Categories > Original > Romance > Stashley

Chapter 1

by OliviaSyren 1 review

Stef panics at a little piece of news...

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-08-26 - Updated: 2012-09-06 - 582 words - Complete

It’d been only a week since Stef and Ashley had last seen each other, and yet Stefan had missed him so much. Of course he knew Ash hadn’t missed him as much as he’d wanted him to.
Stef was on his way home, back to London from LA where he’d gone on vacation. Meanwhile, Ash had gone to the Reading festival with his best friend, Roxanne. Ash had made is quite clear that Roxanne was his best friend and not Stef or Dru during an argument they all had shortly after the band had formed and Roxanne wasn’t allowed to be included in the band.
Andrew went to Cyprus, yes, he went alone. He was going to go with his girlfriend but they had broken up but he decided to go anyway.

Ash was at the flat with Roxanne, waiting for Stef and Dru to arrive. Roxanne gently leaned her head onto Ash’s shoulder; he smiled slightly and draped his arm over her shoulders. They fell asleep on the couch watching How I Met Your Mother on E4.

Stef’s flight landed and he caught the train to Fulham. He then took a taxi to the flat, running into Dru just outside the building. He had to tell Ash how he felt. If he kept his feelings locked away any longer, he felt like he’d break down. He knew Roxanne had a thing for Ash. But he also knew Ash didn’t want anything relationship-wise with her.
“D’you think you’re gonna tell Ash how you feel anytime soon?” Dru asked him. Stef just shrugged.
“I don’t want him to freak out…that’s all...” Stef said, is voice barely a whisper.
“Dude. He won’t freak. I know he won’t. He’ll totally understand, being gay isn’t anything to be ashamed of, man.” Dru reassured him. Stef nodded. 'I’m going to tell him. Today.' Stefan thought to himself. He checked his phone. He had 498 new mentions on Twitter. He sighed. He wished he could reply to every mention, direct message and e-mail a fan sent him. But it was just too hard. They came to the door of their flat; Dru unlocked the door and opened it wide, only to find Roxanne and Ash sleeping on the couch together.
“Shit. Oh crap.” Dru whispered in shock.
“What is it Dru?” Stef asked, he couldn’t see into the flat because Dru was blocking his way. He peered over Dru’s shoulder. His eyes widened. 'No. Please, God, no.' Stef thought to himself. His stomach churned. Whatever confidence he had to tell Ash how he felt had disappeared within a millisecond. Thousands of thoughts were rolling through his mind. He dropped his suitcase with a loud ‘thud’ and Ash woke up. He rubbed his eyes and looked at Dru and Stef stood in the doorway.
“It looks like you’ve just seen a ghost.” Ash chuckled. Stef’s eyes were brimmed with tears. 'Why? I’m such a fuck-up. I should have told him before we left.' Stefan thought to himself. Ash creased his brow.
“Stef…Are you…Crying?” He stood up, forgetting Roxanne was leaning on him and she hit her head on the arm of the sofa.
“Ouch!” She exclaimed, rousing from her sleep.
Ash ignored Roxanne. “Stef..” He didn’t have time to say any more because Stefan had already bolted down the stairs.
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