Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > What about now?

What just happened

by imakilljoywannabe 5 reviews

Gerard steps in and Frank gets a surprise.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-07-20 - Updated: 2012-07-21 - 2160 words

A/N: Hey guys, how do you like the story so far? I'm not quite sure how this chapter is going to turn out, but I hope it's not too bad... Some interesting things happen in this chapter.

Frank's POV

I'm glad that Gerard accepted my excuse for coming early and moved on. I was scared that he would question me intensively about it, but (to my relief) he didn't. Gym was boring, as it usually is. We had to run laps outside. Not fun. Especially when the temperature decides to skyrocket to 95 degrees. Gerard and I were sweating within the first 5 minutes. Normally we skip gym, but you have to show up once in a while. Lucky us, we picked today to be one of the ones we actually come to. After gym the day went pretty smoothly. That is, until after school. As soon as the bell rang I rushed to my locker. I rush every day for a couple reasons. For one, I don't like being stuck in a crowd, because when you're as short as I am you get shoved around a lot. Second, it gave the bullies a smaller shot at getting to me after school. I had just closed my locker when I heard a sneer behind me.

"Hey, fag." I turned around. It was the football player from earlier, except this time he had two of his buddies with him. I grit my teeth to stop myself from clawing the smirk off his face with my bare hands.

"What are you doing here?" I ask quietly, dangerously.

"Well," he said, still smirking, "we came to finish what we started." As soon as he said that, his two friends lunged forward and grabbed my arms. I thrashed as hard as I could, but man jocks are strong. It's not very fair, in my opinion, seeing as I need the strength more than they do. The head jock laughs at my struggle to free myself. I'm locked in an iron grip, but even though I know I won't be able to escape, I still fight them. My efforts are in vain however, as the lead jock pulls back his fist and punches me. It lands square on my jaw, and I taste blood in my mouth. He and his friends laugh, and he punches me again, this time in the stomach. It hits home, and suddenly I'm limp in their arms. I feel so powerless sometimes, having this happen almost daily. He mutters something to one of the guys holding me, and before I can brace myself I feel my head connect with the metal lockers with a solid cracking sound. I crumple, and his friends hold me to the floor. I feel lightheaded and feel like the world is spinning around me. When I finally manage to focus, I realize there is a shoe with a foot inside coming up to my head fast. As the connects with my forehead I see spots. The last thing I see are a pair of beat up Doc Martens. Then everything goes black.

Gerard's POV

I stand outside the entrance to the school for 10 minutes waiting for Frank. I know he wouldn't have left without me, which meant that he had to still be inside the building. I decided to look for him. I wandered the halls a little bit before hearing a something coming from the hallway that Frank's locker was located in.

Oh no

I start jogging towards the sound, my Doc Martens squeaking a little on the polished linoleum floors. I arrive at the scene just in time to see a foot connect with Frank's face. The sight before me is terrifying. Frank is lying on the floor, blood rushing from his nose, and some more near the top of his head. He lay crumpled motionless on the floor in a semi-conscious state, staring ahead without really seeing anything. The scene angers me. What kind of sick people would do this to someone? Someone who had never done anything to deserve this? Anger flared up inside me.

"Step away from him." I hear my voice distantly through my anger, as though it's coming from another person and not me. The jocks turn and look to see who is talking to them. They smirk at me.

"Leave him alone, or else." I say angrily, rage coursing through my veins.

"Or what?" the guy who appears to be the head of the whole operation here. That was it. My rage boiled over and I felt adrenaline shoot through me.

"Or this!" I shouted, and punched him in the face. He recoiled in shock, and I was pleased to see some blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"You did not just do that," he said and I could see the rage in his eyes. It gave me a strange satisfaction.

"Oh, but I did." I stated before I clubbed his accomplices over the head with my backpack. One of them tried to hit me, but I grabbed his hand and bit down with all my might. He screamed in agony, tugging desperately as an attempt to free his hand from my grip. I just bit down harder and he let out another howl of pain. His friend tried to help him, but I reached over smashed my fist into the his stomach. He doubled over, coughing, and I kicked him on to the floor. The lead jock stared at his two henchman, one screaming in pain and the other lying on the floor. He glanced fleetingly at Frank (who was still on the ground) before returning his attention to me.

"This isn't over," he hissed as he picked up his friend on the ground and started dragging him away. After one final chomp on his hand, I finally let the third guy go. He ran screaming after the others, blood dripping from his hand. I smiled momentarily at my success before I remembered Frank and bent down to help him. I eased him into a sitting position and assessed all his wounds. There was a scratch on the back of his head that was long but not too deep from the lockers and an enormous black eye forming rapidly. His nose was also bleeding heavily. He was dazed and confused as I dragged him into the bathroom where I helped stop his bloody nose and get him cleaned up a little bit. Once he could walk fairly steadily and didn't look like he had just run out in the middle of a battle ground screaming for people to shoot him, we started to head over to his house. It took a bit longer than usual, but seeing as only 15 minutes ago he was a crumpled heap on the ground I'd say it's pretty good. When we reach his house I grab the spare key from under the plant he had on his porch and let us both in. His mom is at work until 5 and it's 3:30, so we have some time to fix him up before his mom gets home. I take him up to his bedroom and lay him on his bed. I tell him to wait a moment and I go downstairs to get an ice pack for his eye and a glass of water. I come back up to find him reading a comic book. I smile slightly, this is a good sign. I walk over and hand him the water, which he gulps down thirstily while I press the ice pack to his eye. He sets his empty glass down and takes the ice pack from me while I go get some band-aids for the back of his head. I take a few big one and cover up the long scratch. Frank looks at me and smiles fondly.

