Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Different

[A/N] - This chapter will most likely be short because I normally leave updating until at least after 7PM but we we went to my Nan's and I didn't get back until 10 and then my wifi was being a bitch and kept switching off :( So yeah, I'm sorry...

Gerard and Lucy were the first ones to wake up and come into the kitchen "Morning!" Hozzie grinned "Do you want some pancakes?"

"I'll make them Hoz, don't worry." Gerard replied, running his fingers through his bright red hair and walking over to the oven.

Lucy sat down "Did you sleep well last night?"

"I woke Crayon up with nightmares." Kat said, biting her lip.

"Oh I woke up Gerard and Lucy with nightmares too." Hozzie admitted.

"I didn't sleep too well either." Raven pouted "Ray snores really loudly!"

We all giggled "What are we doing today then?" Lucy asked "I mean, we don't exactly have anything important to do for a while."

"Crayon wants to turn her sister Stella into a killjoy." Raven said "Do you think she'll want to turn into a killjoy?"

I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know. But I'd like to ask her instead of just leaving her to rot in Better Living Industries while they turn her into someone she's not."

"It's worth a try." Gerard said, giving Lucy a plate of pancakes and putting down his own plate and sitting next to Hozzie "How did you get out of BLI exactly? I've been meaning to ask that."

"Kat's Dad had built a secret underground tunnel that led from their kitchen into the desert. So I followed that. I was thinking of using it again but I don't know if I'll be able to find it."

"Maybe this well help." Kat said, pulling something out of her pocket. It was a large map "My Dad gave it to me. I had to keep hiding it from BLI but oh well, it's here now. He drew it himself. I think this is the tunnel Crayon's talking about." Kat pointed to somewhere on the map "I'm not very good at reading maps but-"

"Don't worry, Penina's great at reading maps." Gerard told her "She'll be able to figure out where it is."

"What?" Penina asked, walking into the room holding Frank's hand.

"Do you reckon you could read this map for us?" Gerard asked.

Hozzie jumped up and climbed over Gerard "I'm going to make pancakes!"

"Why are you so keen to make pancakes?" Gerard asked.

"Because I haven't done anything in months and I'm pretty good at making pancakes for people." Hozzie whined "I am making pancakes. Ha ha ha!"

"Anyway, Penina, could you read this map please?" Kat handed Gerard the map and Penina sat down next to him.

"Well, we're here." Penina told us, pointing at a point on the map "And what are we looking for?"

"We're looking for the tunnel that my Dad built to get us into BLI." Kat replied.

Penina pointed at something large on the page "Well that's the whole of Better Living Industries." Penina traced her finger a long something "And here's the tunnel. I think I know where the entrance to that is. We'll go there later." Penina said with a shrug of her shoulders "Hozzie, hurry up with the pancakes!"

"These pancakes don't cook themselves Penina!"

"Don't start arguing." Gerard laughed "I'll go wake everybody else up."

A few hours later we were all dressed, had eaten the pancakes that Hozzie kept insisting on making for us and then we got into the car with Gerard and Penina in the front.

[A/N/ ] - ... I'm disracted by the changes to the MCR website... Sorry :)
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