Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How I Met Your Father

Chapter 5

by ItsM0llyBitch 5 reviews

Over-excited boys and new people Warning: mild language

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Parody - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-08-26 - Updated: 2012-08-26 - 1258 words - Complete

So I was about to meet your father’s friends, or as you know them, your Aunts and Uncles. I didn’t know what to expect, I mean, your father had red hair at the time and I didn’t know whether this rainbow theme would carry on. I also didn’t know whether they would accept me into the group, which for my hormonal teenage brain would obviously be the biggest disaster on earth and my life would automatically be over. I’d already met his brother, uncle Mikey who was…something, but the rest weren’t quite as hyper…


We walk down a small hill and over to where Molly is standing and talking with a boy and a girl. When we get there, Mikey lets go of my arm and Molly joins my side and smiles at me

“You will love these people,” she whispers happily before Mikey introduces them

“Ok, this…” Mikey gestures towards a short boy with fluffy brown hair and lighter browny-green eyes “Is Frank, fun fact; he plays guitar”

Mikey then points at the girl standing next to Frank, she is equally as short with long chestnut brown hair and big green eyes “And this is Penina, guys this is Caitlin, Gerard’s girlfriend” He smiles, winking mischievously

“Erm Mikey, we’re not…” I stutter not wanting Gerard to get scared

Frank smiles widely and interrupts me before I can correct Mikey “Hi nice to meet you” He holds out his hand for me to shake and I accept. After he lets go I turn to Gerard and oddly I find him to be smirking.

“Why are you-” I start before I am interrupted again by Mikey. This time he is dragging a tall boy with a large afro and big brown eyes and a girl of nearly the same height, with pale skin, long wavy chocolate brown hair and bright blue and green eyes towards me quickly

“And this is Ray and his girlfriend, Rebecca” He announces

“Hey” Ray and Rebecca both wave, smiling but rubbing their arms from being pulled over as Mikey disappears again.

“Hi, sorry about Mikey dragging you over” I smile apologetically

“It’s fine, I got the same treatment when Ray and I started dating, he gets overly excited by new people” Rebecca explains, matter-of-factly before Gerard’s sudden shouting startles us

“Mikey, for fuck sake you can’t just man handle people like this, Caitlin has all day to meet everyone!”

“I second that” I say, raising a hand. Gerard turns and smiles in thanks. That smile makes my heart burn.

“Just a few more people” Mikey shouts back this time pushing a slightly taller boy with strawberry blonde hair and a shiny silver lip ring over to us. A short girl with long, bright purple hair, ear stretchers and a matching lip ring closely follows behind them.

“Mikey, oh my god, what are you doing?” The girl says laughing

“And this-” Mikey pants, tired from pushing the boy over “Is Bob and his girlfriend Abbie” They both wave to me and I wave back. How the hell am I supposed to remember everybody?

Mikey comes out from behind Bob holding his hips and panting heavily to try and catch his breath.

Bob pats him on the back “Dude you seriously need to stop getting so excited when new people join the group…or get fitter because you obviously can’t handle it”

Mikey stands up straight again “I’m fine, just trying to make Caitlin feel welcome” he says, smiling at me

“Actually you’re kind of scaring me” I pause to check I haven’t offended him but everyone is laughing, “Seriously are you ok? You look like you’re gonna die”

He nods and tries to speak but is interrupted by a girl walking over to us. She is quite pale with long inky black hair and bright amber eyes. She shouts from the top of the hill “Is their someone new? Mikey looks like he needs an oxygen tank”

“OH! Caitlin, this is my girlfriend Ashlie, Ashlie this is Caitlin” Mikey says, walking over to Ashlie and putting his arm around her. Ashlie just nods in greeting and I wave sheepishly.


After your Uncle Mikey had introduced me to everyone, he seemed to actually calm down a bit; maybe the caffeine wore off, I don’t know. Anyway, everyone stayed together and spoke for a while but the conversation got split and after a couple of hours I decided to just sit on the wall nearby for a minute, what I didn’t expect was for your father to join me…


I sit silently on the wall, watching the lake ripple in the wind and listening to the conversation in the background

“Oh you’re just jelly that I completed it faster than you” I hear Abbie tell Ray after debating about video games which is lightly covered by Penina and Mikey laughing at Molly and Frank for being so short

“Oh wow, look how many fucks I give” Molly replies sarcastically

“I like this girl” Ashlie says holding Molly’s shoulder

“Hey, you ok?” I jump and turn around to see Gerard sitting by me

“Not now! You scared the shit out of me,” I say giggling

“Haha sorry” Gerard says shrugging “How are you actually? What do you think of everyone?”

“They’re great, I love how into your music you guys are and Molly seems to be fitting in great too. Mikey is…” I struggle to find the right word but we end up in silence for a few moments before Gerard speaks up

“Don’t worry, you don’t have to carry that sentence on, he is hyper and he loves new people but he’ll calm down”

“That’s really good to hear because if he doesn’t he may have a heart attack” I say matter-of-factly “And I would hate to be the cause of that”

Gerard laughs “Nah you’re safe, I might have to hide the coffee from him though” I giggle

“Anyway,” Gerard carries on “I came over to see if you wanted to hang out just the two of us tonight?”

Okay Caitlin, stay calm and answer the question

“That sounds great,” I answer smiling

I’m so proud

“Great!” Gerard lights up “So I’ll pick you up at 7?”

“Sure, I’ll see you then”

Gerard gets up and walks back over to everyone else after being called over by Ray to help defend him. A few minutes later Molly skips over to me

“So I heard you’re going out with Gerard tonight” She says calmly before squeaking “OH MY GOD this is so cute!”

I laugh “Calm down, I’m trying not to get too hyped up! Anyway, we better head back, I need to get ready and you’re helping”

Molly sighs “Fine”

We go over to everybody and say goodbye and Molly hugs Frank…What the f-

“I’ll see you later Caitlin” Gerard says pulling me in for a hug. I stay in his arms for a while. I wanna stay like this forever but he releases me and smiles. I wave once more and Molly and I head up the hill. I am seeing Gerard again later. Alone. Oh my god.

A/N: Hey, hope you enjoyed that and I hope it wasn’t too jumpy/boring and I hope you liked your characters. Please R&R it means a lot
Molly x
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