Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > What about now?

Save me

by imakilljoywannabe 4 reviews

Gerard has lied to Frank, and Frank is being bullied again

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-07-17 - Updated: 2012-07-19 - 2327 words

A/N: Hey guys, just wanted to say a quick thank you for all the positive reviews I've been getting for this! It makes my day :D Ok now here's the story!

Frank's POV

I woke up yet again from another brief sleep. I'd been restless all night wondering about Gerard's motive, and had only gotten sleep in short bursts. I rolled over to look at the clock, and sure enough, it was 6:10, only about 30 minutes after I had fallen asleep. I sighed loudly. After thinking for a moment I decided I might as well get up. I could just go to school early. I don't tend to like going to school early, but it's not like I had anything better to do.

Except wait for Mikey's text, I thought. I shook the thought from my head. I could do that at school.

I took a shower and threw on a Smashing Pumpkins shirt and some grey skinnies. I pulled on my beat up converse before trudging groggily to the bathroom, where it took all my concentration just to not drop my eyeliner. After a five minutes, I finally had my eyeliner on and smudged just how I like it. I took a quick look at myself in the mirror. I looked tired, but presentable. I mean, after last night what did I expect? That I'd look the best I ever had? Please. I grabbed my pack and started downstairs. Halfway down I tripped and almost fell, but I caught myself on the banister just in time. I probably wouldn't have looked too good with a broken nose. My mom looked at me inquisitively as I stumbled into the kitchen before handing me a coffee.

"Why are you up so early Frank? The guys won't be here for another 20 minutes!"

Urgh. "I'm not walking with them today."

My mom looked confused. "Why not? You always walk to school together!"

"I just need to talk to someone before school starts..." I said, yawning a little. I could tell she didn't believe my excuse, but she let it go. I think she figured if I was having problems with my friends I would solve them myself.

"Well ok," she said cautiously. "Love you!" she called as I walked to the door.

"Love you too!" I called back before I opened the door and left. The walk to school seemed longer without my friends at my side. I checked my phone. Mikey hadn't texted me yet. I wondered for a moment if he'd forgotten, but dismissed the thought: it was 6:30; he had probably just woken up.

He'll remember, I reassured myself. He probably wants to know the answer as much as I do.

I thought about random things as I walked to school. It's interesting to see what weird stuff runs through my head. Soon I arrived at school. I took a deep breath as I walked through the door. No one confronted me when I entered, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I went straight to my locker. I was beginning to get my books when I heard a voice behind me.

"Well, look who's here early!" someone sneered behind me.

Shit. I thought as I turned around, closing my locker as I did so. If I closed it, they couldn't shove me in and shut it. I came face-to-face with one of the jocks. By the looks of him, I'd say he was a football player. Just my luck.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily.

"Ooohhh the faggot's got a temper!" He said, his hatred for me showing in his dark brown eyes.

"Don't call me that."

"What? Faggot? You're such an enormous faggot, everyone can see you have a crush on that other loser...what's his name again? Oh yeah, Gerard!" He snickered. I felt my fists clench.

"Leave me alone." I said, struggling to keep my tone neutral. I really wanted to punch this guy in the face.

"How" he said casually. "You're such a fag. It's pathetic, really. You have no purpose in life. Why are-" I couldn't take it anymore. I punched him in the face and instantly regretted it. I know I could have held off a little longer. But he said I had no purpose...insulted wasn't true. Anyone decent would have punched him. That made me feel a bit better. He looked at me for a moment before he grabbed me and slammed me into the lockers. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head before I crumpled to the floor. I felt him kick me in the stomach and I doubled over, coughing. I felt a fist on my head and saw stars. He kicked me again and I fell over. He kicked and punched me until black spots danced across my vision. I saw him lean over and felt his hot breath on my neck.

"Kill yourself, faggot." he hissed in my ear. I felt one last kick and he was gone. I knew I couldn't stay here. I couldn't let Gee and the others see me like this. I knew my mom would have told them that I had already left, and they'd be looking for me, starting at my locker, where I was currently lying. I knew they would be here soon. I didn't have much time. I slowly dragged myself into a standing position using my locker. I instantly felt faint, and leaned against my locker for support. I stood there for a moment regaining my balance. Once I could move without keeling over I moved as fast as I could to the nearest bathroom. Once there I quickly looked in the mirror. I was a mess. Blood trickled from a cut on my forehead and my nose was gushing blood. I also had a black eye starting to form. I'm also sure that I had a lump forming on the back of my head.

Great. Just terrific. FAN. FUCKING. TASTIC. How am I going to explain THIS to my mom? I thought angrily as I began to clean myself up. I used some water to clean the cut on my forehead, and paper towels to stop my nose from gushing any more blood. Which reminded me. I looked down at my shirt and saw it covered in blood. Thank God I kept an extra outfit in my backpack. I quickly pulled off my shirt and replaced it with a Misfits tee. I stuffed the bloody shirt into an unused pocket in the front of my backpack. I could deal with that later. I pulled out some concealer from my backpack. I kept it in there just for these occasions. I put some on my black eye, and a little bit around the cut so that both were barely noticeable. I looked up at the clock on the wall and realized that first period began in two minutes. Shit. I quickly shoved everything roughly back into my pack before I ran to first period. I just hope that Ray and Mikey don't ask too many questions. Mikey. I forgot to look for his text about Gerard! I didn't have time right now, but I could just ask or read it during class. I hope.

