Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Taylex

Sadness on Stage.

by AllTimeRomance 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-07-07 - Updated: 2012-07-07 - 1200 words

Chapter 5;
All Time Low had roughly 1 hour left before going on stage. Alex refused to help unload the bus, because he was too scared that someone would see him, so he decided to hide in one of the portaloos, which caused the unloading to take twice as long. Eventually, Jack found Alex sobbing in the toilet, well, at least he did, and he knocked on the door.
"Hey man, I know you're in there, come out, Jackie wants a kiss" Suddenly, an old man aged about 1000 came out of the really badly smelling toilet, and gave him a disgusted look. Jack could feel his face go like a tomato, as he fled away to the other side of the toilets. Alex came out when the band had 30 minutes left, and met back up with the band at the bus, to find that they were playing a game of twister.
"Alex! I've been looking everywhere for you! Where have you been?!" Yelled Jack, tumbling over trying to stand up.
"I'm fine dude, just needed some alone time, that's all. How's things anyway?"
"Well, we weren't gonna play, but now you're here, we better get our arses on stage, fast!" As Alex, Jack, Rian, Zack and Tay scurried across field to the main arena, the crowd for All Time Low looked pretty big considering what had happened.
"See, look at out crowd, that looks bigger than some I've already seen!" Said Zack, eying up the crowd. No one said anything, mainly because of nerves, but Alex didn't want to look stupid, and argue with him.
All Time Low appeared on stage, but not as bubbly as they usually would be. One or two songs would sort that out, surely. The crowd seemed loud enough, The lights were perfect, The equipment was set up, all that needed to be done now was play a freakin' awesome song.
"Hey guys, I know I've been a total ass hole lately, but I'm here to make it up to my fans, thanks for coming people, I owe you lot, big time" Alex Spoke into the mic. The crowd roared and Rian started off the beat.

"Lost in stereo, Lost in stereo..." Alex began to sing. Jack Joined him, adding some awesome rhythm, and Zack stood by his mic, like he was guarding it, playing without a pick, as usual. The song had gone perfectly, and the crowd were bouncing all over the place, mosh pits everywhere. As the crowd died down, Alex stepped up to the mic.
"So How's every-" He was interrupted by someone from the middle of the crowd, pushing his way forwards.
"How dare you start a fucking show, and act like nothing's happened. I'm going to put a stop to your music career once and for all." Said the man. The crowd gasped, and some clung onto him, stopping him from reaching the stage, but he just threw them off, he was indestructible. Alex shielded his eyes from the blinding lights, and then suddenly he realised. Derek.
"Derek. You Ass!" Alex shouted, flipping him the middle finger.
"Well, that's strong coming from you, Alex, who's the victim here?" Laughed Derek an evil glint in his eye. Alex pulled the mic up to his mouth.
"Everyone, go. NOW. I don't want any of you to get hurt." Demanded Alex. To his surprise, the crowd disobeyed his commands, and lunged forwards, Jumping on stage and creating a force field around a scared looking Alex and Jack. Derek continued pushing, and within seconds, was climbing up onto the stage.
Derek pulled a piece of sharp glass from his pocket, and was just about to dive at the fans when... BANG. Zack had jumped on him from behind, which had sent him falling to the ground. He dropped the glass, and as they both went for it, Derek had a stronger grip, causing it to slip from Zack's hand, slashing his fingers. Zack tried again, but Derek was already on his feet.
"You think you can stop me? Huh?" Chuckled Derek. "You're pathetic, you know that?" Derek slammed his foot into Zack's back, and his face twisted in agony. Out of no where, Rian had jumped in between Zack and Derek, holing up his drum stick in a stabbing motion.
"Who are you to mess with my Band members?" Rian struck Derek across the face with his drumstick, and the crowd force field cheered, and kept the adrenaline on a high. Rian was getting a bit to carried away, and before he knew it, blood was pouring from his waist. Derek had stabbed him, whilst he was helping Zack up, thinking he had finished Derek off. Rian Clutched his Waist and fell to the floor, the pain sinking in almost instantly.
"Someone call the police!" Alex shouted. As more than 10 people pulled out their phones, Tay appeared, centre stage, tears streaming down her face.
"You're an evil man, and even Lisa doesn't deserve you." Tay whimpered. Derek laughed, and took a step closer to her. Tay remained still.
"You think I'd do this over a fight in a pub? No. It was Lisa's idea for me to do this, she wants revenge, not me." Chuckled Derek, before continuing. "Now, are you going to be a good girl, and Shut the hell up? Or am I going to have to do it for you?" Questioned The evil man, a daring glint in his eye.
"Tay!" Alex cried. "Leave it!Just come back here!" Tay stayed quiet, but just as the man was about to open his mouth, Tay opened hers.
"You're a worthless piece of shit, and if it's Alex you want, you'll have to get through me." said Tay, not realising what she had just said. In what seemed to be seconds, Derek had got her in the hostage position, glass up to her neck. Alex couldn't help himself, he pushed through his fans, desparate to get to Tay.
"Here. Take this." One of the fans had given him a penknife. "Just meet me backstage when you're done." Said the mystery girl.
"I owe you." Alex replied, crying heavily. He slipped the knife into his pocket and stood about three feet in front of Tay. Alex knew what he had to do, and as he heard sirens approaching, he knew he was running out of time.
"How dare you do this to me." Alex blurted, shakily getting the knife from his pocket. The glass brushed Tay's neck, which caused her to jump, cutting her slightly. Alex couldn't do it, even though he knew he had to. He turned to the crowd for some support, and there she was again, that girl in the black hoodie. She made her way through the crowd, took the knife off Alex, and Slipped it into Derek's shoulder. He lay on the floor, in agony, and as Tay tried to get away, He grabbed her arm, and slit it open. Tay let our a scream, and heard Alex order everyone to run. It was all over in a blur, and the police car pulled up right in front of them. Alex looked around for the mystery girl, but she was gone.
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