Categories > Original > Romance > Rescuing Dan

Arrival of Phil

by nici160 1 review

Phil gets to Australia and surprises Dan but Dan lets something slip and things happen. Please remember I don't write this alone and my co-writer is amazing. I am Dan and she is Phil.

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2012-08-20 - Updated: 2012-08-20 - 842 words

Dan wakes up to an incessant buzzing. He groans and slaps his alarm clock. 9am, great, he'd only had 3 hours of sleep. Now to go to classes for his srs bsns law degree. He puts on skinny jeans and a random t-shirt that smells clean. Dan then straightens his hobbit hair and grabs his things. He walks to his first class of 4. His schedule had him studying till 7pm. Great, he needed to try and get a rest in his 2 hour lunch break. His classes went well, he managed to stay awake for all of them. He now had a study/consultation period in which he could go to the library and read all of his prescribed articles. He liked to stay ahead. The last thing he remembers is resting his head on his arm trying to get into a more comfortable reading position.
Phil got to the Uni. He asked around for Dan but no one had heard of his 'Dan' Phil panicked. Oh my God! He lied. He killed himself! Phil ran to the library. He found a sleeping boy. He looked like all the pictures. That was Dan. Phil ran over to the boy and woke him. "Dan? Dan, you awake? You okay?" Phil smiled as Dan opened his eyes. "Hey you, remember me?"
Dan opened his eyes to a strange sight. Phil was standing in front of him. This had to be a bad dream. There was no way Phil could have found me, no way he could have flown over here just to see me. Then he said “Hey you, remember me?” Then he knew it couldn’t have been a dream because in his dreams Phil doesn’t speak. “Phil, hey, why are you here?” Dan asked. “To rescue you, of course.” Phil replied. Dan was really confused but when Phil offered out his hand Dan took it. He showed Phil where he lived on campus and went to unlock his bedroom door when he remembered that he had left his books in the library. He goes to sidle past Phil but he stops Dan from moving. “Where are you going?” Phil asks. “Me, being the idiot that I am, left my books in the library.” He goes to move again when Phil produces Dan’s books. He had picked them up as the pair had left. Relieved, Dan unlocks his bedroom door and goes inside, Phil follows.
Phil follows Dan in, admiring Dan’s room. Phil watches Dan rush around, trying to clean up. Phil giggles and walks up to Dan. “Dan, hey. Chill. Sit with me for a minute… Let’s talk okay?” Phil smiled when Dan nodded. Phil took Dan’s soft tanned hand in his own and lead Dan over to the small, single bed. He jumps down on it, thinking it would be somewhat soft, as most beds are… but no, not this bed. It was like a rock. “OH GOD!” Phil grabs his butt. “Wow! Okay, when you stay with me, you are getting a proper bed.” he moans softly. “Crap.” He stops whining and turns smiling at Dan. “So, where did we leave off at?”
“You said you were here to rescue me?” Dan said, unsure of what that actually meant. He had smiled a little at Phil complaining about his bed. The first time he had smiled for several hours. “What did you mean by rescue me?” Dan said. Phil grabbed Dan’s hands again, holding them tightly in his.
Phil smiled weakly. “Yeah. It seriously broke my heart, reading your comments… I could almost feel your cry for help. I needed to help you. I could bare the thought of you, sitting in this tiny, cramped, depressing room when there was a chance I could bring you home to Manchester. Where the beds are comfortable.” Phil glares at the bed and growls. He then giggles, his tongue sticking out slightly.
“The sad part was, I actually meant every one of those comments, I could’ve bluffed it off as attention seeking but I almost killed myself last night Phil. I wasn’t lying, so when PeeJ accused me of being a lying twat I was so hurt.” Dan’s eyes welled up as he said all of this. He felt so ashamed of himself that he couldn’t bring himself to face Phil.
Phil sobbed. “PeeJ said that?! My Peej?!” Phil sobbed harder when Dan nodded. “Oh Danny! No! You are not a lying twat! You are amazing! I’m so glad you are still here, that last night, you didn’t kill yourself.” Phil pulls Dan into a tight hug. “Hey, remember, I love you.”
“The message broke my heart. I wasn’t going to tell you he had sent it, I didn’t want to upset you, but it just slipped out. I’m sorry Phil. Maybe I shouldn’t come back with you… As much as I’d love to, I’d cause too much drama.” Dan leant his head on Phil’s shoulder.
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