Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fury's Initiative

Chapter 2: Don't, Aye, Aye Sir, Me!

by ZombieSlayer13x 0 reviews

“Remind you of anyone?” She asked, throwing Director Fury an amused look.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Fantasy,Humor - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-07-16 - Updated: 2013-07-03 - 2606 words

Hello again! Sorry you had to wait a bit, here is the newest installment to, "Fury's Initiative." For those of you still reading, I hope you like it so far!



Landing Deck

Director Fury and Agent Kelson waited anxiously on the landing deck of the helicarrier. Kelson was checking and double checking her clipboard whilst nervously chewing the top of her pen. Fury remained the embodiment of calm. Their newly assembled team was due to arrive any minute. The Avengers were out on the landing deck as well, standing in a circle talking to the left of the director and agent.

Fury took out a pair of binoculars and scanned the sky for the fifth time in ten minutes. Finally, he found what he was looking for. Lowering his binoculars he called out to the Avengers, "Here come your new friends."

The seven of them walked eagerly towards the descending aircraft and stopped short as it sped down the runway. As it came to a stop the team was practically climbing the walls in anticipation. After what felt like forever, the back door opened and the new team emerged.

The Avengers were surprised by how young the group looked in person, but they knew how dangerous each one was and were not going to underestimate them. They were silently attempting to see if they could match the names they had read in the file to the newcomers' faces.

Each recruit was carrying a small duffle bag either slung over their shoulder or dragging on the ground. They were also equipped with a standard black S.H.I.E.L.D. issued backpack. For now they were all wearing civilian clothes, standard jeans and a t-shirt with boots and a jacket, but that would all change soon. Director Fury caught Tony smirking. He was thinking about how all new recruits had to wear the ugly, grey, tight, uncomfortable S.H.I.E.L.D. training uniforms to signify they were rookies.

As the team walked nearer to Fury he could see that most of them had wide eyes and big smiles on their faces. He let them enjoy it for now. Poor suckers didn't know what they were in for. They all stopped in front of the Avengers and become uncomfortable. Should they salute? Stand at attention? Bow? Get on their knees and kowtow?

Thankfully, Director Fury solved the problem for them by speaking up. "Good afternoon recruits, I hope you all had a nice relaxing ride over here. You're not getting another one for a long time, he smirked. "Now, my friends over here," he gestured to the Avengers, "will show you to your rooms. Get settled, and then meet me in the conference room on Level 3 for a debriefing later on."

The new team dutifully nodded toward the director, and then tried to keep up with the Avengers who were already halfway towards the door. After a short sprint they caught up. The rest of the walk to their room was silent. The air was so thick with tension that a knife couldn't cut through. Natasha finally broke it:

"I guess I'll be the mature one here and make introductions," she said briskly as they walked. "We know everything about you, and you probably know everything about us, but for the sake of manners let's pretend we don't. My name is Natasha Romanoff." She was greeted with a few 'nice to meet you's', "and I'm a spy for the Russian government, or was."

The other avengers caught on that she would help them no further, so Bruce spoke up next, adjusting his glasses before speaking. "Hello…friends…my name is Bruce Banner. I'm just a lab experiment gone wrong." He received the same response.

Tony took the spotlight next. "Tony Stark- genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Oh yeah, I'm Iron Man too." Tony was met with a few 'heys' from the guys.

Clint stepped up to the plate with a speedy introduction. "My name's Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye. Or Legolas as some call me." He glared at Stark.

Lastly Steve spoke up. "My name's Steve Rogers and I'm Captain America. I'm still not used to this century after 70 years of being frozen in ice. Maybe you kids can help me with picking some things up."

Some of the kids laughed at his remark, while others just rolled their eyes.

"You guys don't seem very thrilled to be here," Natasha said as they continued walking.

A short Asian girl spoke up. "Well, I'm pretty sure most of us have either already been on this helicarrier, or have already dealt with at least one of you."

"True," Natasha said.

A tall, lean boy with sandy blonde hair and green eyes that seemed to search your soul spoke up next. "I was perfectly happy with my life back home, and then I was suddenly just whisked away," he threw up his hand, "by an unmarked aircraft. Do you think I want to be here?"

"That's not what you told me last time I saw you," Tony shot back to him. He was rewarded with a scowl from the boy.

