Categories > Original > Fantasy > TMB fanfic

Chapter 9

by itscarlainnit 0 reviews


Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2012-08-30 - Updated: 2012-08-30 - 1361 words

Thankfully we were all ready by 8am and we headed to school. I hardly talked to Stefan or even Dru, I just stayed behind listening to my iPod and texting Becca, even though Rosie was my best friend, Becca was the only friend that always knew how to put confidence in me, even though she had guys chasing after her, she didn't really show it and was always there for you no matter what. When we eventually got to school, I had told Becca not to wait for me today as we were running late, I almost ran in front of Dru and Stefan seeing Ashley waiting for them on the way,
"Hey" He smiled,
"Hi" I said touching his arm and passing him running down the hallway, I opened the door to our classroom and thankfully Mr Jones wasn't there yet, everyone was loudly shouting.. But not for no reason, there was an argument going on.
"It's all your fault that you lied!" Becca screamed
"You'll never get him back, don't you even think for a second that you'll get him back! It's over between you two because you lied about getting with Louis, which is Stefan's best friend!" Natalie, who was supposed to be Holly's best friend shouted.
"Oh shut up both of you! I didn't lie! Louis tried to get me in bed. Stefan will want me back, of course he will!"

"Oh sure.. So that's why you said to him that you found someone much better, better looking was it? You insulted him quite a lot you know. Of course he's not going to forgive and forget, he'll never!" I butted in, I had to say something. She was walking all over him and I hated it! She got up from her seat.. oh no.. I gulped and started to feel pretty scared. She was about a foot away from me, and squinted her eyes,
"You are the one that sent our relationship flying out of the window, it was you that stopped Stefan from loving me." At this point she continued poking my shoulder, it started to hurt. "You never even thought how much you would hurt me, but you did, I've lost the most important thing in my life. And it was all because of a ugly, self obsessed slut." She smirked the slightest, I didn't move or speak at all.
"Pfft, that's not true. That's you lovely. Get over yourself. It was YOUR fault for saying what you said to Stef!" Becca screamed. Holly snickered, and turned around to me again, she opened her mouth, but I sourly said,
"I stopped him from loving you? Get your head out of your a* and start facing reality. Stefan never loved you." Holly looked shocked, coming even closer, and her nose was literally touching mine.

"You're gonna regret saying that." Not even a second after that her hand collided with my cheek, sending pain all through my body. Both of my hands shot up to my cheek, I squealed in pain looking down to the floor, no one was to see the tears that were currently streaming out of my eyes. I had no idea why I deserved this, but Holly was pretty sure I did. Becca started screaming at Holly, almost running up to her and punching her around the face, but she only screamed
"YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET DOING THAT! YOU'RE DEAD." She gave the most dirtiest looks at Holly. Rosie, Amy, Louis and Natalie ran up to my side, Louis instantly hugging me. All asking if I was okay, stupid question. Dru, Stefan and Ashley ran through the door, looking all around the classroom, the people sitting down looked shocked, some standing screaming at Holly, who was standing there with a smirk and my best friends huddled around me.

"What have you done?!" Stefan looked seriously at Holly. Dru and Ashley ran over to me, Dru pushing everyone out of the way and hugging my closely.
"I...I...D..Don't even... know what I done" I sobbed, my head dug into Dru's chest,
"Shh, it's okay. Just ignore her, she's insane." Dru whispered sympathetically. "Come on." Dru softely nudged me, signalling he was taking me outside. I walked outside of the tutor room, Dru and Natalie following me. We stood outside for a while, Dru and Natalie being so sympathetic, it was nice to be left alone to calm down before I started talking again. Mr Jones eventually turned up and he seemed to be out of breath,
"Emily, are you okay?" He asked softly. I nodded realising I couldn't speak at this horrible moment.

"She's okay, she just needs to calm down a bit." Natalie smiled, "Is it okay if we stay out here?"
"Yeah sure! Just come in when you want to, Emily, okay? Please stay after tutor time and tell me what happened?" Mr Jones was such a nice guy, and I knew I could tell him when I've calmed down. I nodded again and he walked inside, telling everyone to sit down and shouting at Becca and Stefan for screaming at Holly.

"So, what happened?" Dru asked Natalie, obviously not wanting to remind me.
"Basically," Natalie began, "Holly walked in with Ella, and was moaning about how her and Stefan have broken up. I saw Becca and Rosie getting annoyed and they started shouting at her, so Holly reacted and a massive argument comensed. She was slagging Stefan off and saying it's all Em's fault, so I said something too. At that moment Em showed up at the door and she said something to Holly, and Holly walked over to her, Becca screamed, Em said something along the lines of 'Stefan never loved you, get your he-'"

"I said, I stopped him from loving you? Get your head out of your a* and start facing reality. Stefan never loved you. And she said I'm gonna regret saying that and she slapped me, and may I add it was really hard." I interrupted. Dru squeezed my hands and ran inside the tutor room,
"Yo, who do you think you are slapping my sister around the face?!" He shouted in Holly's face,
"Dru, come on." Mr Jones said standing up from his desk.
"No sir. She slapped my sister for no reason, just because of a fake relationship she's been in for ages with Stef. She's been playing miss nice girl for all of the time and Stefan's believed her. She's nothing like she shows she is!"
"What the hell Dru?!" Stefan shouted
"Dru, calm down!" Mr Jones shouted aswell,
Everyone started shouting at each other, this was hell.

"SHUT UP! Dru calm down, don't use this against your best friend, please. Just come outside!" I shouted over the top of everyone else, thankfully everyone listened and Dru followed me outside. Mr Jones had come out and asked what had happened in a decent explantion, I explained with the help of Natalie, who seemed nicer than she actually come across to be, and I wanted to get to know her a bit more. Everyone knew Dru had a thing for not only Rosie, but Natalie too. Although he mentioned he liked Natalie quite a lot more. Tutor ended, and I waited for Becca, Rosie and Amy to come out of the classroom, which took a while, but thankfully Holly was made to stay behind to talk to Mr Jones, so I just completely forgot about what had recently happened and giggled at stories my friends told.

Dru's P.O.V

Em walked ahead with her three friends giggling, this was her attempt of forgetting what had happened earlier, but I know her too well to know she won't drop this even if someone apologised. She'll just try to hide her true feelings until someone pulls them out of her.
"She's beautiful." Ashley smiled, looking at Em.
"Yeah, I guess." Stefan laughed. I looked at both of the boys with a weird look on my face.
"Errr... Hello, Emily Wakely's brother here." I waved. They both innocently smiled and laughed. I stuck my middle finger up at them and they laughed again.
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