"Thanks for helping me out there, Gee. I would probably be tied to the flagpole right now if it weren't for you." He's joking, but it's true. He probably would be tied to the flagpole, unconscious. I shake the image from my head.

"Any time, Frankie." I say softly, looking into his beautiful russet eyes. I feel a sudden longing to be closer to him, to be able to touch him somehow. I decide that I can put my arm around him and be able to play it off as comforting him. I slowly reach out with my arm and pull him closer to me. He doesn't resist, and even snuggles into my chest. I look down at him, my eyes deep with longing. I wish so much this was how it could be every day, and that I could hold him and protect him forever and ever. I lean down and kiss the top of his forehead, and whisper, "You're beautiful, Frankie."

"So are you, Gee." he mumbles back, voice muted a little by my shirt. He turns to look up at me and suddenly I can't help myself. I've held my feelings in for too long. I lean down and kiss him. Slowly, softly. He doesn't do anything for a moment, then he starts to kiss me back. It's the most perfect feeling in the world. His lips on mine are all I can think about. It's not one of those 'fiery explosion of fireworks' kisses you always see on TV. This one is soft, sweet, and passionate. It's only after a moment that I realize what I've just done. I pull back abruptly, startling Frank.

"Oh, god- Frank, Frank I'm sorry," I say quickly, leaping up and running out of the room.

"Gerard! Gerard, wait!" I hear Frank call behind me, but I don't stop. I don't stop running until I've reached the front porch of my house. I reach hurriedly for the spare key behind the little porcelain frog on the porch and let myself in. I hear Misfits blasting through the house from Mikey's room. I shut the door and run up to my room, slamming the door. I feel the tears streaming down my face.

Oh my god what have I done?! I've just ruined the best friendship I've ever had! Now Frank'll hate me and never want to be my friend again! No.......

I hear the music shut off in the other room and hear footsteps down the hall. There's a soft knock on the door.

"Gerard?" Mikey calls quietly. "Are you okay?"

"NO, I'M NOT O-FUCKING-KAY!" I scream at him. I can feel him wince on the other side of the door. I instantly feel bad for taking my fear and anger out on him.

"Mikey, I'm sorry. I'm just really upset."

"I can see that." he says, a little hurt in his voice. "Can I come in?"

"I guess..." I say sadly. The door opens and Mikey steps into the room. I hurriedly wipe the tears from my face.

"Gerard, what happened?" he asked, putting his arm around me comfortingly.

Just like I did for Frank.

I wince at the thought.

"What happened?" Mikey said, repeating his question.

"I- I kissed Frank..." I choke out softly and start to sob.

"Shhh... shhh.... it's okay," Mikey says soothingly while rubbing my back. "What happened?"

"W-well," I said, hiccuping in between my sobs, "I w-was h-helping him...after he-hic- got hurt a-and h-he was just s-so close, and I-I couldn't-hic- help myself."

"And what did he do in response?" Mikey asked quietly.

"H-he k-kissed me b-back after a m-moment..." I trailed off and sobbed some more. I felt so helpless, crying into my younger brother's shoulder. I'm the older brother. I'm supposed to do this for him, not the other way around! I'm such a terrible older brother.

"Well that's good, isn't it? It means he likes you too." Mikey says, still talking in a calm, soothing voice.

"But it didn't-hic-mean anything!" I wailed and sobbed harder.

"Did he say that?" Mikey asks.

"N-no..." I say, and sniffle loudly.

"Well then how do you know?" Mikey asks and smiles at me. I give a small, tentative smile back.

Maybe he's right. Maybe Frank does like me! It was probably all just a spur-of-the-moment thing though. It didn't really mean anything. But still it was a nice thought.

I gave a small sigh.

"Thanks Mikey." I say, still sniffling a little bit.

"Anytime Gerard." He says, smiling happily at me. Though the rest of the evening passes uneventfully, I can't stop thinking about the kiss. Frank doesn't attempt to contact me that night, but I'll see him in school tomorrow. That'll be awkward... but for now, I'm going to enjoy the one happy thought that I have: that Frank might actually like me. And that is the thought I fell asleep to.

A/N: So guys, what do you think? Good? Bad? Terrible? I actually think I did okay on this chapter, but I would still like to hear your thoughts! Please Rate and Review! Thanks! ~imakilljoywannabe
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