Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When in Vegas
When in Vegas
6 reviewsIt was meant to be fun. And it was. Just not for Gerard. Read, review, rate and feel my love! :P
When in Vegas
(#) Kaleidoscope_Eyes 2012-07-15
OHMYGOD I loved this! Are you going to continue it? I totally think you should!Author's response
Thanks; glad you liked it! I would continue it, but I don't really know how. Sorry if it ended crappily.When in Vegas
(#) youcanstakemyheart 2012-07-15
This. Was. Adorable.
At first, I was thinking what the hell could Mikey do that his parents would have to know about, and then I read that he got married.
That just made my day.
And then it was so sweet and Gerard was cruel, but Brendon rescued him and cuddled him and it was just perfect.
I agree with Kaleidoscope_Eyes; could you maybe continue it? It would make an excellent two-shot.
As for prompts:(Oddly specific, sorry)
Pikey where Pete gives Mikey a manicure.
Baby Peterick where they go to an aquarium, and Pete is hyper, and Patrick knows everything about the fish.
Rydon involving rubber duckies.
Mikillie where Mikey is taught the proper technique for smashing a guitar in a fit of rock-induced awesmenes. And yes, there is actually a way to do it so that the strings snap, and the body splinters, and all that jazz. I know-sounds fake.
Hope this was helpful!
OXOAuthor's response
Thank you very much!
I'm extremely pleased that you liked the whole marriage thing; I wasn't too sure if it really worked all that well.
Gerard was pretty cruel, but I think Brendon cuddles more than make up for that.
I'll try to continue, if that's what people really want. But I can't guarantee if it'll be any good/when it'll be up.
You're. Prompts. Are. AWESOMESAUCE!!!! I'll get onto these right away! :D
Thank you very much for taking the time to review! :)When in Vegas
(#) BipolarUnicorn 2012-07-15
Awww! I really really LOVE this :3. Like the two reviews above I agree. Maybe continue? It would be adorable! Hehe Mikey got married ^.^ This was so sweet! I loved this :3
Bipolar xxxAuthor's response
Hehe, thank you very much! I'll try to continue this as soon as I get inspiration. And yes, yes Mikey did. :D
Thanks for reviewing! :DWhen in Vegas
(#) KaleidoscopeSunrise 2012-07-15
Oh I loved this!
some prompts!:
A cute Frerard in Waffle House (a waffle restaurant if you don't have any where you're from. It amazes me how they're not everywhere.)
ummmm...I can't think of anything else but I hope this helps!
Author's response
I love the prompt and will be sure to use it, but I have a long list of requests from people on deviantART so it may take a while to materialize.
Thanks for reviewing! :DWhen in Vegas
(#) KobraBlaze 2012-07-15
:) This
I loved it all!!! It has such a good plot. And I also like how we see Mikey in kind of a different, foolish sense when he gets married but also I can still understand why. You wrote the story perfectly and it all just works brilliantly. I would also love to see this be continued, but in your own time. I'm sure you have lots of requests!!! :)Author's response
Thank you very much!
I wasn't really sure if the plot worked, so it's a real relief to know that you think it did. I'm glad you think you saw Mikey differently in that he acted foolishly, yet at the same time understandably.
I think that this will definitely have a second part, but it may take a few days to produce.
Thanks for taking the time to leave such a lovely review! :DWhen in Vegas
(#) BulletproofVendetta 2013-01-27
I love this story!
You don't really see a lot of Brendon/Mikey stories do you?
Great Job!!
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