Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Can Sleep in a Coffin

When did that happen?

by AnonymousC 0 reviews

Violet visits Linda, and is disappointed in her condition. Frank is keeping something from Violet...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-08-21 - Updated: 2012-08-21 - 543 words

January 21st, 2012
Violet's P.O.V

When we finally arrived at the hospital, my faith in the fact that everything would be okay had plummeted. Aunt Linda's car accident was more serious than Frank had let on. After she fell asleep at the wheel, her car veered into the other lane, where she side swiped a post which woke her up. When she woke up, she over corrected, in panic, and ran head first into a tree. She went through the windshield. She has several fractures, including her collar bone, and she isn't responsive.

After a long visit, Frank and I decide to head "home". The house looks the same, even my old room hasn't been touched. The sheets are still flung on the bed, the way I left them. And I start to wonder if they had expected me to crawl back to them?

"Hey, Vi.", Frank stops at the door noticing my confusion.
"Yeah Frank", I say quietly.
"Um, I'm gonna head down to the club for a bit..", he trailed off.
"And I shouldn't come because Gerard will be there, right?"
"Well, I mean, you could but, you wouldn't want to"
"I'm just gonna take your word for it Frankie. I need to clean this house anyway, looks like it has been ages since its been cleaned."
Frank nodded and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek before walking out the door.

What was up with that?

Franks P.O.V

At least she didn't argue about not coming. I know seeing Gee after all that's happened would shatter her. Especially since the marriage and everything. Something tells me Lindsey and Violet would not get along.

"Heyy, Frank", Gerard stumbles over to me.
"Hey Gee, whats up man?"
"Same old shit, what bout you? How's you're mom doin?"
"Not good, man. I even called Violet to come down."

I knew I shouldn't have said that, his eyes widened and his mouth fell open.
"Vi.. Violet's here? In town?"
I nodded.
"I have to see her man, it's been 8 years."
"I don't think that's a good idea, man"

Lindsey walks over, interrupting the conversation.
"What's not a good idea?", She asks.
"Nothing, um, being here. We should go pick up Bandit. Later, Frank."

Oh god, what have I done now?"

Violet's P.O.V

I have successfully cleaned my old room. I rearranged the living room, and shampooed the carpets and I also cleaned the kitchen, I want aunt Linda to feel at ease once she does get home.

I walk into the living room and plop down on the couch. Flipping through the channels, I am stopped at one particular clip. A clip from an art show for "Lindsey Way". I can't help but feel curious about her last name.

The remote falls to the floor with a loud thud, somehow, deep down inside I knew. I knew she was his wife. Gerard and Lindsey Way. When the fuck did that even happen? That's why Frank didn't think I would want to be at the club.

I shuffle into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of wine. It calms me immediately and I decide to go to bed. This is way to much information for one day.
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