Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Different

I don't know what I'd expected Gerard to make us for breakfast. I definitely didn't expect to receive a small tin that said 'Power Pup' on the side "What is this?" I asked.

Gerard pointed at the label and smiled before opening the tin, putting a spoon inside it and handing it to me. Reluctantly I lifted up the spoon and ate a spoonful "It's disgusting!" I cried.

"I know it is but it's the only thing we've got." Gerard informed her "If we're lucky during a raid at BLI we'll get something better but right now, this is all we have. And besides, it gives you tons of energy and is pretty good for you." He sat down opposite me.

"I don't think this is good for you." I replied, looking down at the small tin in front of me "It looks like dog food."

"It is dog food." I spat the food out of my mouth "You need to eat it Crayon. You won't be living off the luxury food from BLI anymore."

"The food was about the only good thing at Better Living." I replied before lifting up my spoon and eating the gross contents of the can quickly.

Raven came back into the room followed by a man with blonde hair, a man with a brown afro, a girl with blue and black hair and a girl with bright red hair with purple-ish blue bangs "Crayon, this is Mikey, Ray, Lucy and Sam. Also known as Kobra Kid, Jet-Star, Cherri Kid and Toxic Angel. Guys this is Crayon and her killjoy name is Artistic Accident."

"It's nice to meet you." I said, managing to dribble a little Power Pup down my chin. I went bright red and quickly wiped it away. I stood up and put my empty can and spoon next to a sink "Is there anywhere that I could have a rest or something? I'm still really tired."

"Of course." Raven smiled, taking Crayon's hand and pulling her out of the dining area "We have a spare room where you can sleep. The rest of us share a room. I share with Ray, Penina shares with Frank, Lucy shares with Gerard and Sam shares with Mikey. Since we're still pretty young the guys agreed it would be safer if we shared with them just in case BLI found out where we're hiding or something."

"How old are the guys exactly?"

"Gerard and Ray are twenty, Mikey is nineteen and Frank is eighteen." Raven stopped outside a random door "If you need the bathroom at any point it's right here." She told me, gesturing to the door next to the one we were standing in front of "We'll probably be in the diner if there's any trouble and if we're not then we'll still be in the building, don't worry. Anyway, I hope you have a good sleep and feel better. Then we can talk about going to save your friend Kat." I nodded, too tired and emotional to say anything else. Just as I was about to walk into my room, Raven put her hand on my shoulder and said "I hope she's okay." Then she walked away.

I went into the spare bedroom. It was pretty small but extremely colourful. The bed was orange with a rainbow bed sheet, there was a pink wardrobe with red hearts painted all over it and a yellow rocking chair in the corner of the room. Two of the walls were painted purple and the other two were red. There were posters of Gerard, Ray, Mikey and Frank all over the walls. I smiled and took off my clothes so I could just sleep in my underwear.

As I was walking to my bed I tripped over something. It was a loose floor board. I frowned and bent down before lifting it up to see if there was anything underneath it. I was kind of surprised to find that there was a small pink notebook inside of it. I sat cross-legged on the floor and opened it. The first page said 'Property of Artistic Accident.'

For a moment I was really confused. This wasn't my notebook. And then I remembered what Raven had said about how they'd used to have a friend named Artistic Accident who had died. My chest went tight. This must've been her bedroom. And this was her notebook that I was holding in my hands.

After a moment of thinking, I put the book back between the floorboards and put the floorboard back in place. It felt weird to read a dead girls book and besides, I was extremely tired. I crawled under the covers and as I was wondering whether they'd cleaned it since the first Artistic Accident had slept in it, I fell asleep.

I woke up and found I had kicked the rainbow duvet off me in the night. I also noticed someone had left some clean underwear and a new outfit in the corner of the room. As I got up, I went bright red as I wondered whether whoever had came in had seen me in my underwear.

There was a pair of purple skinny jeans, a pair of red shiney boots and a pink tee-shirt saying 'Artistic Accident'. I pulled on the clothes and then walked into the dining area.

Lucy, Mikey, Gerard and Raven were in there "Oh you put the clothes on!" Raven grinned as she stood up "Do they fit you alright?" I nodded "I remembered you saying that you were wearing your friend Kat's killjoy outfit and how her Dad had never finished making you one so I decided to make you one myself!"

"Oh umm thank you." I replied then suddenly asked "Why didn't you tell me I was staying in the first Artistic Accident's room?"

Raven's smile left her face, Lucy looked awkward and Mikey and Gerard got up quickly and left the room "Sorry, I probably should've mentioned that we don't talk about the first Artistic Accident when Gerard and Mikey are around." Raven whispered "They don't mind that you have that killjoy name or anything but they just... Don't talk about her, okay?"

"Why not?"

"She was Gerard and Mikey's little sister." Lucy told me "Her name was Hozzie. And they find it really hard to think about her so we just don't mention her a lot around them."

"Anyway!" Raven interrupted "I think we should start talking about how we're going to save Kat."

[A/N] - Sorry about lack of updates on this! I had writers' block on it because I didn't know what was happening next but I've got it back! :D And yeah I put myself in the story because it's my story and I can ;D
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