Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Heart Will Go On( Frerard Titanic Story You Auditioned For)

Chapter Eight

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 3 reviews

“A kiss.” He agrees.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-09-02 - Updated: 2012-09-04 - 626 words

“I thought you weren’t going to come.” Frank whines. “I thought maybe you had stood me up.” The dark haired teenager pouts childishly, his feminine lips curving upwards into a almost psychotic grin as he sees the elder man`s sorrowful look and hastily apologises, explain that he was only joking.
“I told you that I`d love to meet up later, didn`t i?” Gerard reminds him, fiddling nervously with the sleeve of his best jacket, the one he had worn specially for their late night meeting.
“Yeah,” he mumbles, almost shyly, “but I thought maybe you were only being polite or some gentlemanly shit like that.”
The raven haired businessman chuckles softly, “Well I think we can safely assume that I wasn`t.”
“I guess we can.” Feeling awkward, a strange, alien feeling to the young, normally confident teen, Frank reaches into his scruffy jacket pocket and retrieves a smoke too occupy his thoughts and keep them from straying dirtily to the unfairly pretty man beside him, looking longingly at the thin stick in between his pouted lips.
“I’m sorry, would you like one?”
Gerard shakes his head. “I used to, but Mother didn`t approve so I stopped. She thought it was a disgusting habit, and didn`t like the smell.”
Frank smirks, “But Mother Dearest isn`t here now, is she?” he teases, a daring edge to his voice the other hadn`t heard before but it did something to his knees, turning them to a soft jelly like substance that wasn`t as entirely unpleasant as it sounded.
“No, she isn`t.”
Grinning Frank hands him his lit cigarette and watches mesmerised as Gerard gingerly takes a small drag, before exhaling almost relived before handing it back.
“Is that all you got, ya pussy?!” Frank spits, stubbing the end out and flicking it overboard into the icy black depths of the Atlantic below.
“No.” it sounded more like a question, even to Gerard himself.
“The prove it. I challenge you, Sir Gerard FancyAss, to a spitting contest.”
“A spitting contest?”
“Yes, that’s right, Your Royal Highness, a spitting contest, winner takes all.”
“And what does the winner take then?” he asks, leaning closer to the grinning, intoxicating wild teenager. “What is the prize?”
Frank bites his lip, looking up through his dark, thick lashes innocently. It did strange things to the older man. Dare he say it?
“A kiss?” He mumbles softly, a faint crimson bluah spreading across his cheeks.
Gerard gulps his heart and mind racing like a stallion. “A kiss.” He agrees.

“I have never been so utterly mortified in my entire life!” Donna exclaims madly, her husband following behind. He too, was completely disgusted by his eldest son`s choice of dinner guests.
“Well I thought that Frank was quite charming, in a rugged sort of way,” the midnight haired girl says meekly. “And the girl, Apollonia was fairly interesting.”
The older woman laughs bitterly. “He was a low class pig! And that girl, well she was the most unladylike woman I have ever had the pity and misfortune of encountering.”
Catherine sighs. “Well I thought they were nice.”
Choosing to ignore her comment, Donna continues in her shrill voice, “I do hope Gerard feels better soon, it is such a shame he felt unwell after out meal, but really, I cannot say I am surprised ate reign in contact with such a low class peasant for such a long period of time. I myself am beginning to feel a little woozy.”
“How terrible for you.” Catherine mutters darkly, before excuses herself, saying that she wanted to check on her husband to be. Something was off about him and she wanted to figure out what.
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