Bruce intervened. "So," he said hesitantly, "are you guys going to introduce yourselves to us?"

A very tall, seemingly silent, reserved boy in the back of the group spoke up first. "My name's Matthew Grey. I'm nothing special."

"Ah yes," Tony said, "The boy genius…and Youtube sensation," Tony added after a pause. Matthew blushed a bit. Tony was referring to the video that went viral a few years ago of Matthew solving a notoriously hard math equation in just ten minutes, the only reason he was here to begin with.

The boy with the sandy hair spoke up next, "The name's Turner, Ethan Turner," he said with a wolfish grin.

"Our own Nightcrawler. Or nightmare," Natasha said, rolling her eyes. Just then they came to an elevator. To demonstrate his abilities, Ethan teleported himself inside the elevator and casually leaned against the wall as if he had been there forever.

"Classy," Natasha remarked as she stepped inside.

"I'm fast too," Ethan said in a mildly suggestive fashion. Natasha chose to ignore him, using all of her self-control to stop herself from seriously injuring the kid in a very sensitive area. Aside from that, the rest of the elevator ride continued smoothly and the introductions started flowing freely.

The petite Asian girl from before spoke up. She could barely be seen over the heads of the others. "My name's Alexandria Wong, but you can call me Alex." Her voice was laced with the tiniest hint of an Asian accent. She paused, looking at nothing in particular before adding, "Hello, Agent Barton, nice to meet you too. Yes, I can actually read your mind and am doing so this very second." From the corner of the elevator Clint didn't look at all surprised.

"Oh, by the way," she said, turning to Tony, "you really shouldn't use so much cologne. It's very…strong."

"Oh yeah…" Tony said, "Forgot about you. Guys," he said, turning to the other four avengers, "from now on try to keep your thoughts PG." Four sets of eyes rolled in response.

The next person in line stepped up. A boy who was incredibly tall (clearly over 6 feet) with curly reddish hair spoke next. "My name is Cadel Fritz. I can wipe memories and make things go boom," he said nonchalantly.

The elevator stopped as they reached their destination. Walking out Steve spoke up. "Yes, I definitely remember that incident. Actually, no, I don't. I'm sure Natasha does though," he said half sarcastically, half-jokingly. He recalled the first time they ran into Cadel in the streets with his sister. He and Black Widow were on a mission and were tailing their target. They were so focused on the job they never noticed Cadel and his sister until the Captain accidentally walked into her. Natasha told him later that Cadel wiped his memory out of fear. The last thing Steve remembered Natasha giving the kid their card and saying, "We'll be in touch."

After Cadel gave a slightly nervous laugh, the last member of the B-team, another girl, spoke up. She was even shorter than Alex, with amber eyes and short, choppy blonde hair. "Hello everyone, my name is Kendall Lee," she said assertively, "and I'm an assassin."

"How old are you again?" Tony piped up sarcastically.

"I started that young. There's nothing wrong with it," Natasha said blandly, shrugging. She looked down at her clipboard then back at the room numbers on the doors as they passed.

"Geez, these rooms are tiny!" Ethan said peering through the open door of one of the rooms as it slid open. There was a bed that didn't look at all comfy, a nightstand that also functioned as a dresser, and a chair in the corner. A closed door adjacent to the bed led to another room which he assumed was the bathroom. "Everything's so new and…automatic…and shiny."

"It's pretty high tech here," Bruce said with the hint of a smile.

As they continued further down the hallway, Natasha suddenly stopped, causing everyone behind her to almost crash into each other. "Room 117," she said, "This is you, Turner. The rest of you are here as well. Cadel, you're in room 118. Kendall, room 119. Alex, room 120. And Matthew, you're in room 121. Get your stuff situated and then meet Director Fury on Level 3 in the conference room. He expects you to be there by two this afternoon, no later."

"Thanks." Matthew said as he picked up his duffle bag, "Just one teeny, tiny question before you guys go." He paused before speaking again. "How do we get to Level 3, and where the hell is the conference room?"

Natasha sighed heavily at this. She had never been good with kids, "Look-," she started in an exasperated voice.

Before she could finish Tony interjected. "Well, I guess someone will just have to come back for you guys at two! See ya round, kiddies. I'm gonna go grab a beer, anyone else up for it? Well…except for the young ones, of course," he said as he slowly started walking away backwards, gesturing towards the Avengers. Before anyone could say a word Tony was already speeding down the hallway.

