Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Different

[A/N] - I wanted to update this chapter sooner but my Dad dragged me to my brothers for like three hours and I left my laptop in the car where it was in full view and so the whole time I was like 'shit what if someone steals it!?!?!' but I still have it so all is well ;D Also THANKS FOR SUGGESTING NAMES :3 I have an idea :)

The next morning I was the first person to wake up. I slipped out of bed slowly trying not to wake Kat and then I got dressed silently. I padded down the corridor and into the diner. Nobody was awake which kind of disappointed me but I decided that I'd make the pancakes this morning. But I couldn't find any eggs. So I started clattering around, trying to find something else to make the others for breakfast.

"What are you looking for?" Someone asked behind me, causing me to jump and whack my head off the top of the cupboard "Oh I'm sorry, did I scare you?"

I turned around. It was Raven "Yeah, just a little." I laughed "So did you tell Ray?"

She shook her head "When I went back he was asleep and he's kind of still sleeping now."

"Are you gonna tell him when he wakes up?"

Raven nodded then sighed and shrugged her shoulders "I don't know. I get really nervous when I think about telling him and then when I actually did try to tell him I just completely panicked." Raven groaned and sat down "Why can't I be as outgoing as you?"

"You are." I told her "You were really talkative when I first got here. You're just scared too worried about how Ray will re-act to tell him. And I think he really does like you."

"But what if he doesn't?"

"But what if he does?"

"But what if he doesn't?"

"But what if he DOES?"

"But what if who does what?" Ray asked, coming into the room.

Raven kicked me under the table and I shrieked "What was that for?" I hissed out of the side of my mouth.

"Don't. Say. Anything."

"We were just talking about what would happen if Frank found an all night pets store in the middle of the desert." I lied. It was a bad lie but it was better than nothing. If Raven hadn't just kicked me I might've told him the truth. But she kicks hard.

"Oh. Well. He'd probably ask us to get a dog?"

"Yeah... That Frank..." Raven laughed.

We sat in awkward silence until I said "Anyway, Raven has something she'd like to tell you."

Raven glared at me and Ray looked at her "Yes? Is this about your watch?"

Raven went bright red "Oh umm no... It's that umm... We're out of eggs!"

"How did you know we were out of eggs?" I asked.

"I got hungry when you guys all went to bed and used up the last of the eggs making a pancake!" Raven cried "I'm so glad I told you Ray, I feel so much better."

Penina walked into the room and all she heard was Raven's last sentence. She grinned and asked "Oh so you told Ray you have a crush on him?" Everyone was silent "I'll take that as a no..." She looked down at the ground "Awkward turtle..."

"... You have a crush on me?" Ray asked, looking at Raven.

She leaped up from the table and ran out of the room "Raven!" Ray cried, running after her.

"Well I have started something." Penina whispered, sitting down where Raven had been sitting.

"I'd avoid Raven for a while." I told her "She kicks really hard." Penina gulped.

Hozzie and Kat came into the kitchen "Okay guys two things!" I said "Penina accidentally told Ray that Raven has feelings for him and now they've been talking for nearly half-an-hour and also Hozzie, we're out of eggs."

"No we're not, I like to hide the eggs so that no one can make pancakes but me!" Hozzie grinned and pulled a key out of her pocket "Anyway, is them talking for a long time a good thing or a bad thing?"

"It depends," Kat said thoughtfully "Ray could be telling her why he doesn't wanna be with her... Or maybe he's all 'Oh Raven, I felt the same way' and now they're doing that creepy 'I love you more' 'No, I love you more' thing and they're stuck in an infinite loop!"

"So anyway, who does want pancakes?" We all agreed that we wanted pancakes and Hozzie started making them "Well I think that Ray will tell her he loves her back because it's so obvious that he does."

"I hope so otherwise Raven will beat the shit out of me." Penina said, biting her lip "I feel so bad. But when I walked in I thought she'd already told him!"

"No, this is good Penina. Now there are no more secrets."

Raven came back in "WHAT HAPPENED?" We all yelled.

"What took so long?" I asked "Does he love you back? Come on, tell us what happened!"

"Let me just say the reason it took so long is because I may have just lost my virginity." Raven shrugged her shoulders.

[A/N] - Sorry it's short D: MEHHHHHHH!
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