Categories > Original > Romance > Rescuing Dan

No More Drama Llamas

by nici160 0 reviews

Phil finds out what Dan has done and offers a solution

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-08-21 - Updated: 2012-08-21 - 961 words

#Without thinking, Phil tangled his legs with Dan’s. “I can do that…” Phil smiles at Dan then frowns. “D-Dan? Why is my back damp?” Phil grabs for Dan’s arm.
*Dan instantly flinches. His new scars had leaked through his shirt. “Even when you’re with me Phil, I feel the need to do this to myself. I can’t help but be pathetic. I’m a monster Phil, I repulse myself.” Dan broke down for the second time that night. “I just need to get outta here Phil.” Dan was begging now.
#Phil kisses the scars again. “Shhh. And we will. We’ll leave together and be happy.” He sees the razor around Dan’s neck. He takes it away. “And every time you cut…” Phil rolls up his sleeve, showing his torn arm. He slices the skin deep. He sighs in relief. “I cut.”
*Dan’s jaw fell as he saw Phil tear into his arm with his razor. All he could manage to do was nod in reply to Phil’s statement. He rolls up Phil’s other sleeve to be greeted with scars upon scars. Dan’s fingers traced Phil’s scars, “How could you do this to yourself? You have so much in life.” Dan hugged Phil tightly.
#“I didn’t deserve life Dan. I still don’t but I’m trying.” Phil cries hard into Dan’s chest. “I’m trying so hard!” Phil sobs hard, clinging to Dan. He wanted so bad to end his life but he wanted to stay strong for Dan.
*“Phil, no. Don’t talk like that. If anyone deserved to die, it would be me, not you. Please don’t leave me Phil. If you hadn’t convinced me otherwise I wouldn’t be here. If you left I wouldn’t know what I’d do.” Dan stroked Phil’s hair trying to calm the poor boy down. He couldn’t bear to see his rock like this. Phil looks up at Dan. “Perfection like yourself… gone…?” Phil hugs Dan tighter. “No! I don’t want you gone! I need you Dan,” he sobs harder. #“Please. I love you.” Phil kisses Dan’s cheek softly.
*“But Phil, If you hurt yourself it makes me feel bad and makes me sad. Phil, you need to stay with me. You are my reason, if you hurt yourself, my reason starts slipping away and I feel as if I can’t take it anymore.” Dan is full on sobbing, he can’t stop himself. “Phil, I love you too but what about PJ?” Dan couldn’t imagine the hate he would get if Phil cheated on PJ with him. Dan leant his head on top of Phil’s and his tears soaked the older boy’s hair.
#Phil moved Dan’s face. He looked at Dan’s lips. “I don’t know… PJ has been a jerk the last couple of days…” He strokes Dan’s face, running his fingers over Dan’s soft lips. He wanted to kiss Dan so bad. “I don’t…” Phil moves closer to Dan.
*Dan wanted to kiss Phil, but he didn’t want to cause any more drama. He turned his head to the side slightly. “I can’t Phil. I can’t cause anymore trouble than I already have.” His cheeks were streaked with tears. He couldn’t do this. His nail’s dug into the palms of his hands. He felt the need to punish himself for being in this situation. He felt the nails break the skin slightly and he gave a small smile.
#Phil sobbed. “Please Dan… Just one…” Phil leans closer, moving Dan’s face to look at his own. Their noses touched. Phil took Dan’s hands in his own, stopping Dan from hurting himself. “Kiss…” he purrs.
*Dan looked into Phil’s eyes, he didn’t know what to do. Should he let Phil kiss him? Or should he lay down and try to get some sleep? His internal debate continued as he looked into Phil’s icy eyes, unsure of what to do.
#Phil whimpers. “What are you thinking, beautiful?” Phil strokes Dan's cheek
*“I just dunno what to do. Maybe we should wait till we get back to England before we start anything. PJ already hates me enough as it is. When are we leaving? Maybe I should show you Sydney before we leave?” Dan just wanted to get out of this room. “Maybe I should start packing?”
#Phil nodded. “I get it. PJ was a dick to you. You don’t deserve that…” Phil half smiled. ”Tomorrow. You said you wanted to leave fast so I thought we would go soon…” Phil smiled then yawned. He smiles up at Dan.
*“Did you wanna see Sydney? You’ve come all this way and I’d feel bad if you didn’t.” Dan got up and started to shove everything he owned into various bags. While he was doing so he remembered that Phil hadn’t brought any clothes. “Phil… What are you going to do about clothes?”
#“Sure… but tomorrow? I’m kinda sleepy…” Phil yawns again. “I-I don’t know…”
*“Come choose some clothes so I don’t pack them, and if we don’t go see the city tomorrow then when will we see it? We’re leaving tomorrow. I’d feel bad if all you saw was the university and my shitty room.” Dan motioned Phil over, his hand held out for the older boy to grab onto. #Phil whines, falling into Dan, really sleepy. “Mmmm. I like your room.” He leans into Dan, wrapping his arms around Dan’s skinny waist. Phil rested his head on Dan’s shoulder and purrs.
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