Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drama on the Second Page!

An unrelaxing break

by tmbfucks 1 review

As long as Cait's okay.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-07-15 - Updated: 2012-07-15 - 725 words - Complete

'How the hell is that even going to work? We can't go near their house without them finding us. They're on house arrest!' Andy asked.

'I don't know either, but we need to save Casper. What else do you expect me to do?' I asked him. He sighed.

'Fine, but if there's a chance of us being caught, we leave straight away, and we call the police.' He said. I nodded my head.

'Deal. I just want her to be okay.' I said.

'We all do babes, and she will be. I promise.' He told me. He then got out my laptop. 'I'll book the tickets. Why do you think they want me to come too?' He asked. I shrugged.

'I have no idea. I hate them though. I just don't see the point of it. There are so many more people with so much more money. It makes no sense.' I said. 'Anyway, I need to talk to Ashley.' I told him. I went downstairs. They all looked at me.

'Are you alright?' Bob asked. I just shrugged.

'As good as I can be. Ashley, can I talk to you? Alone?' I asked. She looked guilty and went into the kitchen with me.

'I'm sorry.' She said.

'Why the hell did you do it? She would've been saved by now. I have to do another exchange. Something that I shouldn't even be telling you.' I whispered angrily.

'I'm scared for her alright? The police can usually sort this stuff out! I thought it'd be easy.' She told me. She brushed her short, inky black hair out of her face.

'I'm even more scared for her. She could've been killed. I saw that guy hold a gun to her head. If she was killed I would've jumped off that cliff. I wouldn't be able to live without her.' I said. She sighed guiltily.

'I said I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I just wanted to make sure she was safe!' She argued. She was still really shy.

'Okay, fine, but there's something I need you to do in order for this to go smoothly.' I told her. She nodded her head.

'Anything.' She said.

'Andy and I need to find something at Richard and Susie's, we don't know what it is, just that it's valuable. I need you to make something up to everyone about where we are and what we're doing.' I instructed. She nodded her head.

'I'll think of something. When do you leave?' She asked.

'As soon as we can. Andy's booking the tickets now. And if the kidnappers get in touch with you, I told you nothing. Except from what you make up.' I said.

'Okay. Be careful.' She said. I nodded my head.

'I will.' I replied. We gave each other a quick hug, and then I went upstairs.

'We leave in an hour. Pack your things.' He said. I got a giant rucksack and packed all my essentials. This reminds me of when I ran away from Richard and Susie's. I never thought I'd need to do the same thing to get back to them.

'Thanks for doing this Andy.' I said.

'Doing what?' He asked.

'Being there for me. I couldn't ask for anyone better than you. I love you.' I told him. I gave him a quick peck on the lips, and then we left. Hopefully the next time we come back, Cait will be safe.

Oh yeah! New chapter! XD! First of all, as I'm sure you all know, it's Ray Toro's birthday! Happy birthday to one of the most amazing guitarists in the galaxy (I can't say the universe now can I?) Second of all, my sister's being the worst person ever right now, and she made me cry myself to sleep last night because she's just that bitchy, but writing this made me feel better. Thirdly, I'm sorry that I haven't continued with the personalized stories. I will at some point though! I'm just finding it a bit challenging. And lastly, rate and review because anytime you do I feel so happy and I love you all so much and stuff and you're all amazing! XD xx
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