Gerard's POV

I woke up with a feeling of warmth. I had been dreaming of Frank, and it had been a very nice dream. I stretched and rolled over to check my clock. It was 6:25 am. I groaned and sat up. I blinked a few times to clear my head before getting dressed in a gray tee and black skinnies. I went in to the bathroom and put on my eyeliner, smudging it a little. I grabbed my bag and went upstairs to the kitchen to make some coffee. Mikey was already there, cup in hand.

"We need to talk." he said.

"Sure, what's up?" I asked as I made my own cup.

"Do you happen to have a black folder?" he inquired, looking closely for my reaction.

Uh oh.

"Yeah, why?" I asked casually, making sure to keep my face expressionless.

"Well, I was wondering if I could use it."

"Uhh no sorry it has some stuff in it already." I felt my palms get sweaty.

"What kind of stuff?" Mikey pressed.

"Just....stuff..." I said hesitantly. I knew where this was going.

"Hmmmm. "Just stuff", you say? I thought it was some "brother to brother" stuff that I supposedly gave to you." he said. He was staring at me intensely, waiting for my reply.


"How did you find out?" I asked quietly, staring at the floor.

"Frank asked about it. He seemed confused as to why you had freaked out about him touching it." I bit my lip.

"Gerard, what's really in the black folder?" My lip was starting to hurt from my biting it.

"You have to promise not to tell Frank."

"We'll see," said Mikey stubbornly. "But we're not leaving this kitchen until you tell me." I bit my lip even harder, drawing a little blood.

"Wellit'sjustabunchofdrawingsoffrankandidon'twanthimtoseebecauseit'screepyandhe'llhateme!" I said quickly. Mikey took a moment to process what I'd just said. A slow smirk came onto his face.

"Oh, I see." he said, still smirking at me. "It's evidence of your crush on Frank that you don't want him to find out about. How interesting..." He said, pulling out his phone. My eyes widened in a panic.

"Don't tell Frank!" I begged. "He'll never speak to me again!"

"Calm down. I told him I'd tell him what I found out, and I intend to do so."

"But-" I looked at him pleadingly as he held up his hand.

"Don't worry, Gerard. I'm telling him that it was a bunch of unfinished drawings, and that you wanted to wait until they were done before anyone saw them." Mikey spoke slowly as he typed out the message to Frank and hit a button. "There!" he said. "Message sent! We should leave now Gerard, we need to meet up with Ray and Frank to go to school." He turned to leave the kitchen, then realized I was still frozen.

"I think you should tell him, Gee. I really do. Even if he doesn't like you the same way-which he does, by the way- he won't hate you. It'll be fine. I promise." he said, and walked towards the door. I unfroze and followed him. We met up with Ray at the bus stop as always, then walked to Frank's house. I rang the doorbell and waited. Presently Frank's mom answered the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Iero." I said politely. "Where's Frank?"

"Oh I'm sorry Gerard, but he left about 20 minutes ago saying he had something to do before school. He must have forgotten to tell you." She said simply.

"Oh.... ok..." I said slowly. She smiled apologetically and closed the door. As I made my way back to Mikey and Ray I wondered why Frank would go to school early. He hates school. We all do. So why did he go early?

"Hey man, where's Frank?" Ray asked curiously.

"His mom said he went to school...early." I said, still in a state of confusion.

"Why the hell would he do that?" asked Mikey. I shrugged.

"Let's just go, we'll be late," I said briskly, snapping out of my daze. The first bell was just about to ring when we walked into school. We said our quick goodbyes and separated for our classes. I would find out about this morning later in gym, when I saw Frank. I wonder what happened...

Frank's POV

I ran into class just before the bell, and found a seat at the back of the room. After scanning the class, I saw that Mikey and Ray were sitting on the other side of the classroom in the corner next to mine. They were both looking at me funny, like they expected me to get up and run out of the room at any second. I decided to check the messages on my phone. I saw one from Mikey. I opened it and took a deep breath, knowing that this would be the one about Gerard. It read: Frank, there's nothing to worry about. All that was in the folder was some unfinished drawings. He didn't tell you because he knew you'd immediately try to look through it. It was all just a big misunderstanding. ~M

I breathed a sigh of relief. So it was just a misunderstanding. Nothing to worry about. I then saw another message box pop up on my screen. It was from Mikey. I opened it.

Hey dude, what happened this morning? Where were you? ~M

I came to school early to hand in some work one of my teachers needed before school started. -F

Ok, I guess. You got my message about Gee? ~M

Yeah, thanks for looking into that for me. It means a lot. -F

Anytime, bro. ~M

"MR.IERO, will you please pay attention?" asked the English teacher sharply.

"Yes ma'am," I mumbled.

"Thank you." She turned back to the board. I flashed a smile at Ray and Mikey before turning back to the teacher.


Later, in gym, I told Gerard the same thing.

"...It was no big deal." I stated firmly.

"Oh. Uhh ok." he said uncertainly.

"Just forget about it." I said simply.

"Alright. I will." he said.

"Do you want to come over today?" I asked. He looks a bit surprised at my sudden question.

"Oh, sure." he responded.

"Great! I'll see you after school then."

"I guess you will." He said, and smiled.

A/N: Ok I planned for a little more in this chapter, but I don't think it fits very well here, so I am going to put it in the next chapter instead. I hope you like! If you find any errors please tell me! R&R for me?? Love you all! ~imakilljoywannabe
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