Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How I Met Your Father

Chapter 4

by ItsM0llyBitch 1 review

Dramatic friends and hyperactive brothers Warning: Swearing

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Parody - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-08-19 - Updated: 2012-08-19 - 1128 words - Complete

A/N: Okay so I’m back from France and I’m untanned and ready to carry this story on :D I’m sorry it took so long but hopefully it’s good enough to make up for that.
Thank you so much for the reviews, it’s really encouraging to have people say they like it, let alone read it so thank you lots, if I’m correct your unicorns should have arrived? Please make sure they have fresh water at all times but don’t worry about feeding them, they eat their skittle-shit, just make sure they get the correct exercise or the result may be fatal.

Turning that corner to get to the lake had to be, by far, the most nerve-wracking thing I had ever done but then I saw your father smiling at me and I went into a trance, no one and nothing could drag me out of it, except…


“Caitlin…Caitlin” So beautiful, his eyes sparkling like one of those Twilight vampires in the sun and his smile… “CAITLIN!” Molly shouts, waking me out of my daydream

“What?” I question still looking dreamily at Gerard

“Keep walking, you just stopped and started staring a Gerard, he’s gonna think you’re weird! Keep WALKING!” She shouts again through gritted teeth, pushing at my back trying to get me to move

“Alright, I’m moving!”

Erm, you might wanna try and do that thing you’ve been doing since you were a one year old, it’s called walking

Right, yeah…shit how do you do that again?

Molly moves in front of me and grabs my shoulders, shaking me occasionally “No your not, moving includes leaving your current place, you are still here” She pauses to look over my shoulder “but it doesn’t matter, Gerard is coming over anyway” She adds shrugging

“WHAT?!” I turn my head to look and see that Molly was right, Gerard is walking over to us, well, strutting judging by the way he’s swinging his hips, oh man. I turn back to Molly “Oh my god, he’s walking over, oh my god he looks so good what if he sees me and walks away again? What if he laughs in my face? What if this was a trick? Oh my god, help me, he’s gonna dump me before we even dated!”

I feel a sharp pain on my cheek, a force so powerful; it swings my head to the side “CAITLIN!”

“Ow! What the fuck are you doing?! Why did you do that?” I question, rubbing my cheek to try and stop it burning

“You were rambling again and the only way to stop that was to shock you by slapping you and it obviously worked because you’re letting me speak” I glare at her, why does she have to be right? “Don’t look at me like that, now listen, Gerard will be saying ‘Hey, how’s it going?’ to you in about 40 seconds…”

“Wow that was a good impression” I interrupt

“Aww thank you” She says smiling “But back to business, when he says hi, you are not going to ramble or stutter or trip over your words, you are going to be calm and collected and say ‘Hey, not too bad, how about you?’ like you have known him your whole life”

“I do not sound like that!” I say, insulted by her high-pitched impression of my voice, she just rolls her eyes.

“Were you listening?”

“Yes, I’m going to be calm and collected and answer like a normal person when he says…”

“Hey, how’s it going?” The new voice makes me jump and I twirl around to see Gerard behind me, smiling and waiting for my answer. He looks so cool, his bright red hair effortlessly falling around his pale face and…


“Hey, not too bad, how about you?” I answer, a small smile on my face

OH WAY TO SCREW IT U- Wait, did you just answer his question like a normal person?

I turn to Molly to check I did ok, she smiles, mouths “I’m so proud” and pretends to wipe a tear from her eyes. I just roll my eyes and turn back to Gerard

“I’m good thanks, it’s great that you could come” He smiles but then looks over my shoulder “Erm, I don’t mean to sound rude but who is she and why does she look like she is about to cry?” He says, looking amused

“Oh I’m Molly” She says sticking her hand over my shoulder to shake Gerard’s “And I’m just so proud of Caitlin for forming a sentence that makes sense in front of you considering she…” I glare at her “Erm, never mind, great to meet you, I’m just gonna introduce myself to everyone else” She pats me on the shoulder and walks away and when she’s behind Gerard turns around and mouths “I am so sorry” and carries on to the rest of the group.

“She’s, um, quirky” Gerard comments. I giggle

“Yeah, she’s pretty weird” I add watching her skip over to everyone and waving a boy on the he running to us?

“Don’t worry about it, my friends aren’t exactly normal” There are heavy footsteps behind Gerard and he turns around then back to me “As you’re about to find out now”

A tall, skinny boy jumps onto Gerard’s back, his blonde hair falling in his face. Gerard staggers a bit from the weight and manages to throw him off. The boy stands up and dusts the dirt off of himself before sticking out his hand “Hi, you must be Caitlin, I’ve heard loads about you, you seem so cool, it’s great to finally meet you” He says everything at light speed and smiles crazily after.

“This is my brother Mikey, he’s a bit hyper at the moment”

“I resent that” Mikey says with straight face, he then turns to me and grabs my hand “Come meet everyone else!” He adds, dragging me up the small hill

“Mikey, slow down before you pull her arm off!” Gerard shouts, catching us up and grabbing onto my shoulder. He’s touching me. Oh my god.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed that chapter and if you are a girlfriend and you’re thinking “Where the fuck am I?”, don’t worry you’re pretty, little heads, you will definitely be in the next chapter, if I’d put you in this one, it would have been waaaaaaaaayyyyyy too long. So thanks for being patient with me. Please keep reviewing
[*Molly x
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