Categories > Original > Romance > Memories


by stashleyrocks 0 reviews

Ashley visits Stefan's grave for the first time.

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Published: 2012-07-21 - Updated: 2012-07-21 - 171 words - Complete

Ashley's eyes fluttered open as he saw light enter the room.

Someone had been in and opened the blinds and window, letting some air into the room.

Ash decided that today was the day he'd finally venture outside his hospital room.

He'd missed Stefan's funeral when he was in the coma, but he could still visit his grave, which was in the graveyard behind the hospital.

"Hey baby, I miss you" Ashley said as he walked up to the shiny new gravestone.

"I'm so sorry for what happened. Its my fault, it should've been me. Everytime I go to sleep, I see your face. I see our life, the first time we met, our first kiss, the first time you said I love you. It kills me inside knowing that I'll never hear your beautiful voice, or be able to kiss those perfect lips again. I love you baby, please come back to me!" Ashley choked, curling up under Stefan's grave stone.

Just like usual, he cried until he fell asleep.
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