Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Promises Into Lies (Audition Story)

Sexy naughty bitchy me

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 1 review

“If I tell you will you leave?"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-09-02 - Updated: 2012-09-14 - 793 words

The elder twin narrows his eyes. “Not much. Why?” his tone darkens.
Frank shrugs casually and ignoring the no smoking signs, reaches inside his impossibly tight jean pocket and pulls out a single crumpled cancer stick and lights up.
“No reason.”
He didn’t feel it necessary to tell his stick in the mud of a brother about their meeting at the party. He especially didn’t want to inform him about how he may or may not have pretended to be him. Though technically, Frank hadn’t set out to pretend to be Ashley and it wasn’t his fault Gerard had mistaken him for his twin, now was it? So if you thought about it, he was in the clear.
Ashley shakes his head in disbelief. He knew his brother too well to believe him. Unless he had underwent the aforementioned personality change, which he sincerely doubted would work on his hormone driven, pig headed slut of a brother anyway.
“There is always a reason when it comes to you, Frank.” And normally a devious, ill advised, frowned upon by most members of society one at that.
Going for an interesting tactic, he decides to tell him a half truth. “I bumped into him at the party.” He takes a long drag on his cigarette and exhales directly in Ashley`s disgusted face. “He seemed like an interesting kind of guy.”
Ashley blinks, entirely unconvinced.
“So what do you know about him?”
“You leave him alone Frank.”
The younger chuckles smugly, “Why you called first dibs or something?” he finishes with a rude gesture with his hands, earning a disgusted sigh from Ashley.
“No, but he seems nice. And his friends, are pretty…protective of him from what I`ve heard.”
“Yeah, he mentioned them. Pretty violent and fiery. Sam and BD or something odd like that?”
“BB.” He corrects him, a slightly dazed expression clouding his face.
Seeing a chance to be a dick, something he always hated to pass up, Frank smirks, “You know she`s like a huge faggot, right?”
“I know.” his voice is strained.
Deciding to twist the dagger in his twin’s heart just that tiny little bit more, he continues teasing, the wide smirk never once faltering, “So she would never, and I mean like ever even look at you. Not even if her life depended on it.”
“Look. I don`t know much about your latest victim, alright? So just leave.” Ashley sighs. “Please.”
“Aww does wickle Ashley want big mean Fwankie to leave?” frank spits in his face, dodging the punch aimed at him. “Not until I get the information I came for, Dickhead. So speak.”
“If I tell you will you leave?” please say yes you insufferable bastard.
“Yeah, like I really want to waste my precious time here with you.”
Ashley groans and rubs his temple, feeling the Frank induced migraine he always got whenever he was in his brother`s presence for too long. Which was like, more than ten seconds.
“Fine. He goes to my uni, is supposedly a really amazing artist and his favourite band of all time is-“
“The Misfits.” Frank butts in confidently. “What?” he asks, seeing the confused glance this new found knowledge earned him. It wasn`t, after all, like him to bother finding out what his latest victims liked. He always had more important things on his hormone craved mind.
“It came up in the conversation, alright?” Frank defends himself, crossing his arms defiantly over his chest. “it’s not like I asked what kind of music he liked. I don`t give a shit if he likes Misfits or the fucking Spice Girls. That ain`t what I`m interested in, is it?”

Gerard stared up at the cracked white ceiling of his shared dorm room in awe, replaying his conversation with the utterly gorgeous Ashley Iero at the welcome back party the other night. Maybe his friends were right, not about the crazy heated buttsex, as the darling little innocent, BB had put it, but about asking him to study or something.
“Coffee.” He mumbles under his breath, sitting up, swinging his denim clad legs over the side of the bed. “I should have asked if he wanted to have a coffee the next day. I mean, he wouldn`t have said no, everyone likes coffee, right?”
A knock on the door disturbs him and BB and Sam saunter in. “Hey your gonna be late to Newman`s lecture if you don`t leave like right now.” BB tells him, and Gerard is shocked to realise that he had spent the whole of his free morning, where he was supposed to go to the library, daydreaming and fantasizing about Ashley.
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