Categories > Cartoons > X-Men: Evolution > Revolution

Chapter 13

by Mikari 0 reviews

Chapter 13: Fear

Category: X-Men: Evolution - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-07-11 - Updated: 2012-07-11 - 2163 words - Complete


Chapter 13: Fear

Wanda shifted uncomfortably as she sat across from Xavier and Logan. After a moment longer, Logan excused himself and left, seeing as the Scarlet witch presented no real danger. She was in control of her powers and had calmed down significantly. The small accidents she caused while her friends were yet in danger were only that, accidents, but she was alright now, or at least well enough. Wanda didn't even notice Logan leave, but when she looked up from staring at her hands folded on her lap only Xavier was still there. She knew her paused had been a long one and finally broke the silence with a truth. "I don't even know where to start."

"It's okay," Xavier encouraged. "Just say what you feel you should and if there is something I don't understand, I'll ask about it."

Wanda nodded and began her explanation. "I take it you already know about what happened to Gambit?" Perhaps even better than what the Brotherhood knew. Xavier nodded in silent affirmation and Wanda continued. "Tabitha thinks the same thing could be happening to her, that something is trying to take over her mind. She asked me to bring her hear, but she's afraid to be here. She knows it's not real fear, it's a fear that's being put into her head."

"Do you know what or who might be causing it?" Xavier asked vitally and Wanda shook her head. He adopted a thoughtful expression as he took everything in. "I will do all that I can to help Tabitha."

"What's happening to her?" Wanda inquired with worry. "Will it keep happening? Is someone out to get us mutants?"

Xavier's expression was dissatisfied, reflecting his own uneasiness at the lack of information. "Unfortunately, I haven't been able to uncover much yet." Kitty had mentioned that she thought the Brotherhood wasn't involved. It was too early to rule out Magneto and even Mystique whose broken stone statue pieces had mysteriously disappeared. But there was no evidence pointing at them either. At least if the Brotherhood wasn't involved, perhaps Xavier could stop them from joining the opposition before the offer was made. "you and your friends are invited to come here. It might be safer that way."

Wanda considered the offer, "I'll keep it in mind," she assured, "but I don't think we'll be joining you guys any time soon, we're not X-Men," she added firmly.

"Even so, a truce would be mutually beneficial," Xavier emphasized.

"Maybe, if it comes to that, but things are not bad enough yet..." Wanda decided. Feeling like she wanted to go back home she stood. "I know I can at least entrust Tabitha and Todd's health to you... and if you mess with their heads," light surrounded the Scarlet Witch as she threatened, her aura anonymous and deadly. "I will make sure you dearly regret it," she assured strongly.

Xavier knew then that the conversation was over, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. "Don't worry; I won't do anything to bend their will. Tabitha and Todd can stay here until they recover and when they're well enough, they can stay or leave, it'll be their choice."

"It better be," Wanda headed out of the sitting room and towards the infirmary once last time. She only intended to check on her friends for a short moment and then leave, they would be alright there.

xoxox xox xoxox

As Wanda exited the institute through the front door, she was greeted by a battle. Lance was mostly fighting hand to hand which put him at a disadvantage since he was not using his powers and the opponents, Jean and Scott, were. "What's wrong with you Avalanche? Get with the earthquakes!" Pietro complained.

Lance, who was looking rather out of it, only stepped back. "Get off my case!" He snapped at Quicksilver. "It wouldn't really help right now," he knew it wasn't true.

"I guess I'll have to this myself!" Pietro started running in circles to create a tornado, but Jean used her psychic abilities to lift him off the ground. Refusing to give up, he tried with all his might to spin in place and break free.

"I don't know why you're holding back, but if that's the way you want it..." Scott charged forward and he and Lance soon became locked in hand to hand combat.

With some effort, Pietro managed to break free of Jean's psychic hold; she had not yet fully recovered from the headache that came with the stain of the airport incident. Full of momentum from the effort, Pietro spun around wildly as soon as Jean dropped him, producing a gust of wind that pushed Jean back causing her to collide with Scott's back. Scott had been focused on Lance in front of him and was caught off guard, which made Jean and Scott end up in a pile on the floor.

Pietro spun dizzily, trying to regain his balance, "bury them, Avalanche!"

Lance stepped back and focused; the earth shock slightly but it quickly stopped. Lance was sweating profusely and it wasn't all due to the heat and the exercise of the fight. "I... I can't..." he realized. He couldn't use his powers, not when the mere thought of the ground shaking beneath his feet terrified him.

Logan stepped out the front door where Wanda was just standing there watching, unnoticed by the others. "I knew I smelled trouble," he growled, baring his claws. He looked at Wanda, but her still posture and disconcerted look told him she was not a part of this particular battle. "What do you want?"

Wolverine's arrival made quicksilver notice that his sister was right there, unharmed. By then Lance had retreated a few more paces back and Jean and Scott were back on their feet. "We're here to rescue Wanda and the others!" Pietro demanded, though he wasn't sure she needed to be rescued anymore. She was just standing there looking confused, but not with the look of one in peril.

"From what?" Wanda asked in confusion.

Sounding more unsure now, Pietro replied. "From the X-Men... We saw a part of a news bulletin, not the whole thing, but it looked like they Tabitha and Toad were hurt and you were there, looking like you were in trouble..."

