Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Schizophrenic Nightmare

All In My Mind

by M_Courtney_R 2 reviews

Gerard Way has schizophrenia. He sees things that aren't there. One day, his family take him to a doctor. Gerard doesn't understand why they give him the pills, why they tell him it'll help. All ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-08-17 - Updated: 2012-08-17 - 786 words

Gerard raised his head, he must of passed out again. The long gash, that had earlier been filled with dirt and oozing blood, was now very neatly sewed up and his arm was in a sling. Gerard decide he would let his throat rest, so instead of screaming about the fact that a needle had constanlty been prodded into his skin he had a panic attack. His breath was laboured, and his throat constricted of course this made the machine's around him to bleep louder and faster then before. Which in turn made the nurse rush in and because no matter what they tried to do his breathing wouldn't return to normal he was yet again stabbed at by needles, only he was fully awake by this point. Gerard screamed as he felt the blunt metal object exit his veins and pull fully out of his skin.

Pushing the nurse's out of his way, Gerard jumped down from his bed and sprinted down the hospital corridors. Gerard didn't know where he was going or how he was going to get there but he did know that he needed Frank.
"Frank!" Gerard shouted, he turned round on the spot. Nobody was paying him any attention, he was scared lonely and lost. He wanted Frank, no he NEEDED Frank.
"Frankie!" Gerard tried again to locate his friend, surely Frank wouldn't just leave Gerard all alone would he? Someone shouted out Gerards name and he spun round, Frank was at the end of the corridor motioning for Gerard to follow him. Gerard did. Sprinting down the corridor towards Frank, towards his best friend. Gerards voice was called out again, this time not by Frank but by the nurses that had injected him earlier, they would try and take Frank away from Gerard. But Gerard wasn't going to let that happen. He sprinted off faster and faster trying to escape the nurses who it seems are really fucking fast. Frank reached out and grabbed Gerards hand pulling him along because it seems that everyone except Gerard are fucking fast runners.

Frank flings open a small cupboard door and crawls inside beckoning for Gerard to follow him. Gerard did. The space inside of the cupboard is barely big enough for two people so Frank ends up sitting on Gerards lap.
"Promise, that you'll protect me from the spiders Gee." Frankie mutters snuggling close to Gerard. Gerard smiles at the use of his nickname, he loves it when Frank calls him Gee.
"Promise, Frankie." Gerard whispers into Franks messy black hair, wrapping his arms around the smaller boys frame. Protecting him forever.

Gerard shivered, he and Frank had been in the small cupboard for about an hour, surely his family were wondering where he was by now. A spider crawled along one of the shelves on the wall across from Frank and Gerard, the spider directly in Franks line of sight.
"Gee, spider. We have to go!" Frank squealed break Gerards train of thought.
"Okay, Frankie. I won't let it get you. We'll find somewhere else to hide okay." Gerard muttered in Franks ear, releasing his hold on Frank so that that they could crawl back out of the cupboard. Once fully out of the cupboard Frank started walking off, leaving Gerard by himself in the corridor.
"Hey, Frankie. Wait up!" Gerard shouted down the corridor Frank was now running down. Frank stopped and turned to face Gerard his black converse squeaking on the shiny hospital floor. Gerard ran down the corridor and grabbed Franks hand letting Frank drag him round corner after corner until they found somewhere else to hide.

"We can hide in here, Gee." Frank stated, looking up at the sign on the door. The boys toilets... Gerard let himself be dragged inside by Frank, and pulled into one of the stalls. Frank closed the door and locked it then turned and pushed the toilet seat down before sitting on it beckoning for Gerard to sit on his lap. Gerard sat down, and wrapped his arms around Franks neck to stop himself from falling off.
"Gee?" Frank said,
"Yeah, Frankie?" Gerard replied, looking at Frank's face. To Gerard, Frank was beautiful. Frank had long soft black hair that was nearly as long as Gerard's and beautiful hazel eyes. Frank's hands flew up to Gerards face, grabbing each side of it and slowly pressed his lips against Gerards. Gerards eyes fluttered close, as Frank began to move their lips together, Gerard desperately trying to mimic Franks movements...

Okay so I know that this isn't a very long chapter either but this is still part of the introduction. The next chapter SHOULD be longer nor definately but it should be longer
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