Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Migoto Kitsune

Chapter 4

by ArsaoTome 0 reviews

One of my favorite chapters. Also first chapter with the theme.

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Romance - Characters: Anko,Hinata,Naruto,Sandaime - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-07-17 - Updated: 2012-07-18 - 2565 words

The next morning, the Konoha Council where having a meeting. The topics included Naruto becoming a ninja, him beating the Uchiha in a fight, and receiving the Yondaime’s manor. Sarutobi was keeping calm through all this, and not showing them why HE was the hokage and not them.

"Why did you allow that…boy the Yondaime’s home?" A council member demanded.

"Because, there is proof that he is Minato’s son." Sarutobi said. "The Shinobi Council has read the reports and you were the ones that chose to ignore it."

Just then the doors flung open and blood red rose petals started blowing in to the room.

An illusion, perhaps? "Ah, he’s here. Welcome…" Just then Naruto entered the room; he was in his black trench coat, tights, boots and mesh shirt. "Naruto."


(Theme- Spitting Narcissism by Jose the Bronx Rican)

Naruto was looking at the council with a bored look on his face. "Hokage-jiisan," he said. "You have wanted to see me?"

"Yes Naruto," said Sarutobi. "We were interested in…"

"How did you get those skills Demon Child?" Interrupted a council man, Naruto gave the man a glare that froze him on the spot.

"Why should I have to tell you fools anything?" Naruto asked smugly.

"You will! We are the council!" another man said.

"Tch, a ‘council of fools’ you mean." he said.

"How dare you!" said the Haruno family head.

"Oh. Did your little banshee cry to you about what happened when she threatened the Hyuga heir?" Naruto asked, causing the Haruno’s eye to twitch at the accusation.

The Haruno family may have influence in the council, but nothing compared to the Hyuga family. The head, Hiashi, looked over to the Haruno with an accusing eye.

"As for the truth, I accomplished what I did through training and hard work. Something you might want to impress upon your own children." Naruto said.

"You will show this council the respect we deserve boy!" Danzo shouted.

"Respect is earned, not given, elder." Naruto replied. "Something you would know nothing about."

‘Dammit! That is it!’ Danzo though as a single gesture summoned his ROOT ninja to attack Naruto. The young man was surrounded by ROOT members.

"So, it has come down to this has it?" A flurry of rose petals surrounded him hiding his body, then his claw cut through the blizzard and he stood there in his tights and sandals with his mask in his right hand. His trench coat and mesh shirt now missing from his body. "Then let us have some fun!" he placed on his mask and got ready to fight. "You all will be seeing RED when I’m done with you!" (UL)

The fight started as Naruto and the ROOT ninja flew at each other. Lefts and rights were flying everywhere, the ROOT unable to touch the beautiful fox. It was like he was smoke.

Within less than a minute, he had already taken out 17 of the 20 ROOT members that were there. He looked at the final 3, who had a panicked expression on their faces as he launched at them, hitting two of them by zigzagging across the room and then finally punched the final ninja, sending them flying backwards into one of the council members seat. Had the council member not moved, they would have been crushed by a flying ninja in their lap.

It was then that Naruto leapt at Danzo, grabbed him by his shirt and tossed him into the middle of the council chamber. He leapt again, slamming his foot into the man’s gut and raised his claw to strike down at the man’s head.

"THAT’S ENOUGH NARUTO!" Sarutobi shouted, causing the blond ninja to drop Danzo back onto the floor as he leapt to the door.

"You are lucky Old Man." Naruto said. "The next time you choose to attack and imprison a member of my family, be sure not to use the same ninja to guard her that you use to guard yourself." he said to Danzo as he disappeared in a flurry of rose petals.

The stunned council looked at Danzo, and his dead ninja, before turning to Sarutobi for answers.

"What did he mean, ‘a member of my family’?" Hiashi asked the Hokage. ($)


Naruto arrived at the hospital where the rest of Team 11 was waiting for him. They were sitting and standing around the bed of the blond woman identified as Naru Namikaze. Hinata was sitting by the girl’s bed, holding her hand firmly. Musaka was by the door, his kodachi lying across his lap, as he sharpened his katana. Anko was standing by the window, twirling a kunai between her fingers, while also on guard.

"So... how did the council meeting go?" Anko asked.

"By now I suspect that the Hokage is informing them of my sister’s condition." Naruto said, moving to the other side of the bed, opposite from Hinata. "Danzo is now 20 ninja less, and the council itself is in a rather confused state. Of course, it would have been better if the Hokage had let me kill Danzo for what he did to my sister."

