Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Let's Kill Tonight

Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends

by Kaleidoscope_Eyes 2 reviews

The only one who would and should have to risk their life was me.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Published: 2012-07-27 - Updated: 2012-07-28 - 1552 words - Complete

Pete and I walked alongside each other, Ryan following behind. Patrick and I told everyone about Ryan showing up. It had been a group decision that he show us where the bank was so we could get Jo back. Pete and I would assess the security and then decide how to infiltrate.

“Take a left up here,” Ryan whispered to us. “It should be on the right up here.” We looked and saw exactly what he was talking about. There stood the bank, tall and proud. It didn’t look abandoned, which I guess is what the bloodsuckers were going for.

Two large vampires stood at the doors blocking entry from most. Only a few were actually allowed through the doors. I looked to Pete, hoping he would have an answer to this problem. I figured they would have guards, but I wasn’t sure how we would be able to get through them.

Pete glanced back at me and then to Ryan. He was as uneasy about the parasite as I was, but he was our only hope to finding Jo at this point. If we didn’t get his help then she could be lost forever. I refused to think about it.

We watched as person after person was turned away from the bank. Only a few times were people actually allowed to enter. I thought about going up with Pete but thought better of it. What would we do if we got inside? We only carried our standard weapons, certainly not enough to take down an entire clan of vampires. After a while of studying the bank we returned to the warehouse.

We met the rest of the guys in the meeting room. “How are we going to get past their guards?” I asked.

“We could use brute force.” Pete said winking at me. I laughed; it was my favorite option but not the most practical. If we did kill the guards on the way in it would cause alarm. Someone would notice them missing and security would be tighter on wherever Jo was being held.

“No, we need to get in some way that won’t cause too much attention…”

“Why don’t you and Pete use the fake teeth?” Gee spoke up. “You know, disguise yourselves as vampires? It normally works doesn’t it?”

“Yes, but we’ll need Brendon and you there with us too.” Pete said.

My head snapped up at that. What? No, this was not their battle. Having Pete with me was just for insurance, bringing Brendon and Gee would put them in harm’s way. I didn’t want that. “No we won’t Pete.”

“You are too stubborn for your own good. Yes we will. We’re both great fighters yeah but it’ll be hard for us to do this on our own.” He turned back to the two. “You guys willing to come?”

They both nodded their heads eagerly.

“What about me?” came a squeak from the doorway. We all turned to see Mikey standing in the doorframe. I looked to Gerard, waiting for him to tense, waiting for him to say no immediately, but he didn’t.

There were a few moments where no one said anything. We all watched the two brothers. Gerard moved toward Mikey and enveloped him in a hug. “You’ll come too,” I heard him whisper. The two came to the table and sat down.

“So Jack, you and Pete will go in through the front, but how will you get the rest in?” Patrick asked. “It’ll look suspicious if you all go in together.”

“They could just wait a bit before going in?” Pete suggested.

I looked over at Ryan, making sure he was still there. An idea struck me. “What if we use Ryan?” Everyone looked up at me, not understanding what I was trying to say. “We could act like we were bringing him back, because he escaped and all?” Ryan looked uncomfortable at this idea but it made sense. If we were all in disguise as vampires they would never know the difference. We could claim that we were bringing him back and that would be immediate access!

I looked from face to face as realization hit them. Trick smiled at me. “You’re a genius.” I beamed at his compliment.

“Wait, wait, wait. Don’t I have a say in this?” Ryan exclaimed.

I snarled at him. “No, no you don’t get any say in this whatsoever.”

“Look, it’s not my fault that you screwed up, ok? I’d rather just stay out of this. Don’t bring me into your fight because you couldn’t protect your sister.” I clenched my jaw and reached for the knife in my pocket. Pete grabbed my hand before I got the chance.

“You can kill him after we get Jo.” I sneered but didn’t make another threatening move towards Ryan.

We finished out the meeting, making all the plans we needed. We would put our plan to use the next night. Spencer and Patrick would work on weapons in that time and Pete and I would spend our time making sure everyone was properly trained.

I watched Mikey for the first time and I realized why Gee had said yes to him coming along. Mikey was damn good! He could throw a punch, he had great aim, he could kick, and the boy could pin Pete to the ground! That took some skill.

We trained the whole night, not breaking until sunrise. Mostly everyone went off to their respective rooms to get some rest before our rescue mission but I didn’t. I made my way to the roof, too jittery for sleep.

I stood at the edge, overlooking the lot. It was deserted, completely empty. All we could see for a while was cracked cement and the remnants of old lampposts. It was probably one of the ugliest sights in the world but it was ours. It was our home.

I jumped as I felt someone’s hand on my shoulders. I hadn’t heard anyone come up. I looked over to see Gerard. His face didn’t hold any signs of worry but I knew on the inside he was as terrified as I was.

“Calm before the storm right?” he said and I laughed. He pulled me into a tight embrace and I hugged back. I squeezed tight not wanting to let go. “You be careful tonight.”

I nodded my head. “You too,” I laughed again. It felt like the cheesy goodbye scene during a movie. The scene right before a huge battle. I looked down at my feet suddenly wanting to be alone. “You go get some rest. You’ll need it.” He smiled down at me, hugged me once more, and left me on my own.

I didn’t want everyone to get hurt because of me. I didn’t like that Mikey was coming with us. I knew Gee didn’t like it ether, but we needed everyone we could. Only Spencer and Patrick would be staying behind. They never fought, not like the rest of us. They were the gadgets guys, not the warriors. I didn’t like the fact that everyone was putting their lives at risk for my own careless mistake.

I sat down and watched the sun move across the sky. It wasn’t until just before sunset that I realized something. They didn’t have to come with me. I could go alone. If I went alone I wouldn’t have to drag them all into the mess that I created.

I jumped up and ran to the training room. Thankfully it was empty. I grabbed a few weapons for me to use and ran to the main floor, putting in my fake teeth and hiding my weapons in my jacket as I went down.

I ran to the main door and stopped at the edge, looking back. I found a pen and wrote everyone a quick note.

I’m sorry, I’ve got to do this alone. I didn’t want you all to get caught up in my mess. I appreciate all of your help but this is my fight. This is not a goodbye. I will come back with Jo. I promise.
- Jack

I stuck the note to the door and left.

I would get Jo and I would kill those bastards. I would make sure of it. The only one who would and should have to risk their life was me.

DON'T EXPECT AN UPDATE LIKE THIS AGAIN. Although there really isn't much left. TWO MORE CHAPTERS. UH OH WUS GON HAPPN???? I had caffeine...So yeah... I'm super, super, super, super, super, SUPER excited to post the next chapter. ALSO, I started a story a few months ago, it's called Hospice Isn't Such a Relaxing Getaway After All. Well I've put it on hiatus for the past two months because it's sort of been a hard story to write. BUT I've started writing it again and I would absolutely love it if you all would check it out and let me know what you think!
Here is le link:
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