Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Allfather

Chapter 2

by ArsaoTome 3 reviews

Xander makes an offer to Cordelia she'd be too stupid to refuse.

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-08-05 - Updated: 2012-08-06 - 1151 words

Meanwhile in the realm of the the 'Powers that Be'; the so-called rulers of the realms, there was a meeting going on.

This shouldn't have happened!

We need to remove those powers from Harris!” Just then there was a bright light and standing before them was the Creator.

You Aren't Going To Do Anything!” She said, “I Gave You Three Those Powers, I Can Take Them Away! Alexander Harris Is Under My Protection And I Already Know What You Are Going To Do. So In Retaliation, I'm Taking Two Slayers From You.


Oh I Can't? Did You Forget Who I Am?” The Powers gulped and snapped her fingers. With that, the Powers were gone as if they didn't exist. 'Now Xander Will Not Be Opposed.'

The next morning Xander had went to school, he was now in a T-shirt, a flak vest, cargo pants, sandals, leather gauntlets and had earrings in his ears. The girls were looking at him, “Whoa!”

“Is that Xander?”

“No way!”

Xander had walked to his locker and opened it to get his books. When all of the sudden the bane of his existance showed up. “HARRIS!” Xander closed his eyes, praying that his powers don't force him to kill the pathetic little man.

“Yes Principal Snyder?” He said.

“Where did you steal the clothes from?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“So, I can tell the police!”

“Let me call them for you, as a matter I'll bring them here.” Snyder backed up, Harris is calling his bluff? “Call the cops, if you're not going to do that then get out of my way so I can get to class.” He brushed past him, then stopped. “Oh and have a nice day.” With that Xander went to class, leaving Snyder in the hallway.

Later word got around about what happened between Xander and Snyder.

“Oh man, did you hear what happened this morning?”

“No what?”

“Harris came in to school and got into a fight with Snyder.”


“I heard Snyder had tried to stop him from coming in and Harris basically grabbed Snyder and threatened to hang from the flag pole if he didn't move.” Said one student.

“I heard Snyder had cops at the door to prevent Harris from getting in.” Said a cheerleader.

“I thought it was S.W.A.T.” Said another.

“You know, you might be right. Anyway, it didn't matter, he just mowed through them and got to Snyder.”

“Dude, I heard that Harris threw Snyder from one side of the school to the other.” Said a skater.

“Yeah brah, then took him to the roof and threatened to throw him off.” Said another, this all came be to the 'Scooby' gang as Xander was eating lunch he noticed the 'Queen C' was coming up to him. He smiled at her and she smirked.

“Well, I'm glad to see you.” He said, Cordiela cocked an eyebrow as she sat down to eat.

“Why Xander?” She said.

“I have always seen you as a goddess,” she interrupted.

“Well of course.”

“So, what if I told I could make you in to one? No more hiding how we feel about each other. I've always loved you.” She blushed.

“You can make me a goddess?”

“Um hmm,” he said as he was eating.

“And we can finally be together without anyone saying anything?”

“Who's going to tell us we can't be together?”

“My parents for one.”

“But you'd be a goddess. 'A Queen goddess'.”

“A 'Queen goddess'?” He smirked knowing he has her hooked. “Wait, two things; first 'Queen goddess' of what?”

“Here's the beauty of it, Slayers.” She gasped knowing about the 'Slayers' and who was one she was shock that he was asking her and not Summers.

“Who'd be my 'King'?” Xander grabbed her hand and started to kiss it.

“One Alexander LaVille Harris.” She squealed and grabbed him in a tight hug and kissed him passionately. She got in his lap and wrapped her arms around him.

“When do we do this?”

“Tonight if you want.” She quickly nodded, “okay.” He pulled out a card and handed it to her. "Go to that address and I'll meet you there. Oh and wear something nice.”

“Oh I will,” with that she straddled him and gave him another passionate kiss. Then she left, as Xander collapsed in his chair.

Later Xander had went in to the library after school to talk about what happened on Halloween night. He also got an earful from Willow and Buffy about the rumors.

“Ladies, they were just rumors.” He said.

“So you didn't threaten Snyder by ripping out his guts and jump rope with them?” Said Willow.

“Uh no.”

“And you didn't threaten to sell his organs on 'Ebay'?(1)” Said Buffy. Xander looked at her.

“Or launch him off in to space?” Said Willow.

“No, none of that.” He said, “can we start the meeting? I got places to be today. I went as a cross between Odin and Zeus called 'Odinzeus Allfather'. Giles, listen up those two have one thing in common. They are both the heads of their respective Parthenons.”

“Yes, Norse and Greek I believe.” Said Giles cleaning his glasses.

“Yeah, Also there's something I want you to look up, there is a new 'Allfather'. It's been said he took over the 'Powers that Be' place. He's starting a new Parthenon, I heard he got a Queen already.”

“I shall start on it.” He said, Xander smirked.

“Is he going to be a problem?” Said Buffy.

“Not unless you want him to be.” Then he looked at the clock and paled. “Geez IS THAT THE TIME? I better get, see ya!” With that he left.

“Wait XANDER!” Said Willow, “darn! I was going to ask him the name of this guy.”

“We'll figure it out later.” Said Giles, “but what I'm worried about he didn't called 'G-Man' at all through the meeting.”

“He was showing you respect Giles.” Said Willow.

“He never calls me 'Giles' unless its serious. Something's wrong.”

“You want us to find out?” Said Buffy.

“Don't get into any fights. Find out what's wrong.” So 'Daphne' and 'Velma' went to see what was going on with Xander.

Meanwhile Xander made it to Slayer Manor. Waiting on him was Cordelia, “sorry I'm late. Got up in a meeting.” He kissed her.

“Don't worry I just got here.” She said, “so this is your place?”

“Yep, would you like to see the inside?” So they went in, “Oberon?” He came downstairs.

“Yes sir?” He said.

“I want you to meet Cordelia Chase, Cordelia this is our man servant; Oberon.”

“Pleasure to meet you Ms. Cordelia.”

“You too Oberon.” Then she looked to Xander. “Where do we do this?”

“Oberon, take us to the 'Chambers'.”

“Yes sir,” and off they went.


1. This is a modern version.
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