Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Undesirables

th Chapter

by Hostile_Halo 1 review

“NO!” Frank screeched, “No! Oh God save me!”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-08-24 - Updated: 2013-03-03 - 1331 words


“NO!” Frank screeched, “No! Oh God save me!” Frank was gripping the bars at the head of his bed so fiercely his knuckles were turning white. His mother had a death grip on his ankles and was yanking backwards.

“FRANK ANTHONY IERO!” She bellowed irritably, “You’re pulling the whole bed with you!”
It was true. Each time my mom pulled on me my bed lurched forward with me.

“Then let me sleep in peace!”

“You’ve got to go to school! This is not an option!” She gave an extra hardy tug and my hands flew off and I slid down off my bed and plummeted to the floor. She released my ankles and my legs flopped on the floor.

“Now get up. Your bus is here in fifteen minutes. Lord boy”. She stomped out of my room.
He groaned and weakly peeled my head off the floor. After a five minute pep talk with his self he convinced myself that my free education was a terrific opportunity for me to learn and shit. Of course by the time he had hurried my lazy ass to the bus stop this thought was revealed to be it’s true bs self. After having a heated debate over his clothing options, either the black skinnies or the red ones (The black ones won in the end), he only had a few minutes left to smudge on red eyeliner and grab my backpack to leave. By the time he had sprinted down to hsi bus stop his hair was plastered down in sweat and his eyeliner, he was sure, was probably smudged as fuck. He managed to catch the bus right before it pulled away from the stop. He jogged up the steps and looked down the aisle. Of course Frank didn’t see anyone he knew, why would he? Except for Mikey and Megan (and how pathetic was it to count your cousin?) he didn't know anyone at this school. Frank found a seat in the back of the bus and plopped down. Mikey hardly counted either. He hadn’t even remembered me. Well then again, Frank guessed it could be a different guy, but he seriously doubted it. This Mikey looked like his 6th grade Mikey and acted like him too, except he seemed…shyer almost. Maybe he was crazy, well crazier than he had originally thought. Besides, let’s say it is the same guy. Why the hell would he want to remember Frank? He was nothing more than a wimpy little kid who pestered him during recess. And then got him in trouble because he had kissed him. Part of Frank still wasn’t completely convinced that had ever happened,
Why would Mikey ever want to kiss me? He thought

And then He ran away from Mikey. Of course he had planned on coming back later and apologizing, but when he got back to his mom she told him the news.

“Guess what Frank? I got a promotion at work! So now we get to move!”

She made it sound like it was a good thing, but Frank had no desire to leave his beloved New Jersey. He especially had no desire to move to New York City and live in a tiny cramped apartment. Belleville had its downs and it wasn’t close to a perfect town, but it was his home and on top of that she was taking away his only real friend. The worst thing was they spent the next week doing nothing but packing and he didn't get one free moment to tell Mikey goodbye before they left. Frank often remembered, when they got there, that he had told myself that he’d give anything to come back. Those words are still why he thought it was all his fault. He would gladly move back to NYC if it meant Mom wouldn't have--

“Oi! You in the back!” Frank's head snapped up at the harsh voice coming from the driver, “We’ve been parked for a minute you gotta get off!”

He looked around and sure enough the whole bus was now cleared and we were sitting in the school’s parking lot. Frank mumbled sorry to the driver scurrying off, but the driver only rolled his eyes at him.
Frank was sitting down at an empty lunch table shoving my food around with my fork when someone sat down beside me. I glanced up. The guy who had sat down was very pale with long raven black hair,

“Hey!” He grinned at me, “It’s my brother’s little friend! I was so proud when he told me he had made one!”

Of course, Frank didn’t know who this guy was so he wasn’t aware that he knew his brother, but his first thought is that this guy insulted his height. Frank opened my mouth to rebut about being his little friend.

I mean honestly I’m not that short, Frank thought.

But before he could do anything a voice shrieked, “Gerard! What the hell?!” Mikey appeared from behind him. He shoved Gerard to the side and sat down between Frank and Gerard. He glared at Gerard before turning to explain,

“I am so sorry. My brother is such an idiot. He fucking took my milk carton and threw it across the lunchroom so I had to go get a new one and then he was like ‘I’m going to go talk to your little friend now’,” Gerard snickered then and Mikey paused, “….oh wait I’m sorry you’re probably waiting for someone. We can leave”.

Frank gave a feeble laugh, “Are you kidding me? I haven’t got anyone to wait for”.

Mikey blushed, “I uh sorry”.

“Well you’ve got someone now” Gerard said sticking out his hand for me to shake, “I’m Gerard”.

He took it and replied, “Nice to meet you”.

He stretched his arms out and yawned, “Fuck Mikey you kept me up way too late last night”.

“Kinky” Frank said smirking to himself.

Gerard hit him upside the head, “Not what I meant”.

“Gerard don’t abuse him”.

“Yeah Gerard don’t abuse me”. Frank giggled.

“God damn Gerard if ever paid attention at the midget awareness meeting’s you’d already know how fragile they are!”

“I am not a midget!” Frank protested, “And I’m not fragile either!”

“Clearly”. Mikey stifled a laugh.

Frank glared at him and changed the subject, “Why were you guys up late last night?”

“Mikey thought it’d be a brilliant idea to watch Saw once we got home”.


“All of them” He growled.

Frank laughed, “You did not!”

“Unfortunately we did”. Gerard informed me shaking his head.

“What’s this unfortunately bullshit?” Mikey cried, “It was totally worth it!”

“Of course it was!” A body from behind me said. Frank didn't know him but everything from his AC/DC T-shirt to his fluffy looking brown afro made me grin.

“It was all totally and completely worth it!” He added, “and why is that? You ask.”

Gerard interrupted him, “Ray what are you even talking about?”

Ray grinned so wide I was afraid his head might splint in two.

“I asked her out! And it was totally and completely worth it because she said yes!” He fist pumped the air.

“All right way to go!” Gerard said high-fiving Ray, “I told you she would.”

“Am I missing something?” Mikey asked, “Who is she?

“She is none other than the lovely Shayla Becker!”

A/N: Yeah I know it’s short and boring and nothing really exciting happens in this chapter sorry. Also, I only recently noticed this chapter was in 1st persoon instead of 3rd like the rest of the story. I've made changes now, but if you see anything I missed can you let me know? Finally, I’d like to thank Shayla_boo for the use of her character Shayla Becker.
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