"You're going to pay for this, Stark!" Steve shouted to his back.

"Whatever you say, Cap!" Tony called back from further up the hallway. Bruce shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. If he could survive this, he could survive anything.



Level 1, Living Quarters

After they dropped the teens off, the Avengers retired to their lounge. It was off limits to everyone except themselves, Director Fury, and invited parties. They took some time to relax and talk about the new team. Most of the Avengers liked them, with the exception of Tony, who was forever a narcissist. He thought of the kids as interlopers rather than as assistance for the Avengers.

When one thirty came around, they got into an argument over who would take their newest members up to Level 3 to meet with the Director. After a long debate, one that involved Tony suggesting they leave the poor rookies to fend for themselves, they decided to be civil and draw straws. They all elected Bruce to distribute the straws to make things fair.

To his greatest displeasure, Tony ended up with the short stick.

"Karma's a bitch, ain't it?" Clint said with a sneer as he reclined on the couch, TV remote in hand.

"Shut up, bird boy, your day's coming." Tony said, strolling through the sliding doors of the lounge.



Level 3, Conference room

Director Fury once again found himself pacing the conference room as Agent Kelson leaned against the wall, casually cleaning her glasses.

"I should have sent you to collect them, Agent, seeing as my team couldn't handle even that simple task."

"Don't worry, Sir. I'm sure they'll be here any moment," Agent Kelson said with as much confidence as she could muster. Just then the doors opened with a swish and none other than Tony Stark entered. He was shadowed by the young avengers who were bickering amongst themselves.

"I told you we should've just left instead of waiting around for someone to collect us!" Matthew said angrily. He was clearly growing distressed.

"Well, it was better than wandering off and getting lost for an extra hour or two," Alex hissed back at him.

"I told you guys I knew how to get here like, half an hour ago!" Ethan complained. "I was teleporting around and actually found this room!"

"You guys do realize we could've just asked for directions?" Kendall cut in. Cadel just stood in the back, laughing at the scene unfolding before his eyes.

Agent Kelson rolled her eyes at the bickering team. "Remind you of anyone?" She asked, throwing Director Fury an amused look.

"Just... don't." He said putting up a hand to silence her. Fury then turned his attentions to Tony. "Stark," he started, "Just…" he paused before sighing heavily. "You're dismissed."

Tony turned on his heels and exited the room gleefully. "Thank you, Nick my boy!" he said as the door closed with another swish. Fury made a mental note to call Stark into his office for another "chat". He then turned his attention to the bickering team. With a loud whistle, they were silenced.

"It's nice to see you've gotten to know each other. Now sit down." He said, his face like stone. He pointed to the chairs around the table. Each member dutifully took their seats. "Rule number one," he started as he and Agent Kelson took their own seats, "You may only refer to me as Sir, Director, or Director Fury. You are to never call me anything else. And if any of you ever "aye, aye, sir" me, you will find yourself being thrown off this helicarrier faster than you can say 'I plead the fifth.' Understand?" He glared menacingly around the table.

Everyone nodded. They were trying very hard not to stare at his eye patch.

"Good." He leaned back. "The next few weeks will be hell for you, I'm not going to sugarcoat it. You all have something special, you wouldn't be here if you didn't, but no matter how well you think you can control your abilities the truth is that you can't. Starting tomorrow you'll start your training. You will all work together on standard weapons training and intelligence. After that we're going to put you through some tests individually to assess your skills. It'll tell Agent Kelson and me what we have to work on." Fury paused for a moment. "I hope you all know what you signed up for."

"Actually-," Cadel started.

Fury held up a hand. Cadel immediately silenced himself. "Training begins at 0800 tomorrow. You'll find a uniform laid out on your beds when you return to your rooms. That is what you'll be wearing for the next month. You better catch up on your sleep; you're going to miss it these next few weeks." He was rewarded with some groans from the kids.

Agent Kelson stepped up and spoke. "Our commissary is on Level 2. Just keep walking and eventually you'll find it. If you ever need help with anything, or you need something, you can always find me in my office right down the hall."

"I think this is an appropriate time to dismiss. What do you think, Agent?" Fury asked, turning to her.

"I agree, Sir."

"Very well, you all are dismissed. Dinner is at 0500. Don't be late."
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