Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Schizophrenic Nightmare

I Haven't Lost Anything Except My Mind

by M_Courtney_R 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-08-19 - Updated: 2012-08-19 - 892 words

October 10th 1999

It had been a week since the accident and Gerard's arm was still in the sling, which Gerard had messily doodled all over, since his drawing hand was the one in the sling.

"Frankie," Gerard whined "Frankieeee."
"What?" Frank responded, ever since Gerard had come back from the hospital he had been acting like he couldn't do anything by himself, laying in bed all day, getting Frank or his parents to get him either food or water or whatever else he felt that he needed. It was seriously pissing Frank off.
"Can you pass me the blue crayon?" Gerard asked, Gerard was infact perfectly capable of getting the blue crayon without moving since is was directly in front of him, right next to the red one he had just used.
"Are you been fucking serious Gerard! It's right there, get it yourself." Frank complained.
"You said, a bad word Frankie and I can't reach it. Your meant to be nice to me Frankie, because you love me." Gerard stated. Frank scoffed,
"Love you? I don't love you Gerard. God, and you can fucking reach it, it's right in front of you. Your acting like your 3!" Frank shouted, and stormed off outside. Gerard curled up into a ball, Frankie didn't love him. His Frankie, if Frank didn't love Gerard then who did?

Gerard curled his hands up into fist and threw his Batman bedsheets off him, his crayons scattering everywhere. He was going to find Frank and he was going to get him back, Gerard may only of been 7 but he still didn't want to lose the only person who had ever loved him. Gerard stumbled up the basement steps, after not walking for days his legs were slightly shaking as id he were unsure of his actions. But of course, going to find Frank was probably the only thing he'd ever been completly sure about in his entire life.

"Frankie," Gerard shouted into the hallway, "Frankie." Gerard shouted again.
"Darling, who are you talking to?" Gerard's mother asked,
"Frankie, mom he l left me." Gerard replied between sobs,
"Frank isn't real baby. He's just an imaginary friend, don't you think your a bit old for them." Gerard's mother spoke. Gerard frowned,
"He's not imaginary mom, Frankie is real." Gerard demanded, and to him Frankie was real.
"Don't start this agian Gerard! Frank isn't real. You may think he's real but he isn't!" Gerards mother shouted.
"No! He is real! He is, He is, He is!" Gerard whined, going into tantrum mode.
"Gerard, don't be like this!" Gerard's mother pleaded, but she knew that there was no point.
"No! I'm leaving and i'm taking Frankie with me." Gerard stated, going back into his room for his crayons and his favourite teddy bear, Cuddles. Gerard grabbed the house key off the side and unlocked his front dood, even though he was only just tall enough to reach.

Gerard was stood outside on the front porch of his house, no his old house. He had everything he could possibly need, Mr. Cuddles and his pack of crayons. What else could he need? Gerard knew excatly where to go, Grandma's house.


Grandma wasn't in, it had stared to rain, his favourite blue crayon had rolled out of its box and got crushed by a car and Frank hadn't shown up. Gerard was currently curled up on the front porch of his old house, crying. he had thought that he was old enough and wise enough to survive without his mummy and daddy, but he had been wrong. Even Mr. Cuddles was upset. Gerard gave up, he had tried his best but it wasn't good enough, he just had to face up to reality, he wasn't ready to be by himself he needed his family. Gerard stood up slowly, the tears still running down his cheeks, and knocked on the front door. Mrs. Way opened her front door to find herself face to face with her eldest son.
"Mummy!" Gerard whimpered, running into his mothers arms.
"Aww, honey. What happened, your crying." Mrs. Way said, in that voice all parents use when there child is hurt.
"I I went to Grandma's house but but she w wasn't in and then on the way h home I dropped my favourite crayon and a a car ran it over. I It was raining and now me and Mr.Cuddles are all wet.!" Gerard said between sobs. Mrs. Way pulled her son into another hug.
"Right, you go upstairs and i'll start you a bath and mr. cuddles will get washed downstairs. Yeah?" Mrs. Way asked. Gerard nodded, he had stopped crying now but his eyes were red and puffy. Gerard slowly handed Mr. Cuddles over to his mother and ran upstairs. Within minutes Mr. Cuddles was turning round and round in the silver washing machine and Gerard was surruonded by millions and millions of bubbles.

Sorry, I was meant to upload this last night but I got like half way through and I fell asleep. :( Then this morning I went shopping but I have finally finshed this off. It isn't as long as I wanted it to be but I kept getting distracted and I didn't want to keep everyone waiting. So sorry but this is what you've got.

M_Courtney_R x
Planetary Rebel
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