"So you thought we were being kidnapped by the X-Men?" Wanda shook her head hopelessly. "It's not the X-Men, the enemy is someone else, I don't know who, but it could be the same one that affected Gambit. Tabitha's mind was being taken over and I brought her here to get help. The fight wasn't even a real fight, Tabitha was just scared, but it wasn't her own fear, her mind was being partially controlled you could say. She panicked and got a little out of control, then Todd got caught in the middle of it."

"Then you guys weren't kidnapped? I guess it really doesn't fit the X-Men style," Pietro smiled sheepishly upon realizing his mistake. Wanda sighed and shook her head. Scott was still glaring at Lance, with his eyes covered thankfully, but Lance seemed focused on looking at the ground lost in thought, so Scott relaxed. Jean let out a tired breath; at least the fight that shouldn't have happened in the first place was over.

Logan retracted his claws and tried to keep his temper cool. "I can understand why you're on edge with all that's been going on, but it won't do anyone any good to point the finger in the wrong direction," he scolded firmly.

A small moment of tense silence passed until Wanda finally continued down the stairs and stood next to her brother. "Tabitha and Todd will be okay here, let's leave them to rest and recover."

"Okay..." Pietro agreed and the Maximoff siblings turned to leave, but Lance wasn't following them.

Avalanche stepped forward unsure and was met with Logan's short tempered, "you got something to say?"

"Actually... I..." Lance hesitated from a moment before replying, "no," and he turned away to leave along with Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.

This time it was Pietro the one who didn't move. "Stay if you think you should stay." Lance gave him a questioning look and Pietro elaborated. "All that talk about illogical fear, it's happening to you too, isn't it? Something or someone is making you fear earthquakes, stopping you from using your power."

Lance began to protest, "I'm not-"

But he was interrupted by Pietro, "save it, we can all see it. You might as well do something about it before it gets worse. You've hung around here before; you'll be alright staying here for a while. See you around." Without another word, Quicksilver started towards the front gates of the institute property again, but rather than running, he was walking, waiting for Wanda to catch up.

Wanda nodded at Lance as if expressing her agreement that he should have his mysterious problem looked into and promised, "I'll come by later to see how everyone is doing." She then hurried to catch up with her brother and they left.

Lance watched the Maximoff siblings leave, then turned to face Logan, Jean and Scott not knowing what to say. This was different from the last time he tried to join them. Back then he was just chasing after Kitty, this time he actually needed their help.

"One more chance," Jean offered while rubbing her temples. She could use a nap with a nice soft pillow to rest her head on.

"Make good use of it," Scott added.

Logan let out a breath of exasperation, "alright, let's go, just don't cause any trouble," he agreed and Lance followed the group inside. 'Looks like Charles is going to have his hands full with therapy sessions,' Wolverine thought.

xoxox xox xoxox

It happened just as Wolverine thought. Xavier was trying his best and with some help from Jean after she rested, Tabitha was once again in control of herself. She was still very jumpy, but at least she wasn't screaming and throwing explosives at the drop of a hat. The stage of Lance's condition seemed earlier than Tabitha's but upon closer mental inspection, Xavier realized that, albeit the method seemed to be similar, the aim was different. Tabitha was an almost victim of the same kind of brainwashing that had overtaken Remy.

Tabitha too was released from it, but before her memories were wiped clean. As for Lance, whoever was behind this didn't care about brainwashing him as much as about making him unable to use his powers. His memories were intact and most areas of the brain remained untouched, unlike it was for Tabitha. It was as if whoever was behind this had a special concern for Earthquakes, but why? One question piled on top of another and the answers felt far away.

Yet with some persistent investigation, Xavier finally thought he had a lead. When he discussed it with the group, it was decided that Jean should stay at the institute to assist Xavier. Since Ororo's powers were mostly unresponsive unless it was with a great effort, she would stay behind as well. Lance, Tabitha and Todd, who were all still in a sort of recovery process in their own way would remain as well. Hank, Scott and Evan would hold down the fort if any danger came, which left Logan in charge of the mission team.

Remy was in control of his mind and power despite his lack of memories and his condition over the past few days had been stable. After Xavier did another check on his mind, he got the all clear to go on the mission. The other three integrants would be Rogue, Kurt and Kitty.

Under the leadership of Wolverine, Rogue, Gambit, Shadowcat and Nightcrawler were off to investigate a suspicious group that operated in Alaska. Uncertainly clung to every surface and body as the X-Jet cut through the skies at top speed. Setting the autopilot, Wolverine, who was wearing full X-Men gear, as were the others, looked at his team.

Kurt and Kitty were smiling at each other from their seats side by side, holding hands. Rogue was looking anyone except at Remy as if something concerning him weighed heavily on her mind. Remy was a little fidgety, showing his eagerness to learn more about the hidden truth that led him to lose his memories. The explosive card wielder occasionally stole glances at Rogue, but didn't say anything.

An abundance of affection and an abundance of tension. Logan breathed, he felt like he was caught in the middle of a soap opera. He only hoped they could keep their heads focused when it came down to the time of action. He didn't know what to expect from the group they were investigating, so they better be ready for anything.

To be Continued

What's this? The plot is moving forward? The first suspects finally appear!
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