Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Never Told You What I Do For A Living

We'll Cry Again, And We'll Dance Again

by KilljoyOnFire 2 reviews

Gerard's alive, but shattered.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-07-27 - Updated: 2012-07-27 - 504 words

Chapter 2

You never truly know somebody until you watch them fall. I thought I knew everything about my brother… We were so close.

I remember racing Mikey on our bikes as kids, scaring the neighbor’s children by riding too close. I was a bit chubby back then, so Mikey naturally won. He’d always teased me. “Beaten by your little brother!” And I’d always grinned and shoved him to the ground. “Whatever, shrimp!”
Unlike most brothers, I was actually happy to share with my brother. We would exchange comic books and records all the time. We liked to listen to music together and talk about our favorite bands. We would go to concerts together and talk about forming a band in the future. We were just at a concert last weekend…

The Mikey I knew just yesterday is still there, but hiding under violence and anger. My baby brother still exists. His mugshot never leaves the TV screen mounted on the wall of my hospital room. It doesn’t look like him. He isn’t wearing his glasses. I want to scream at whoever took that picture “THAT ISN’T MICHAEL WAY!”

Was it something I did? Was it something I said? Or something I didn’t say? Thousands of what ifs run through my mind. I was the closest family member Mikey had… I should have known. I should have watched him closer. But there weren’t any clues. I had no idea that on the morning of April 3rd, 2012, my baby brother was going to become a murderer. I had no idea that on the morning of April 3rd, 2012, Mikes was going to shoot at me and my boyfriend.

Why do I keep thinking about him in the past tense? He’s still my baby brother. He’s still my baby brother.

He’s still my baby brother.

Tears begin to pour down my cheeks. Then, for the hundredth time since I woke up in the emergency room, I begin to sob. The kind of sobbing where your shoulders are shaking and all you can think about is the incident that led you to crying. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my left side. I lift my hospital gown. The once pristine white bandages wrapped around my abdomen are stained with fresh blood. Fuck. I was crying so hard that I ripped my stitches.

The blood makes me woozy, and I sink back into the pillows. Weakly, I fumble for the button on the wall that calls the nurses. I press it, and a motherly-looking nurse appears almost instantly.

“What is it, dear?” she asks.

I gesture to the blood and close my eyes. I feel lightheaded.

I'm so excited to continue with this story. But warning, it's going to be very slow paced. You're probably wondering why I barely mentioned Frank in this short chapter. That will be in the next chapter, don't worry. The POV will be switching a lot, too.

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