Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > What about now?

What about now?

by imakilljoywannabe 1 review

Frank has been best friends with Gerard for years, but has their friendship changed? (My first Frerard fic...)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-07-13 - Updated: 2012-07-14 - 1260 words

A/N: Hey guys just a quick thing before the story! I just wanted to say thank you for such a warm welcome, it really made my day :D! Ok now go ahead and read my story

Frank walked through the halls of his new elementary school, wishing he knew somebody, ANYBODY here. The secretary was escorting him to his new first grade class, and he was utterly terrified. He was the new kid, and he knew that would cause trouble. It was even worse that he was coming in during the middle of the school year. His arms trembled a little bit as he entered the classroom with the secretary. She handed a note to the teacher and smiled at him once before exiting the classroom. Frank surveyed the class while the teacher read the note. No one really struck him as interesting in his first glance at the class, but the second time a kid in the corner caught his attention. He had long raven black hair, and his face was hidden behind a small sketchpad. Frank stared at him for a little bit, wondering what he was drawing, until the teacher stood up from her desk.

"Class," she announced, "This is Frank. He is new here and I expect you to make him feel welcome. She scanned the room quickly before turning to Frank.

"You can take the seat back there by Gerard," she said, pointing to the empty desk next to the raven haired kid. Some of the other boys sneered at Frank as he passed, clearly deeming him unfit to be their friend.

Fine by me. I thought to myself. I don't want to be friends with anyone who judges a person that quickly.

The raven haired boy looked up as I sat down next to him, and the first thing I noticed was his eyes. They were amazing. They were a beautiful hazel-green with gold flecks. Then I saw his small straight nose and small lips.

"Hi," he said,"I'm Gerard."

"I'm Frank," I said nervously. I was not terribly good at making friends.

"Nice name." he said.

"Thanks," I say, "Yours too."

"Thanks. Did you just move here?" he asked.

"Yeah." I replied. He motioned around the room.

"Not easy fitting in here, but I manage. It's easier when you have a friend like me."

"You want to be my friend?" I asked incredulously. No one ever asked to be MY friend. It was always me asking them.

"Sure," he replied. "You seem pretty cool."

The teacher turned around from writing on the white board and glared at us.

"I can take you to meet the others at lunch, if you want." Gerard whispered.

"Great, thanks!" I whispered back. I'd never made a friend this quickly before. The teacher turned around again and gave us a death glance. We were quiet for the rest of class, but I was smiling inside, waiting patiently for lunch, when I would meet "the guys". If they were even half as cool as Gerard, he knew this would be a great year for me. At lunch I followed Gerard through the lunch line and then to our table. He then introduced me to "the guys", otherwise known as his little brother Mikey and their friend Ray. Mikey's kindergarten class happened to have lunch at the same time as ours, so we would see him every day. They were both pretty cool, and by the end of lunch, I had 3 new friends. As we headed back to class, I smiled inside. I was right. This would be a great school year.

That was 10 years ago. I smile at the memory. We're 16 now. Gerard and I have stayed best friends all these years since then. Mikey was actually moved up a grade, so he was with us in some of our classes. I think about the memory of first grade as I pull on my outfit for the first day of my junior year of high school: a plain black t-shirt with black skinnies and a Misfits hoodie. I hear my mom calling for me from the kitchen as I pull on my worn out converse.


"I'M COMING!" I yelled back as I grabbed my backpack. I ran downstairs and through the kitchen, my mom stopping me momentarily to hand me a cup of coffee and give me a kiss on the head.

"Have fun at school, sweetie!" she says as i walk towards the door where Gerard is waiting for me.

"Hey Gee," I say as I step outside into the cool autumn air.

"Hey Frankie," he says back, and ruffles my hair.

"Stop it!" I say and give him a little shove. We both laugh. I feel the butterflies in my stomach and try to quell them.

He doesn't think about you that way Frank, there's absolutely no chance of anything happening between you.

I sigh inwardly.

"C'mon," he says, "Ray and Mikey went ahead, they said you were taking too long. We need to catch up." We both jogged to where Mikey and Ray were walking.

"Hey guys!" I say.

"Hey, midget," Ray says teasingly. I'm short, about 5 feet, and they all like to tease me for it.

"I told you, I'm fun -size!" I said in the most annoyed sounding voice I could make.

"Whatever you say..." Mikey jokes. I stick my tongue out and they laugh hysterically. I can't help picking out Gerard's and letting it drift through my head. I love his laugh. Actually, more than just his laugh. I love everything about him. His raven black hair that looks silky soft and I wish I could run my fingers through, his cute straight nose, his small and perfect little teeth, his perfect lips and amazing smile. But most of all, I love his eyes. I feel like I could stare into their hazel-green depths forever, learning about the boy they belong to. Gerard doesn't know I think of him this way, of course. That would ruin our friendship, which is the best thing that ever happened to me. I can't lose that. So, I keep my feelings under lock and key to make sure I don't slip up while I'm with him.

"Dude, what are you staring at?" Gerard asks, and I realize that I've been staring at him this whole time. My face flushes and I look away.

"Ummm nothing, just lost in my thoughts." I replied. I started walking and they followed.

"What thoughts, hmmm?" questioned Ray, smirking. "Thoughts about fucking Gerard?"

"Shut up!" I say forcefully as I make a grab for him, but he leaps out of the way. He laughs.

"Somebody's touchy," he says teasingly.

"Mehhh," I mumble as I blush furiously and keep walking. They all know I'm gay, and they don't really care, but they like to make jokes about me.

"Oh, give him a break, Ray," Gerard speaks up. "It's only the first day! Save some teasing for the rest of the year!"

"FIIIIIINNNNNNEEEEE," Ray says exaggeratedly, "But don't think this is over!" he says, winking at me. I roll my eyes.

A/N: Hey guys, is it good? Bad? Terrible? This is my first Frerad fic and I'm stumbling blindly in the dark... Could you guys R&R and give me some feedback please? It would make my day, and would let me know whether I should keep going with this story or trash it. Thanks, love you guys! ~ imawannabekilljoy
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