Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 8 > Fated Children

Chapter Thirteen - I Can't Say I Miss You

by sumthinlikhuman 0 reviews

Laguna writes. (original format unsupported. italics should be strike-throughs)

Category: Final Fantasy 8 - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Laguna - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-07-11 - Updated: 2006-07-12 - 307 words

Dear Kiros-

He stopped there, staring at the paper, before crumpling up the sheet and tossing it toward the growing pile in the corner of hit hotel room. Outside, he could hear the Shumi talking amongst themselves and with a few merchants that had streamed from Winhill.

For a moment, he stared at the blank page staring back at him forlornly. He put his pen to the paper, and told himself that this time, he wouldn't stop until it was all out.


I don't know where this will find you, so I just addressed it care of the military. It seemed an appropriate choice. You must be in Galbadia somewhere, because you told me you wouldn't go back to Centra until you were confident you wouldn't get
/bitch slapped/ yelled at in a fight with your family. But maybe you're there now. Whatever.

/I miss you/ Have you talked with Ward recently/ I've started writing, like I said I would. Haven't really been anywhere yet, but I'm saving up money to travel. /I wish you could come /I wish I knew where you were/ We should get in touch /I miss you/

When you get this, there's no return address because
/I'm staying somewhere that sends mail out but won't deliver it/ I don't know how to address this stupid thing/ I don't have a steady place yet. When I do, I'll write again, if you haven't already found me. We can /keep in touch /see each other/ talk.

miss you /love you/ wish you were here /hope this finds you well/ /want to see you again/ be seeing you.

/love/ take care /your friend/ sincerely

And the letter joined a stack of others, carefully folded and tucked away in their sad little white envelopes, and shoved into the back of the desk drawer.
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