Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Schizophrenic Nightmare

Liar Lair (Burn In Hell)

by M_Courtney_R 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-08-27 - Updated: 2012-08-27 - 384 words

Frank kept his favourite of the pictures that he had found, he took it everywhere with him.

October 31 1999

Gerard hadn't talked to Frank since the incident yesterday. Infact Gerard had stormed back into his room about 20 minutes after Frank had found the pictures and had grabbed the drawing he was doing for Franks birthday off the side and placed it back on his desk, where he had continued to colour it. Gerard had evantually fallen asleep at his desk and when he had woken up at 8am this morning, Frank hadn't told him that he had coloured imprints from the crayons on his face. Of course when Gerard had gone into the bathroom to brush his teeth he had walked back out with no trace of the colour on his face. Obviously he had realised it was on his face and had washed it off. Frank was given a lovely little glare. The glare's occured randomly for a full hour, before Frank finally had the confiendence to speak.

"What, did I do wrong? Gee." Frank asked in a small voice, he wasn't sure if Gerard had heard him.
"You called my drawing stupid." Gerard muttered,
"I-I was a-an-angry, G-Gee. I didn't m-mean it, p-p-please f-forg-give me." Frank said inbetween sobs. Gerard turned around and faced Frank, not once since Frank and Gerard had met had Gerard seen Frank cry. Something in Gerard clicked and he ran across his room, jumped over his bed and slid on the floor to get to Frank.
"Frankie, I forgive you. Promise, okay. Please don't cry, i'm sorry." Gerard pleaded, Frank sobbed and buried his face in Gerards neck. Gerard's arms wrapping round Frank trying to protect him.
"I-I love y-you." Frank whimpered into Gerards neck, loud enough for Gerard to hear. Gerard smiled,
"I love you too Frankie," Gerard replied. "Oh, I got you something!" Gerard exclaimed let go of Frank and walking over to his desk to pick up, the now fully coloured, picture of him and Frank kissing and holding hands. Frank reached out and grabbed it, feeling more and more tears push themselves forward and tumble down his face.
"It's amazing Gee!" Frank stated, and he meant it.

OMG, this chapter is so small. I don't like this chapter! But it's a filler so...
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