"Ibiki-san was pretty quick to interrogate that ninja you caught." Musaka said.

"He’s not head interrogator of Konoha for nothing." Anko smirked.

"You should have given Danzo to him for what he did to your sister." Hinata said to Naruto.

"I should have given him to Yamanaka-san to shatter his already deranged mind." Naruto said. "How did his mind-walk go?"

"Not good, I’m afraid." Anko said. "Inoichi was.... horrified by what he found."

"I imagine being raped at the age of six prior to the Kyubi attack would be enough to shatter the mind of anyone. Even the daughter of the Yondaime." Musaka said with disgust.

"I’ve never seen Inoichi go pale before." Anko said. "It took his daughter to help bring him back to reality. After that they placed several blocks on her mind so that she wouldn’t be subconsciously tormented by nightmares of what Danzo’s men did to her. Though I can’t believe she was a prisoner of Danzo all this time."

"He was trying to break her. To make her one of his ninja." Naruto said. "While I’m quite proud that she was able to resist him for so long, I fear what the psychological damage has done to her."

"Broke her... or made her worse." Anko said.

"You mean..." Hinata started to say.

"A psychological breakdown could have made her completely psychotic." Anko stated.

"Or forever destroyed her confidence." Musaka added.

Just then, the doctor walked in.

"Tests concluded, doctor?" Anko asked.

"Yes. Physically she is slightly malnourished. According to Inoichi-san, however, the psychological damage will take some time to repair." the doctor said. "To be raped and imprisoned for so long, it’s a miracle she hasn’t gone mad."

"I should have killed that bastard when I had the chance!" Naruto growled.

"Don’t blame yourself, Naruto-kun." Hinata said. "You didn’t know."

"I promise Danzo will get his! My beautiful sister!" Naruto said to the sleeping girl. "Anko-sensei, I want to be here when she wakes up."

Anko sighed. While she would have normally insisted that the team go back to training, she wasn’t a heartless bitch as she had lead others to believe.

"Of course, Naruto-kun." Anko said. "We should take shifts watching her until she is ready to leave. To make sure no one tries to abduct her again."

"Thank you, Anko-sensei."


Meanwhile Sarutobi was staring at the elder council members with a cold glare.

"It was bad enough that you wanted Naruto as a weapon, but Naru-chan as well?" Sarutobi hissed. "Rape, Danzo, can you get any lower? You two aren’t much better because you condoned it!"

"Sarutobi, the ‘Demon’…" started Homura.

"THIS ISN’T ABOUT NARUTO DAMMIT!" Sarutobi roared, slamming his fist onto his desk, startling the trio. "SHE IS HIS OLDER SISTER! Naruto Is Not An Excuse!"

They had nothing to say.

"Naruto may respect me more than you, but that will not save you from his eventual wrath. He will never forgive, nor forget this. And Rape? Honestly? You three are going to blame Naruto for her rape? He Wasn’t Even Born Yet!"

"If you’d handed him to me it wouldn’t ARGH!" Danzo shouted as Sarutobi struck him with a kunai in his good arm, pinning him to the wall. The kunai was almost in the wall completely if not for the cripple’s shoulder.

"I should’ve let him killed you three! The reports from Ibiki and Inoichi confirm that Naru was raped at SIX YEARS OLD! Before The Kyubi Attacked The Village! So you three are the real demons."

They were taken aback by the comment.

"Remember Minato castrated you?" he said to Danzo. "That’s why Sai is a real clone of you. You said you would get your revenge, so where’s Kushina?"

"It is for the best of Konoha that ARGH!" Danzo screamed as Sarutobi knocked the kunai deeper into his shoulder with his walking stick.

"No, it isn’t. And I’m afraid I’ll have to take greater steps to insure that Naruto doesn’t go crazy and start killing people because you messed with his family." Sarutobi said as several ANBU entered the office.

"Yes, Hokage-sama?" the ANBU asked.

"Take Danzo to Ibiki. There are questions I want answered. And keep these two under observation." he said, indicating Homura and Koharu.


The next morning, Naru had awoken, frightened as she looked around the hospital room.

"Where am I? W-What happened to me?" Naru gasped as she noticed a beautiful young woman with purplish hair sitting next to her bed.

"Oh! Naru-chan! You’re awake." Hinata said, smiling at her. "Your brother will be happy to see you awake."

"Brother?" Naru asked.

"Yes. Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. Your younger brother."

So he was born. She thought. "Wh-who are you?"

"My name is Hinata Hyuga. I am your brothers teammate and lover. I was with him when we saved you from those ROOT ninja."

"Really? I... I don’t know you."

