Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Early Sunests Over Monroeville

Early Sunests Over Monroeville

by xxFrerardxx 2 reviews

A story based on all the song by My Chemical Romance. Please read and review !

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-05-11 - Updated: 2012-05-12 - 681 words

The sun was just peaking over the road as Frank made his way to meet his friends behind the abandoned mansion just on the edge of Monroeville. The crunch of leaves beneath his feet welcomed fall into the air. As he approched the creek where he could already hear the fimiliar laugh of his friends, he looked back quickly.
Being in the woods alone like he was always worried him, especially since there was a huge broken down house behind him. But of course there was no one behind him, there never will be, he reassured himself.
"I'm just saying, who on earth would buy that house, are they crazy?" I over heard Ray explaining to Bob and Ryan, as they all came into veiw shortly.
"I don't know, obviously they must be." Ryan replied him a hushed tone.

"What are you guys talking about?" I questioned taking an uncomfortable seat on a log nearby.
"Someone bought the white mansion. I saw some people by it last night moving stuff in. I was walking back from Alyssa's at like midnight and I saw them moving.. it was kind of weird. Who unpacks at that time?" Bob explained, looking at the house.
"We'll probably have to find somewhere else to meet from now on. They're probably weird enough as it is, we don't need them to come after us because we're on their property." I replied, totally off topic to everything Bob just said.
"Let's just focus on school for now, this is creeping me out."Ryan said, always scared of things that could never touch him. With Brendon around.. nothing ever would in his lifetime. But with that we set off back to the main road and down to the school.

The school day went pretty calmly, everyone with a weary feeling about. In the small town of Monroeville, nothing goes unoticed. When there was two new kids arriving at school today, the gossip was that they're the ones who bought the white mansion. I wouldn't doubt it anyways, they look the part.
One of them is in my English class, I think I heard that his name is Mike or something. Tall, skinny and pale. He's about the most plain person I've ever laid eyes on, but extremely odd all at the same time. But hasn't this kid heard of sunlight, possibly a little trip to the tanning bed? He looks like a ghost, and his expression is like he just saw someone get ran over.
But something even more weird than that is when he came talked to me.
"Hi." I think his face is permantly left like that, it didn't move an inch, even when he muttered that simple word.
"What's up." I replied staring at him oddly, what is this kid trying to do. I know I'm small and shy at first, but does he expect me to be his friend or something because I look uncomfortable?
"I've just moved here, I thought I'd introduce myself." He stared blankly.
"That's pretty cool. Welcome to the most boring place on earth. My names Frank, you?"

I have faith that 'Mikey' just might be the oddest person I'll know in my life time, not entirely sure if that's bad or good yet. I've figured out lots of things with our little chat today. What a strange kid. Turns out he has, one brother, two sisters, mom. They all moved into the White old house.
His brother is named Gerard, pretty much the same looking as him, but a thousand and one times better looking. Like drop dead gorgeous. And I'm not usually the type to.. pick the male side. I like females for the most part, but this guy.. there's something about him that makes me want to know more.

After school that afternoon, I took the long way home. Back up over the hill where there was a very early sunset. Looking up, I saw a figure.
Pale as snow, and gorgeous as ever. Gerard.

Just a taste, sucked? Good? Bad? Please tell me for next time!
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