Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Different

[A/N] - Please suggest baby names? :L I can't think of any :')

We all sat in the diner eating noodles. Raven was filling Hozzie and Kat in on what they'd missed and Frank was talking to Penina about ordinary baby names and killjoy baby names "I want the babies killjoy name to end in Ghoul." Penina told him "Because you're the babies Daddy and I think that'd be cute."

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Frank asked her. Penina shrugged and Frank smiled "We'll know soon enough." There was a moments silence before Frank cried "I can't wait to be a Daddy! It's gonna be amazing!"

"Aww that's so sweet." Penian giggled and Frank smiled then kissed her cheek.

"I'm gonna go to bed." Sam said, getting up "I'll see you in the morning." Nearly everyone else yawned and then left too so that only me, Raven, Penina, Lucy, Hozzie and Kat were up.

"Guys, can I talk to you about something please?" Raven asked, going slightly pink "I need some advice."

"Okay, what's up?" Penina asked.

"Promise that you won't tell anybody this?" Raven begged. We all nodded "Alright. I kind of have a crush on this guy-"

"Ray." Hozzie said.

Raven went red "Uhh yeah, Ray. I kept it to myself because of the age difference. But then Penina and Frank said they were dating and I started thinking that maybe our age difference really doesn't matter. I don't know whether to tell him though. Do you guys think I should?"

"Yes!" Lucy cried "He carried you home! He obviously fancies your ass!"

"... What?"

"You should tell him Raven." I said "The worst he could do is say he doesn't like you back."

"But what if he gets mad at me?"

"For what?"

"For having a crush on him."

"You can't help having a crush on him." Hozzie said "Tell him Raven! Tell him tomorrow! Or go in there right now and kiss him!"

"But what if he's sleeping?"

"He only just left the room, he won't be asleep yet." Kat smiled "Go and tell him Raven!"

Raven took a deep breath then left to go and find Ray "Come back and tell us what happened when you're done!" Penina yelled after her.

"I hope he says yes." Hozzie said "They'd be perfect for each other."

"Aww they'd be so cute!" Lucy giggled "By the way you guys really upset Gerard."

Kat rolled her eyes "Well he was being an ass."

"Yeah but I still feel kinda bad." Hozzie admitted, biting her lip "I'm gonna go and talk to him." She jumped up and ran out of the room.

"Crayon, you have an unusual name." Penina told me.

I nodded "... I know."

"Well are you any good at thinking of unusual names? Because I love the name Crayon and you know, since the baby's gonna be a killjoy, I'd like it if he or she had an unusual name."

"I could think about it." I replied "But I think you and Frank should think of the name. It'd be more special that way."

"I guess..." Penina smiled "I wish we could get a dog you know."

Hozzie and Raven came back into the room "Gerard's asleep." Hozzie said calmly and sat down. Then cried "SO WHAT DID RAY SAY?"

Raven sat down "Uhh well the thing is..."

"WHAT DID HE SAY?" We all yelled.

"I chickened out, okay?" Raven cried, putting her head in her hands "I don't know how to tell him and he was all 'Something wrong Raven?' and I was like 'Oh, no, I was just, looking for my watch.' Which is weird because I don't own a watch!"

"Just tell him in the morning." I yawned "I'm going to bed now. Night."

[A/N] - I'll update again later :D
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