Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Different

"What if you get killed by a bunch of dracs on your way over?" Raven asked me "It's not safe."

"Okay, could some of you come with me to the house but then maybe just stay outside." I suggested.

Raven nodded "I'll come."

We agreed that Raven, Sam, Gerard, Ray and Mikey would come with me. I opened Kat's front door and walked outside, everyone following me. They had no idea where my parents house was and all of them started walking in different directions "Guys, just follow me!" I hissed, crossing the road and walking up the drive of my parents house "Now, just stay here. I'll come straight out when I'm done."

I opened the front door as silently as I could manage. My parents had a one hundred percent trust policy and always left the front door open. I crept into the hallway and shut the door softly behind me. The entire house was silent. They must've all gone to bed.

I started walking slowly up the steps but none of them creeked or made a strange noise "Stella?" I whispered as loud as I'd dare "Stella?"

"My name's not Stella." An angry voice mumbled back. And then my little sister came to the top of the stairs "I knew you wouldn't runaway forever."

"Come downstairs."

I tip-toed back downstairs and Stella followed me. Once we were at the bottom I threw my arms around her "I missed you so much!" I cried.

"Then why did you leave?" She asked, not hugging me back.

I took her hand and pulled her into the living room. We took a seat on the uncomfortable sofas "We need to get out of here Stella."

"My name's Sarah."

"No, it's not! Can't you see that they're brainwashing you?"

"They wouldn't do that Victoria."

"That's not my name!" I snapped "Stella, please, just listen to me. They're brainwashing you and you need to leave BLI! It's better out there Stella, you can look like whatever you want to look like, wear whatever you want to wear and you can do pretty much anything! It's not as strict and it's way more fun! The people are all really friendly and we'll be safe!"

"... What about Mom and Dad?"

"What about them? They'll be fine here. Dad wanted us to move here in the first place. He must've known what we were going to find here but he didn't care. This place is like a prison, you must see that!"

"But Crayon, I'm not like you!" Stella cried. She called me Crayon so I guessed I was making some progress "I'm not as creative or as outgoing as you are. I'm shy and scared of what BLI would do to us if we got caught. I'm scared that they'll catch you right now."

"They won't catch you and it doesn't matter that you're not as creative! The killjoys wouldn't let anybody hurt us."

"The killjoys are bad people." Stella whispered "They steal from innocent people. They murder citizens at random. They're inhuman."

"No Stella, they're not like that. I promise. I've met them in person. Don't believe all the lies that BLI are feeding you."

"No, you're the only one feeing me lies Crayon!" Stella's eyes suddenly filled with tears "What's wrong with me wanting to stay here and feel safe? We're two different people Crayon! I don't like the thought of going out there with those 'killjoys'. What's wrong with that? This is the lifestyle I want to live."

I sighed "I just want you to be happy Stella."

"It's Sarah. And I am happy." She stood up "I won't tell anybody I saw you. Now just get out of here." Then she turned away and went back upstairs.

I held back tears as I got up and left the house "Where's your sister?" Raven asked.

"Oh shut up!" I snapped before feeling bad "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." Then I burst into tears.

Raven put her arm round me and directed me back to Kat's old house.

The journey home was really long. Ray really did carry Raven. After about half-an-hours begging from Penina, Frank agreed to carry her home as well. I walked by myself behind them, still crying and wondering how my sister could possibly like being at BLI. She had thought it was scary when she first got here. What suddenly made her like it?

It was a relief to get out of the tunnel and into the desert. We all got into the car silently and then drove home.

"At least you know she's safe there." Gerard said, putting his hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry that she didn't agree with you though."

I just nodded and walked into the diner.

[A/N] - I know it's short, sorry :( I'll update twice tomorrow to make up for it :)
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