Categories > Games > World of Warcraft > Tej'lie

Eleven [Awakening]

by Keyboard 0 reviews

A mage has found herself stuck within the walls she had built around her. Until a priest steps into her life was when she started feeling again.

Category: World of Warcraft - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-08-14 - Updated: 2012-08-14 - 1484 words - Complete

Glesig returned to the land of the living with the feeling of pain ebbing him out of his dreamless state. His leg ached and his arm was a molten mass of unhappiness, he shifted ever so slightly to find his good hand pinned lightly down on the mattress. He blinked at the dim lighting of the medical room he was all too familiar with, he had made it back to Shattrah. A soft sigh caused him to find his beautiful mage half propped up on a chair next to his bed. Her face looked exhausted even though she was sleeping, she even appeared a little thinner than he remembered. Her clothing was covered with dirt and sprays of blood, her normally neat hair was pulled from her braid in places. Her hand covered his was still warming against his skin, despite his concern he couldn’t help but smile. This is how he wanted to wake up every morning for the rest of his life.

The curtain was drawn away from the doorway, and the light from the hallway filtered in the pale green room. The priest’s eyes snapped over to the head healer of the Aldor, fear serge through him. “Teacher, she…”

The older draenei held up a hand silencing his pupil with a slight shake of his head. “Be at ease young one, she has our blessing in being here. She had worked hard these past weeks to gain our trust and she earned her place among the Aldor.”

“She gave up her place at the Scryers?” Glesig whispered glancing at Tej’lie than back to his teacher. He had seen the trinkets of her status in the fraction in her home on the first visit and he had made tea. She had a high place among them, though she seemed uncaring about that honor.

“I have not seen such dedication since I was courting my own lovely mate,” he chuckled softly moving in the room with quiet grace. With practiced hands he checked the bandages around the young male’s arm. “You are healing very well.”

“I don’t understand,” Glesig whispered his eyes unwilling to leave the sleeping trolls face. “She was very honored with the other fraction. How could she have done so much in such short time?”

The older priest blinked at the other then shook his head. “Let me explain,” he moved to a chair and moved it to the bedside and sat down with a grunt. “You two appeared out of the portal near the tier and we instantly thought she had gotten the better of you. The guards sent her to the door of the city as they had been ordered to do with unfriendly advances. We took you in and began your healing.”

“You did what?” Glesig yelled causing the troll to jerk, both males watched her as she shifted in the chair. A moment later her breathing was again in a deep rhythm. Keeping his volume lowered but his tone still harsh. “She saved my life and you treated her like that? I thought you were better than that.”

“Hold on,” the older male stated with a frown. “All we saw was a priest badly hurt in the present of a member of the horde and a scryer.”

“You keep teaching us of being enlightened and living a higher law.” Glesig growled, this thumb moving against the back of the trolls hand. His concern for the state she was in wasn’t going away, he turned back to his teacher who watching him with great interest.

“We had just learned of Deathwing had emerged back into our world, our guards-well everyone was a little on edge when you two appeared.” The priest leaned back and stroked a tentacle that was attached to his chin.


“You are going to interrupt every stage of my story, aren’t you? Granted we didn’t know it was Deathwing, for sure, but the reports started filling in soon thereafter. But we knew something horrible had happened on the other side of the portal and most of us were concerned that the threat would come here.”

Glesig swallowed and gave the silence the teacher required, his brain going in circles in effort to make sense of what he had learned thus far. That dragon hadn’t been heard of for so long, he had nearly forgotten about the beast. If the creature had emerged there was countless people hurt and killed because of it. His heart went out to those who were surviving that holocaust. Tears swelled in his eyes at all the pain one creature could inflict. The voice of his teacher broke those unhappy thoughts, it took a few moments for him to gain control of all his emotions.

“We felt it best to put you under a sleep spell to let your arm heal properly, when the nerves started healing, no amount of pain medication would keep it at bay.” The older priest shifted, his fingers again finding the rhythm of stroking his chin. “Every day for nearly three days, in the reports from the guards, they showed that the troll mage would storm over inquiring after your health. They would send her away. That is when she started disappearing for longer periods of time. She would come back after doing some long hard requests and gaining favor in the Aldor ranks.” The older male chuckled with a shake of his head. “I will never forget the moment I first laid my eyes on her, she had landed her cursed mount in the middle of the tower. Her bags full of armaments of the demons that have brought so much pain and destruction to our people. She was covered from head to toe in cooling demon blood, her eyes were shining with determination I hadn’t seen in a long while.

“After she had presented the council with her trinkets, we held a short meeting and admitted her into our ranks. The first thing she was run around to find you,” he waved a hand to the mage. “She has not left your side since.” The older priest put a soft hand on the other’s shoulder. “I saw her reactions when she saw you here, I was exercising your arm and fingers. She sat down and held your hand. It was only then I was able to pry information from her lips about what had happened.” The teacher leaned back and took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “In this day in age, when there are so much hate and killing.” The draenei rose and returned the chair where he found it. “Hold on to her, you have been given a gift not many find in their lives.”

“I plan to, she will be my mate.”

Surprise skittered across the others face, than he smiled with a nod. “I will bless that. I think you will be a team that brings much benefit to the Aldors.” The older healer gave him a potion for the pain and gave him a blessing of the Light to help the healing process.

“Teacher, how long have I been sleeping?”

“A month, we felt the healing would be better if you slept through it. We had your welfare foremost in our minds, you have a long why to go, my young one. Now, if you are feeling up to it I would like a long waited report.”

Glesig nodded and started rattling off what had happened after they left the great city. He didn’t hide what Tej’lie had done either. Now, that she was one of them, he wanted her to be recognized for her actions. He mentioned the tablet and his teacher freed it from the pack. The teacher nodded and winked before leaving the room, Glesig turned and saw Tej’lie watching him. “Hi,” he whispered.

“Hiya, dere.” She answered straightening in the chair taking a moment to stretch her stiff muscles. “Do you need anyting?”

“Nothing I don’t have right now,” he whispered and she smiled leaning her elbows on the bed. “How long have you been awake?”

“Since you declared I to be your mate,” she answered toying with one of his fingers. “You dink that be wise, priest?”

“If I let you go I would be a fool.”

Tej’lie gaze met his with a smiled, a moment passed before she lowered her eyes. “Only on one condition.”


“We adopt from the orphanage here and give dem a family.”

Glesig’s heart soared with delight, tears of gratitude came to his eyes. “I must have done something very good in my life to be so blessed. I was hoping to convince you of the same thing.”

“Great minds dey dink alike, eh?”

“F’sure,” he answered with a bad troll accent causing her to laugh.
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