Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Schizophrenic Nightmare

The Past, The Present, The Future

by M_Courtney_R 5 reviews

So, huge time jump in this chapter. It's now 2008

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-08-29 - Updated: 2012-08-29 - 1160 words

Started to write this chapter earlier but my computer crashed and shut down, I was nearly finished and I had saved it :( Cries anyway, the last chapter was terrible, like really terrible almost as terrible as it was short. I hop this chapter is going to much longer. In fact I know this chapter is going to be longer. I don't actaully know that but, hopes. Not sure when my next updated will be, but atleast i'm not one of those writers that either update once every year or not at all. But i'm still sorry for the irregular updated scheme I have but I recently don't seem to have any time, i'm always sleeping in and waking up at random hours of the night and GRRRD getting no sleep what so ever. My parents seem to think I have no social life so I have to go 'play with friends' once a week which if you ask me is okay sometimes but when you have 6 friends it can get rather boring. I'm fine socialising by myself, I have twitter. If anyone wants to follow me on twitter here is my twitter name - @Courtney_MIW Incase your wondering the MIW stands for Motionless In White who are an epic kick as band. Oh yeah!! Anyways, tomorrow and the day after i'm not really doing anything that I know of. So I MAY be able to update, do not get your hopes up because I will probably crush them when I don't update. Thank you every who has reviewed my story and thanks anyone who will review my story. It would be awesome if you could rate my story as well but I don't want to become one of thos writers who threathen not to update if they don't get any reviews or rates so don't feel like im forcing you into rating this. But rates would be nice. This chapter is dedicated to the two people who have reviwed every chapter because they are totally awesome like that. And they are:
you two are both amazing. Sorry for this insanely long note, i'm not one of those writers who write a really long note just so they get a chapter thats like 3 million words long.

Planetary Rebel (Oh this is my killjoy name, in case you were wondering!)

5th June 2008

16 year old Gerard Way trudged his way down the school corridors towards the principals office. In his defensive it wasn't like he had meant to punch his teacher in the face and break her nose, afterall what had Miss Jacobs every done to him. Plus Gerard had already decided that if he was to punch any teacher in the face it would be the new PE teacher, who always made Gerard excerise. Which Gerard totally didn't need to do considering he was stick thin, the jocks always bullied Gerard about his weight and evantually Gerard began to starve himself, not eating and then when he did sticking his fingers down his throat seconds later to puke it up. After Gerards parents had found out, they had rushed him straight to the hospital and because Gerards case had been so bad they had to force feed him through a tube in his stomach which of course meant needles which meant that it wasn't the greatest of days for Gerard. Gerard now eats properly and is skinner then most girls at the school but the bullies still pick on him. For some of the stupidest reasons ever:
His hair What the fuck is so offensive about someones hair that people feel the need to beat someone up about it?
His artwork Gerard had aced all his art exams, his bullies didn't even get a F grade they were that bad.
His music taste Gerard wasn't forcing anyone to listen to The Misfits and Iron Maiden
His sexuality Apparently being a faggot is offensive too? The bullies are probably so stupid that they still believe in cooties so really their views are a load of bullshit.
Gerard still had Frank though, but as Frank didn't go to school he couldn't protect Gerard from his tormenters. Which was why, Gerard ended up punching poor old Miss Jacobs in the face. Gerards bullies had been chasing Gerard through the school corridors and when Gerard had been grabbed by the collar he had swung his arm round it turned out it wasn't a bully it was his maths teacher who had grabbed him because he was over 15 minutes late to his lesson.

Gerard grabbed the door handle and slowly pushed it open, Miss Jacobs following close behind. After explaining what had happened to the prinicpal, Gerard was only excluded for 3 days. The jocks who had chased him however, were given a full week off school.


Gerard was sat at home, in his bedroom. He had already explained to his parents why he was excluded from his school for three days. Which to him was awesome because it meant he had three extra days away from hell. Gerards earphones were blasting Green Day, Gerard was trying to draw all of Franks tattoo's, how Frank got tattoo's Gerard doesn't know considering Frank is 15 and is small enough that he looks about 12 but Gerard has never asked, it seems that trying to draw Franks tattoo's is harder then it looks and it looks pretty damn hard. Getting the shape the angles the colour everything right is so difficult, how the tattoo artist's do it Gerard doesn't. But then again they don't have to try and copy of something which has already been done so perfectly as they are the ones creating that masterpiece.

"Hey, Gee!" Frank shouted as he jumped down the stairs, but obviously Gerard couldn't hear him as he had Green Day blasting into his ears. If Gerard had heard him, then he would of grabbed his drawings and hidden them somewhere Frank wouldn't find them but of course he hadn't heard him and had continued drawing.
"Gerard!" Frank shouted again, Gerard of course couldn't hear him. Frank walked over to Gerard and ripped the headphones off of Gerards head, startling Gerard. Gerard stopped drawing and tried to hide the drawings behind his back, but Frank wasn't really that bothered there was one thing he needed and he was going to get it... Blood.
"Gee, I need somemore blood, baby. I'm really hungry." Frank stated, rubbing his stomach as he talked. Gerard sighed and stood up, walking to his bedside table and grabbing the small razor blade out of the drawer. Gerard sat down on the edge of his bed and placed the razor to his wrist, he had only made two small cuts when his mother came walking into his room. She screamed and before Gerard knew what was happening he was been dragged into the back of their car and Dad was driving him to Mum's therapist.
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