Hinata smiled. "Perhaps this will help." she said, putting her mask over her face. "Recognize me now?"

"You!" she gasped.

Just then, a young man wearing a similar mask entered the room.

"Naru-chan!" he gasped happily, removing his mask to reveal his whiskered face, blue eyes and blond hair to the two women. "Hello my beloved sister." He said as he grabbed her in a tight hug. A hug she slowly returned.


After checking his sister out of the hospital, Naruto escorted her to their manor where their servants met them with great enthusiasm. After introductions were out of the way, Naruto escorted his older sister to her specially prepared room.

"Will you be alright Naru-chan?" Naruto asked his sister.

"Y-Yes Naruto-kun." She said as she sat down on the bed in her lavish room.

He kissed her cheek gently as he turned to the female servant.

"Help her with her self-confidence." he said to the girl.

"Yes Master Naruto." the girl said as Naruto went downstairs where his teammates were.

Hinata was the first at his side. "How is she?" she asked.

Musaka and Anko had a concerned look on their faces as well.

"She’s a little scared." He said, "But she’s safe. She should be fine."

"That’s good. the Hyuga goddess said.

"But I am going to have to castrate Danzo for what he did." Not knowing his father already did. Anko looked over when she heard her favorite word, ‘castrate’.

"That could be a problem." Anko said with a smirk.

"Why?" Naruto asked.

"Your old man did that before he died." she said. "It was in an ANBU report a few years ago. Still gets a few laughs now and again."

"Damnation!" he swore.


It was late afternoon when Hinata returned to her family home, only to be greeted by her father.

"Hello, father." Hinata said.

"Hinata!" Hiashi said, "Where have you been?" he asked, marveling at how much his daughter had changed. She was more beautiful than he remembered.

"With Naruto-kun." she replied.

"Naruto? I see. The council will want to speak to you." he said.

"Well, allow me to slip in to something more comfortable." she said with a smile.

Returning to her room, Hinata redressed herself in a dark colored body stocking, a loose red evening gown with large gold buttons, and a large golden scarf around her shoulders and arms, and finished off her appearance with high heels. Before her night with Naruto she would have never considered wearing this outfit. But she was now taller, more curvy, with long dark wavy hair that flowed like a waterfall behind her, deep lavender eyes, a fair complexion, and a small mouth with full red lips. She walked out of her room as Hiashi saw her. (UL)

"You... you look beautiful, dear." he gasped.

She smiled at the honest compliment. "Thank you father," she said.

Taking his arm they walked to the Hyuga council chambers.

"Where have you been Hinata?" one of the elders asked.

"With Naruto-kun." said Hinata.

"You were with that…?"

A sudden burst of chakra caught the elders off guard. What she would later call ‘Psycho-chakra’ caused the elders to gulp.

"I’d choose my next word carefully, elder. It would be a shame to have to kill you." she said with unusual venom. "Why have you called me?"

"You dare defy us?" another elder asked, trying to show strength.

"Yes, because I have every right to." Hinata replied.

"Not if we throw you out of the clan!" another elder stated.

"Then I shall be a Namikaze, just like my beloved Naruto-kun." she said proudly.

"That…boy isn’t…."

"Yes, he is." Hiashi interrupted. "It was announced at the Hokage’s meeting. You would know this, had you bothered to attend yourselves, or read my own report on the matter."

The council paled, but even more as Naruto walked in. Only Hinata appeared happy to see him.

"Hello beloved." Hinata said with a smile.

"Hello, my goddess." Naruto said to her.

It was to Hiashi’s amusement that the council became livid the second Naruto kissed Hinata’s lips softly.

"What’s that demon-urk!" Said an elder as Naruto put his claw in to his shoulder.

"Moral support." Naruto answered. ($)

He... he moved so fast. The elder mentally gasped.

"As head of the Hyuga clan, I offer my daughter, Hinata, to you Namikaze-san." Hiashi said.

Naruto smiled. "While I appreciate your blessing, Hyuga-sama, it is not up to me. It is up to my goddess."

Hinata quickly grabbed him and hugged him, kissing his lips as her scarf wrapped around them both.

"I guess that’s a ‘yes’." Hiashi said as the council started to flip out.

End of Ch. 4 ($)

Hope you enjoy these chapters. Also, I'm sure I don't need to remind you that there are two chapters in this email, so be sure not to put them in the same singular update.


Unlockables: Red Council Naruto (Fought Danzo’s 20), Vixen’s Rose (Hinata got dressed as Rose)

Achievements and Trophies: Council of fools, Defeat of the 20, Moral Support, You’re no fool.
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