No!" Shouted Alex. He pulled her towards the bus, but she shook him off.
"Alex. What the hell's going on?" yelled Tay.
"That girl... She helped me. I don't want her going to jail for something she did, for me."
"Are you trying to say...?"
"Yes. I'd rather go to prison. It was me that started this, and you know what the weird thing is, she knew about what hap-" The voice appeared in his head. No Alex. This is our secret, never to be told.
"She what Alex?"
"Oh, nothing, she just seemed weird. I'm going to find Jack, I want to make sure he's okay, do you know where they are?" Alex turned around, and Tay followed, flipping her hair over her shoulders.
"Rian and Zack are on their way to hospital, they want to stitch up Rian's side, and check that Zack's cut was okay, and I think Jack went with them, he told me to tell you to stay here and rest."
"I want to go and see them, take me?"
"There's no point babe, Zack should be on his way home in about an hour, and Rian will be fine, come on, I'll buy you a drink before we go to bed I can't believe it's nearly midnight."
Tay and Alex strolled over to the beer tent to order some drinks. Alex could feel eyes on him, like someone was there, watching, waiting to pounce.
"SO, what can I get ya?" Said the bartender.
"Well I'll have a vodka and coke, and what do you want Alex? Alex?..."
"Oh, yeah, right, um, just a larger please" Once Alex had drunk his pint, he followed Tay back to the bus, to head into his bunk. Zack and Jack had came back, and were fast asleep. Tay slept almost immediately, and Alex just sat there, starring at his clock. 1:57.. 1:58... 1:59.. 2:00. Alex sat up in his bunk. He didn't change into his pajamas, he thought it would just add to the sound. He slipped out of the bus, and tip-toed across the muddy field. hardly anyone was awake now, just some people coming and going from the toilets. He sat on the edge of the stage, and there she was. Kathy walking towards Alex.
"Hello you. How have you been?" Whispered Kathy, sending a shiver down Alex's spine.
"Um. We need to talk. How do you know everything about me?"
"I honestly don't know, it's like I was close to you in a past life, but I haven't been able to get you out of my head since I was like 10 years old." Kathy's eyes started welling up, forcing Alex to put his arm around her, squeezing her tightly.
"Maybe you were, we'll never know, but we should make the most of the time that we have."
"I agree. Did you read the note?"
"No. I never had time, shall I read it now?"
"I'd rather you didn't read it NOW, but you can later." Alex brushed the strands of hair from her face, causing her to turn around.
"I know how you feel about me Alex, I know because I feel it too."
"I know, I just don't know if I can do this, I'm not a cheat, and you know..."
Kathy leaned in, and her lips touched Alex's. He jumped back, but the kiss was unreal. His body went numb, and he couldn't help himself, he moved forwards, and kissed her again.
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